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elgato-stream-deck is a Node.js library for interfacing with the Elgato Stream Deck.

âť— Please note that node-elgato-stream-deck is NOT a standalone application. It is not something you download and run on its own. It is not an alternative to the official Stream Deck program provided by Elgato. Instead, node-elgato-stream-deck is a code library which provides an API to the Stream Deck. Developers can use this API to make their own applications which interface with the Stream Deck.

To further clarify: this is not an installable program. There is no user interface, and you cannot do anything with this library on its own. Out of the box, this library does nothing. It's purpose is to provide tools for programmers to build programs from the ground up which interact with a Stream Deck.

This is a tool for developers to use. It is not a program for end users. It cannot and will not replace the official Stream Deck program. That is not its goal. However, it does enable someone to more easily write a program which does do that.


$ npm install --save elgato-stream-deck

All of this library's native dependencies ship with prebuilt binaries, so having a full compiler toolchain should not be necessary to install node-elgato-stream-deck.

However, in the event that installation does fail (or if you are on a platform that our dependencies don't provide prebuilt binaries for, such as a Raspberry Pi), you will need to install a compiler toolchain to enable npm to build some of node-elgato-stream-deck's dependencies from source. Expand the details block below for full instructions on how to do so.

Compiling dependencies from source
  • Windows
    npm install --global windows-build-tools
  • MacOS
    • Install the Xcode Command Line Tools:
    xcode-select --install
  • Linux (including Raspberry Pi)
    • Follow the instructions for Linux in the "Compiling from source" steps for node-hid:
      sudo apt-get install build-essential git
      sudo apt-get install gcc-4.8 g++-4.8 && export CXX=g++-4.8
      sudo apt-get install sudo apt install libusb-1.0-0 libusb-1.0-0-dev
    • Install a recent version of Node.js.:
      curl -sL | sudo -E bash -
      sudo apt-get install -y nodejs 
    • Try installing node-elgato-stream-deck
    • If you still have issues, ensure everything is updated and try again:
      sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade

Table of Contents



const path = require('path');
const StreamDeck = require('elgato-stream-deck');

// Automatically discovers connected Stream Decks, and attaches to the first one.
// Throws if there are no connected stream decks.
// You also have the option of providing the devicePath yourself as the first argument to the constructor.
// For example: const myStreamDeck = new StreamDeck('\\\\?\\hid#vid_05f3&pid_0405&mi_00#7&56cf813&0&0000#{4d1e55b2-f16f-11cf-88cb-001111000030}')
// Device paths can be obtained via node-hid:
const myStreamDeck = new StreamDeck();

myStreamDeck.on('down', keyIndex => {
	console.log('key %d down', keyIndex);

myStreamDeck.on('up', keyIndex => {
	console.log('key %d up', keyIndex);

// Fired whenever an error is detected by the `node-hid` library.
// Always add a listener for this event! If you don't, errors will be silently dropped.
myStreamDeck.on('error', error => {

// Fill the second button from the left in the first row with an image of the GitHub logo.
// This is asynchronous and returns a promise.
myStreamDeck.fillImageFromFile(3, path.resolve(__dirname, 'github_logo.png')).then(() => {
	console.log('Successfully wrote a GitHub logo to key 3.');

// Fill the first button form the left in the first row with a solid red color. This is synchronous.
myStreamDeck.fillColor(4, 255, 0, 0);
console.log('Successfully wrote a red square to key 4.');


import StreamDeck = require('elgato-stream-deck');
const myStreamDeck = new StreamDeck(); // Will throw an error if no Stream Decks are connected.

myStreamDeck.on('down', keyIndex => {
	console.log('key %d down', keyIndex);

myStreamDeck.on('up', keyIndex => {
	console.log('key %d up', keyIndex);

// Fired whenever an error is detected by the `node-hid` library.
// Always add a listener for this event! If you don't, errors will be silently dropped.
myStreamDeck.on('error', error => {


  • Multiplatform support: Windows 7-10, MacOS, Linux, and even Raspberry Pi!
  • Key down and key up events
  • Fill keys with images or solid RGB colors
  • Fill the entire panel with a single image, spread across all keys
  • Set the Stream Deck brightness
  • TypeScript support

Planned Features


The elgato-stream-deck team enthusiastically welcomes contributions and project participation! There's a bunch of things you can do if you want to contribute! The Contributor Guide has all the information you need for everything from reporting bugs to contributing entire new features. Please don't hesitate to jump in if you'd like to, or even ask us questions if something isn't clear.

