671 commits
to master
since this release
- 偏好设置中支持搜索时将中文标签搜索结果按热度排序。感谢e-hentai-db
和e-hentai-tag-count - Linux发布产物改为.deb与.AppImage文件。感谢madoka773
- 重新添加自动重定向至表站的设置,以应对部分ip无法访问表站的问题
- 支持自动创建.nomedia文件
- 支持处理下载原图时GP不足的情况
- 画廊详情页支持双标题
- 平板布局和桌面布局下,使用系统返回键返回时,会优先弹出右侧页面
- 阅读页支持去除滚动条
- 优化桌面端拖动文本框的逻辑
- 在添加快速搜索项时,会检查是否已有完全相同的项
- 画廊详情页不再展示.ehviewer信息
- 网络超时提示文本本地化
- 瀑布流布局下,增加图片最大长度限制
- 现在在访问被版权删除的画廊时,会兜底请求元数据进行展示
- 支持在应用启动时自动恢复下载任务
- 关注标签支持选择标签集
- 详情页支持显示标签投票状态(需要手动开启)
- 优化画廊详情信息UI
- 优化本地画廊图片的排序逻辑
- 优化下载归档时E站服务器崩溃时的处理逻辑
- 修复在某些情况下,下载画廊部分图片状态错误的bug
- 修复瀑布流大布局中,画廊标题和标签居中的bug
- 修复E站更新后无法重置图片配额的bug
- 修复保存原图时未删除缓存的bug
- 修复桌面端阅读页在水平列表布局下,放大图片后无法垂直拖动图片的bug
- 修复部分输入框会吊起安全键盘的问题
- 修复iOS下更新版本后保存原图失败的bug
- 修复手动重新下载的状态bug
- 修复瀑布流布局下图片周围存在空白区域的bug
- 修复在未选择显示标签的画廊列表布局时,详情页画廊语言展示错误的bug
- 修复详情页跳页后缩略图列数错误的bug
- 修复图片超分时对于gif图片的处理逻辑bug
- 修复重新下载后UI状态不正确的bug
- 升级数据库组件、网络组件、缓存组件、cookie组件
- Support sorting Chinese tag search results by popularity when searching.
Thanks to e-hentai-db
and e-hentai-tag-count - Add back the setting of automatically redirecting to the EH site to deal with the problem that some IPs cannot
access the EH site - Support to create .nomedia file automatically
- Support to process the situation of insufficient GP when downloading the original image
- Support display original and japanese title in gallery details page
- Under the tablet layout and desktop layout, when using the system return key to return, the right page will be
popped up first - The reading page supports removing the scroll bar
- Optimize the logic of dragging text boxes on the desktop
- When adding a quick search item, check whether there is a completely identical item
- The gallery details page no longer displays .ehviewer information
- Localize the network timeout prompt text
- Add the maximum length limit of the image under the waterfall layout
- Now when accessing a gallery that has been deleted due to copyright, the metadata will be requested as a fallback
- Support to automatically restore download tasks when application launches
- Support selecting tag sets for watched tags
- Support displaying the tag voting status in detail page (need to be manually enabled)
- Optimize the gallery details information UI
- Optimize the sorting logic of local gallery images
- Optimize the processing logic when the EH server crashes during archiving downloads
- Fix the bug that the status of downloading some gallery images is incorrect under some circumstances
- Fix the bug that the gallery title and tags are centered in the waterfall layout
- Fix the bug that the image quota cannot be reset
- Fix the bug that the cache is not deleted when saving the original image
- Fix the bug that the image cannot be dragged vertically after zooming in the desktop reading page in the horizontal
list layout - Fix the problem that some input boxes will hang up the security keyboard
- Fix the bug that saving the original image fails after updating the version on iOS
- Fix the bug that the status of manual re-download is incorrect
- Fix the bug that there is a blank area around the image in the waterfall layout
- Fix the bug that the gallery language is displayed incorrectly on the details page when the gallery list layout
that does not select to display tags - Fix the bug that the thumbnail column number is incorrect after jumping to the details page
- Fix the bug with super-resolution when deal with .gif images
- Fix the bug that the UI status is incorrect after re-downloading
- Upgrade database component, network component, cache component, cookie component