This will be replaced by a much better setup. But for now:
You need Storm installed with its bin directory on $PATH
Checkout the proxymaker branch of Jython and build it. It includes a necessary fix for using Jython with Clojure types, as used in Storm, in Jython trunk, as well as new custom proxy maker support for better Java integration
$ hg clone ssh://
$ cd proxymaker
$ ant # build development version (fastest way)
$ export PATH=$(pwd)/dist/bin:$PATH # add jython to your path
Two more steps:
- Build an "uber" jar file for Storm; this contains all necessary jars. Running
storm classpath
computes the necessary classpath for Storm dependencies:
$ CLASSPATH="$(storm classpath)" jython27 \
-o uber.jar -i excl -i clamp
- Run the topology. Either stand alone mode, using
, which was bundled in the uber jar step:
$ CLASSPATH="$(storm classpath):$(pwd)/uber.jar" \
java org.python.util.jython
or on the storm cluster by submitting the uber jar; the corresponding cluster submitting code is in
$ storm jar uber.jar org.python.util.JarRunner