Suite of a variety of useful tools and scripts bundled as a PowerShell Module for setting up and customizing an optimal environment for a machine running on Windows 10 or 11.
The desired outcome of this module is to provide support for the following features related to setting up and configuring Windows:
- Windows System Settings
- Network Settings
- Explorer Settings
- User Profiles and Folders
- System Drivers
- Creating ISO Images and Virtual Hard Disks (.vhdx)
- Hyper-V and VMs
- Credentials and Secrets Management:
This setup guide incorporates the following areas into the setup & configuration of Windows:
- Windows Settings
- Windows Update Settings
- (Optional) Activation of Windows Insider Preview
- Automation of downloading and installing the latest Windows updates
- Ability to troubleshoot and reset Windows Update related services and settings (DISM, WSUS, BITS, Registry Entries, Restore Points, SFC, Winsock)
- System Settings
- Power Plan Configuration (pwrcfg)
- Enable High Performance Power Plans
- Ability to create, backup, and restore custom Power Plans
- Display and Sound:
- Setup Monitors, Brightness, Night Light, and Display Profile
- Storage:
- Activate and Configure Storage Sense
- Power Plan Configuration (pwrcfg)
- Windows Update Settings
- Explorer Settings
- Optional Features
- User Profiles
- Drivers
- ISO Images
- Hyper-V & virtual Machines
- Credentials and Secrets
- Windows Credential Manager Online and Windows credential stores
- GPG Keys
- SSH Keys
- Software License Keys
- Windows 10 Pro Activation License Key
- Office365/Microsoft365 Activation License Key
- API Keys
- Environment Variables
- Scripts
- Batch Files
- PowerShell Scripts
- R Scripts
- Bash Scripts
- etc.
- Installations
- Package Managers
- WinGet
- Chocolatey
- Scoop
- System Wide (All Users) Software
- User Software
- Manual Executable Installations
- Package Managers
- Settings > Update & Security > Install all Updates
Set-ExecutionPolicy Unrestricted
winget install PowerShell-Preview
winget install git
git config --global "Jimmy Briggs"
git config --global ""
winget install RProject.R RStudio.RStudio RProject.Rtools
winget install vscode-insiders
winget install SumatraPDF
winget install autohotkey
## Visual Studio Build Tool
winget install Microsoft.VisualStudio.BuildTools
# install scoop
iwr -useb | iex
scoop checkup
scoop install 7zip
scoop install aria2
scoop install innounp
scoop install dark
scoop install sudo
sudo Add-MpPreference -ExclusionPath '%HOMEPATH%\scoop'
sudo Add-MpPreference -ExclusionPath 'C:\ProgramData\scoop'
sudo Set-ItemProperty 'HKLM:\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\FileSystem' -Name 'LongPathsEnabled' -Value 1
# installed with scoop
scoop bucket add extras
scoop install keypirinha
scoop install pandoc
scoop install pandoc-crossref
scoop install everything
scoop install hugo-extended
scoop install jq
scoop install ffmpeg
scoop install gifski
scoop install screentogif
scoop install joplin
scoop install optipng
# Prefer Oh My Posh
# scoop install pshazz
# sudo Set-Service ssh-agent -StartupType Manual
# scoop install concfg
# concfg export console-backup.json
# concfg import solarized-dark
scoop install aria2
scoop install nano
scoop install gh
# add autocompletion
Add-Content -Path (echo $profile) -Value 'try { $null = gcm gh -ea stop; Invoke-Expression -Command $(gh completion -s powershell | Out-String) } catch { }'
scoop install bit
# add autocompletion
bit complete
scoop install bat
scoop install less
scoop install tldr
## Rust
scoop install rust-msvc
## Nodejs
scoop install nodejs
npm install -g gitmoji-cli
npm install -g standard
scoop install rtools
# Fonts
scoop bucket add nerd-fonts
sudo scoop install FiraCode
sudo scoop install FiraCode-NF
sudo scoop Cascadia-Code
# Configure powershell
## Powerline setup
Install-Module posh-git -Scope CurrentUser
Install-Module oh-my-posh -Scope CurrentUser
Install-Module -Name PSReadLine -Scope CurrentUser -Force -SkipPublisherCheck
Set-PowerLinePrompt -PowerLineFont
Add-Content -Path (echo $PROFILE) -Value '# Powerline setup'
Add-Content -Path (echo $PROFILE) -Value 'Import-Module posh-git'
Add-Content -Path (echo $PROFILE) -Value 'Import-Module oh-my-posh'
Add-Content -Path (echo $PROFILE) -Value 'Set-Theme Paradox'
# Activate WSL
## *
## *
sudo dism.exe /online /enable-feature /featurename:Microsoft-Windows-Subsystem-Linux /all /norestart
## WSL 2
sudo dism.exe /online /enable-feature /featurename:VirtualMachinePlatform /all /norestart
## restart
## update kernel :
sudo wsl --set-default-version 2
## Install ubuntu from winstore and run it to install
## Share env var (