A web app that calculates the distance (in nautical miles) between two airports.
- Auto-complete the airports, with jQuery UI autocomplete
- Feature all airports in the US, with self-build airports.js file
- Calculate the distance of two airports, with SITA Airport API for airport info and distance
- Plot the trip on Google maps, with Google Map API and gmaps.js library
- Python Flask framwork to support cross domian issue with SITA API
- Live Demo for Airport-Distance Web App running on AWS EC2.
- Check your Python Version, 2.7.* would be best
Python -V
- install Flask
- install requests
pip install Flask
pip install requests
- Run the app
python run.py
- The app will be running on
This work uses a number of open source projects to work properly:
- flask - The Web microframework for perfectionists with deadlines.
- jQuery - The Write Less, Do More, JavaScript Library.
- jQuery UI - Set of user interface interactions, effects, widgets, and themes built on top of the jQuery JavaScript Library
- Ajax - jQuery library to load data from the server without a browser page refresh
- bootstrap - The most popular front-end framework for developing responsive, mobile first projects on the web.
- SITA Airport API - The public API from SITA Developers, to retrieve information about airports.
- Google Maps JavaScript API V3 - Embed the robust functionality and usefulness of Google Maps into website
- gmaps.js - Google Maps API with less pain and more fun
- Xiaoli Jiang jiangxiaoli1104@gmail.com