Background: PowerDNS is a powerful open source DNS server that offers both recursive and authoritative packages. It has powerful statistics available via a HTTP RESTFul API, carbon protocol or via a cli tool. The problem with this is that not all metrics systems provide support for carbon or have http agents that support the PowerDNS API.
This tool aims to provide a lightweight http to statsd bridge/proxy. It will query the PowerDNS API and emit the metrics in either statsd gauge or increments to a statsd server of your choice.
- 4.0
- 4.1
- 4.2
- 4.3
- 4.3
Requires Docker to be installed as it builds within a container to output binaries in Linux elf format.
make build
Will output an artifact to $PWD/bin
make install
Will install the artifact from $PWD/bin into /opt/pdns-stats-proxy/ and the systemd unit (service)
Enable in systemctl
systemctl enable pdns-stats-proxy
This tool uses a worker model, a powerdns client will execute and poll, the statistics are then passed via channel to a statistics worker which then emits them via statsd.