All participants and maintainers in this project are expected to follow Code of Conduct, and just generally be kind to each other.

Please refer to the Changelog for project history details, too.


> streamDeck.write(buffer) -> undefined

Synchronously writes an arbitrary Buffer instance to the Stream Deck. Throws if an error is encountered during the write operation.

// Writes 16 bytes of zero to the Stream Deck.

> streamDeck.fillColor(keyIndex, r, g, b) -> undefined

Synchronously sets the given keyIndex's screen to a solid RGB color.

// Turn key 4 (the top left key) solid red.
streamDeck.fillColor(4, 255, 0, 0);

> streamDeck.fillImageFromFile(keyIndex, filePath) -> Promise

Asynchronously reads an image from filePath and sets the given keyIndex's screen to that image. Automatically scales the image to 72x72 and strips out the alpha channel. If necessary, the image will be center-cropped to fit into a square.

// Fill the second button from the left in the first row with an image of the GitHub logo.
streamDeck.fillImageFromFile(3, path.resolve(__dirname, 'github_logo.png'))
	.then(() => {
		console.log('Successfully wrote a GitHub logo to key 3.');
	.catch(err => {

> streamDeck.fillImage(keyIndex, buffer) -> undefined

Synchronously writes a buffer of 72x72 RGB image data to the given keyIndex's screen. The buffer must be exactly 15552 bytes in length. Any other length will result in an error being thrown.

// Fill the third button from the left in the first row with an image of the GitHub logo.
const sharp = require('sharp'); // See for full docs on this great library!
sharp(path.resolve(__dirname, 'github_logo.png'))
	.flatten() // Eliminate alpha channel, if any.
	.resize(streamDeck.ICON_SIZE, streamDeck.ICON_SIZE) // Scale up/down to the right size, cropping if necessary.
	.raw() // Give us uncompressed RGB.
	.then(buffer => {
		return streamDeck.fillImage(2, buffer);
	.catch(err => {

> streamDeck.fillPanel(imagePathOrBuffer[, sharpOptions]) -> Promise

Asynchronously applies an image to the entire panel, spreading it over all keys. The image is scaled down and center-cropped to fit. This method does not currently account for the gaps between keys, and behaves as if each key was directly connected to its neighbors. If you wish to account for the gaps between keys, you'll need to do so via other means, and bake that into the image you provide to fillPanel.

This method accepts either a path to an image on the disk, or a buffer. The image path or buffer is passed directly to sharp. Therefore, this method accepts all images and buffers which sharp can accept.

// Fill the entire panel with a photo of a sunny field.
streamDeck.fillPanel(path.resolve(__dirname, 'examples/fixtures/sunny_field.png'))
	.then(() => {
		console.log('Successfully filled the panel with an image.');
	.catch(err => {

> streamDeck.clearKey(keyIndex) -> undefined

Synchronously clears the given keyIndex's screen.

// Clear the third button from the left in the first row.

> streamDeck.clearAllKeys() -> undefined

Synchronously clears all keys on the device.

// Clear all keys.

> streamDeck.setBrightness(percentage) -> undefined

Synchronously set the brightness of the Stream Deck. This affects all keys at once. The brightness of individual keys cannot be controlled.

// Set the Stream Deck to maximum brightness


> down

Fired whenever a key is pressed. keyIndex is the 0-14 numerical index of that key.

streamDeck.on('down', keyIndex => {
	console.log('key %d down', keyIndex);

> up

Fired whenever a key is released. keyIndex is the 0-14 numerical index of that key.

streamDeck.on('up', keyIndex => {
	console.log('key %d up', keyIndex);

> error

Fired whenever an error is detected by the node-hid library. Always add a listener for this event! If you don't, errors will be silently dropped.

streamDeck.on('error', error => {

Protocol Notes

Raw protocol notes can be found in These detail the protocol and method for interacting with the Stream Deck which this module implements.


A Node.js library for interfacing with the Elgato Stream Deck.



Code of conduct





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