This project started from the zsh-syntax-highlighting, redesigned it completely added many new features and lifted up to the next level.
The aim of this project now is to provide unified colorful zsh environment.
That includes:
- completion system
- commands, functions, aliases, etc.
- possible commands arguments or options (like directory stack for
or process ids forkill
- syntax
- including blocks of complex commands
- including files according to their attributes
- searched patterns in history
- selected regions
- default color scheme for some commands output (like
All colors are coherent among different context, so that i.e. file.txt is presented always in the color regardless whether its the output of ls file.txt
, suggestion from completion system or written by hand directly on the command line (see below for examples).
The program check the terminal capability and uses 256 (if possible) or 8 color palette. All color are configurable.
Download the script or clone this repository:
git clone git://
Add full path of the script at the end of
:echo '. /path/to/chromatic-zsh/chromatic-zsh.zsh' >>~/.zshrc
Start new session with
Some features for completion system works only if it is enable. Thus, although not strictly neccessary, I recommend to add also to ~/.zshrc:
autoload -U compinit && compinit
zstyle ':completion:*' verbose yes
zstyle ':completion:*' group-name ''
zstyle ':completion:*' menu select
The basic
output with--color
option (on GNU system) uses$LS_COLORS
environment variable to attach color to each file type. The result may look like that: -
One expects that the same color is used in completion system
(note: at the end of the line
was hit) -
and also syntax highlighting on the command line:
Options and their descriptions are highlighted differently:
(again notice tab after
) -
Here is the sample of some longer command line...
and completion with many categories:
Notice the same color for the same group (reserved words, parameters, etc) on the command line and completion system with the example above.
Directories are in blue everywhere, also in the directory stack completion of
cd -
. -
Process ids are red by default, clearly separated from pseudoterminal numbers
Searched pattern looks the same regardless where search took place: shell history or grep command