This repository is meant to provide some examples for you to better understand the features of the OpenTok Android SDK. The sample applications are meant to be used with the latest version of the OpenTok Android SDK. Feel free to copy and modify the source code herein for your own projects. Please consider sharing your modifications with us, especially if they might benefit other developers using the OpenTok Android SDK. See the License for more information.
This app module shows how to publish and subscribe to streams in a session.
This app module shows how to use both a custom video capturer and redender.
This app module shows how to use the audio driver API to implement a custom audio capturer and player
This app module shows how to publish a screen-sharing stream to a session.
This app module shows how to capture an image from a subscribed video stream.
This app module shows how to implement a simple video call application with several parties.
Check each app module's README file for more information.
This README and the sample applications are maintained separately from releases of the OpenTok Android SDK. To get the latest updates to these example applications and accompanying documentation, be sure to clone the sample repository itself: