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A copy of Patrick J. Wetmore's sample code of a bare bones MUD-style chat service.


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README 3/3/91

What it is:
  This distribution contains the files README, interface.c, interface.h,
  and sample.c. The files interface.c and interface.h contain definitions
  and declarations for some generic Internet-interfacing code. The best
  form of documentation is by example, in my opinion, so I included
  sample.c, which is a simple echo-mud that supports WHO, QUIT, and @shutdown
  as commands. Read it over a few times to get the gist of how to use
  the interface package.

  Here's some sample pseudocode sorta stuff, demonstrating the general
  procedure your program should follow:

    init_port(My Port Number, My Maximum Buffer Size);
    Do Our Own Start Up Stuff;
    while (We Still Want To Run) {
      switch (conn_status(Connection)) {
      case INPUT_RECEIVED:
        Handle the Input, using read_conn();
      case NEW_CONNECTION:
        Do Whatever Stuff We Need To Do With A New Connection;
        Do Our Own Clean Up;
    Do Some More Of Our Own Clean Up;

Configuring interface.c and interface.h:
  The following three values are #define'd in interface.h:

  MAX_CONNS         58    Maximum number of connections we'll take at a time
  MAX_INBUF         96    Maximum number of input lines to buffer
  MAX_LINE_PER_SEC  10    Maximum number of lines per second we'll receive
                          before the connection gets closed by the anti-
                          spammer (unless the connection has been marked
                          SPAM_OK with connctl())

Functions Declared In interface.h:

int init_port(int portno, int bufsiz);
  This connects a socket to portno, and configures it to receives a maximum
  string length of bufsiz-1. Returns 0 on failure.

void shutdown_port(void);
  This closes the port and its associated connections, and does some
  routine clean-up. Should be done before the program exits.

void shutdown_conn(CONN cd);
  This closes the connection and empties the input buffer.

int write_conn(CONN cd, char *msg);
  This writes the string msg to the specified connection. It returns -1
  on error.

char *read_conn(CONN cd);
  This returns the next string in the input queue of the connection. It
  returns NULL if the connection has no input queued.

CONN get_event(void);
  This waits for some activity on one of the open connections, and will
  return the connection for which the activity has occurred. The program
  calling get_event() should call conn_status() on the connection to
  determine the nature of the event.

int connctl(CONN cd, int oper, int data);
  This sets certain modes of the connection. Currently, the only
  operations permitted are:
    CONN_SET_FLAGS           This sets the flags on the connection.
                             The only flag supported currently is
                             SPAM_OK, which turns off the anti-spammer
                             for that connection when the flag is set.
    CONN_GET_FLAGS           Returns the flags set on the connection.
                             Data can be anything.
  connctl() returns -1 on error.

int conn_status(CONN cd);
  This returns the status of the connection. This will be one of the
    INPUT_RECEIVED           There is input queued on this connection.
                             Use read_conn() to retrieve it.
    NEW_CONNECTION           This is a new connection that has just been
    CONNECTION_DEAD          The connection has died on the client's end,
                             or the anti-spammer code has detected spamming.
                             The program should shutdown_conn() on this

CONN get_conn(int refno);
  This takes a number from 0 to MAX_CONNS-1 and indexes into the connection
  table. It will return a CONN if the connection is open, or NULL if the
  connection is closed or if the refno is out of bounds.

struct sockaddr_in get_inet_addr(CONN cd);
  This function returns the address of the connection.

int get_fd(CONN cd);
  This function returns the file descriptor associated with the connection.

interface.c and interface.h are 100% public domain. Do whatever the hell
you want with them.

DISCLAIMER: The author accepts no responsibility or liability for anything
  this code may do when compiled or run. Cope.

NOTE: The author doesn't care whether you think the code is pretty or not.
      The author doesn't believe in commenting.
      If there's a bug, email me about it. If you just want to whine about
      how gross it is, don't.

The author is:       Patrick J Wetmore


A copy of Patrick J. Wetmore's sample code of a bare bones MUD-style chat service.







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