Line-by-line Stream transformer for web
(A ported version of jahewson/node-byline for using with whatwg streams) If you want to use byLine in node, then i recomend jahewson package
Currently only ReadableStream is implemented in Blink. TransformStream + WritableStream are on the way to be finilized. Until then you need web-stream-polyfill
The byline
module can be used as a function to quickly pipe throught a readable stream to a WritableStream:
rs = new ReadableStream({...})
ws = new WritableStream({ write: console.log }
To read a large CSV from a file (or input) for example you can include Screw-FileReader to turn a blob into a stream
Example here:
And below:
file = new File([content], 'large data.csv')
stdout = new WritableStream({ write: console.log }
byline skips empty lines
Unlike other modules (of which there are many), web-byline
contains no:
- monkeypatching
- dependencies (except for stream polyfill)
- CoffeeScript
- Unnecessary code
- minifed version
- es6-to-es5 transformation
- I expect you to write decent code and use
and all that and simply include this in your own build process since you are probably going to minify it anyway. - So a decient browser won't suffer cuz of other.
"The only way to truly force the web to embrace modern open standards is to invalidate old technology."