A command line interface for browsing cards from A Game of Thrones LCG 2nd Ed.
Thronesdb.com is a great web site, but sometimes it's just nice to do things from the command line.
Thrones CLI also has the ability produce card count breakdowns based on a selected field, with the --count option.
Thrones CLI can be installed from PyPI using pip:
sudo pip install thronescli
Thrones CLI has the following options as given by the --help option:
$ thronescli --help
Usage: thronescli [OPTIONS] [TEXT]...
--update Update card database
-v, --verbose Show more data.
--brief Show one line of data, regardless the level of verbose.
--long Show multiple lines of data, regardless the level of verbose.
--show FIELD Show given field only. Can be repeated to show multiple
fields in given order.
--case Use case sensitive filtering.
--exact Use exact match filtering.
--regex Use regular rexpressions when filtering.
--or FIELD Treat multiple tests for given field with logical
disjunction, i.e. OR-logic instead of AND-logic.
--inclusive Treat multiple tests for different fields with logical
disjunction, i.e. OR-logic instead of AND-logic.
--sort FIELD Sort results by given field.
--desc Sort results in descending order.
--group FIELD Group results by given field.
--count FIELD Print a breakdown of all values for given field.
--version Show the version and exit.
--help Show this message and exit.
Field filters:
-n, --name TEXT Filter on matching name.
--trait TEXT Filter on matching traits.
-x, --text TEXT Filter on matching text.
--keyword TEXT Filter on matching keywords.
--unique Filter on unique.
--non-unique Filter on non-unique.
--loyal Filter on loyal.
--non-loyal Filter on non-loyal.
-f, --faction FACTION Filter on matching faction.
--faction-isnt FACTION Filter on non-matching faction.
-t, --type TYPE Filter on matching type.
--type-isnt TYPE Filter on non-matching type.
--cost NUMBER Filter on matching cost (number comparison).
--ambush-cost NUMBER Filter on matching ambush cost (number comparison).
--bestow-limit NUMBER Filter on matching bestow limit (number comparison).
--shadow-cost NUMBER Filter on matching shadow cost (number comparison).
--str NUMBER Filter on matching str (number comparison).
--icon ICON Filter on having given icon.
--icon-isnt ICON Filter on not having given icon.
--claim NUMBER Filter on matching claim (number comparison).
--income NUMBER Filter on matching income (number comparison).
--initiative NUMBER Filter on matching initiative (number comparison).
--reserve NUMBER Filter on matching reserve (number comparison).
--illustrator TEXT Filter on matching illustrator.
--set TEXT Filter on matching set.
FACTION One of: baratheon, gj, greyjoy, lannister, martell, neutral,
night's watch, nw, stark, targaryen, the night's watch, tyrell.
FIELD One of: ambush cost, bestow limit, claim, cost, faction, icons,
illustrator, income, initiative, keywords, loyal, name, reserve,
set, shadow cost, str, text, traits, type, unique.
ICON One of: military, intrigue, power. A combination of the letters
'MIP' can be used to define multiple respective icons.
NUMBER A number optionally prefixed by one of the supported comparison
operators: ==, =, !=, !, <=, <, >=, >. Or a range of two numbers
separated with the .. operator. With == being the default operator
if none is given.
TEXT A text partially matching the field value. The --case, --regex and
--exact options can be applied. If prefixed with ! the match is
TYPE One of: agenda, attachment, character, event, location, plot,
Find a card by its name:
$ thronescli Asha
Asha Greyjoy: Unique. House Greyjoy. Character. 5 Cost. 4 STR. M P.
Asha Greyjoy: Unique. Loyal. House Greyjoy. Character. 7 Cost. 5 STR. M I P.
Asha Greyjoy: Unique. House Greyjoy. Character. 6 Cost. 5 STR. M P.
Total count: 3
Print more of the cards' information:
$ thronescli Asha -v
Asha Greyjoy
Ironborn. Lady.
Reaction: After you win an unopposed challenge in which Asha Greyjoy is participating, stand her.
Unique: Yes
Loyal: No
Faction: House Greyjoy
Type: Character
Cost: 5
STR: 4
Icons: M P
Asha Greyjoy
Captain. Ironborn. Lady.
Pillage. Stealth.
Reaction: After Asha Greyjoy discards a card using pillage, search the top X cards of your deck for a card and add it to your hand. Shuffle your deck. X is the number of cards in the losing opponent's
discard pile.
Unique: Yes
Loyal: Yes
Faction: House Greyjoy
Type: Character
Cost: 7
STR: 5
Icons: M I P
Asha Greyjoy
Captain. Ironborn. Lady.
Pillage. Stealth.
Each other unique Ironborn character you control gains stealth.
Unique: Yes
Loyal: No
Faction: House Greyjoy
Type: Character
Cost: 6
STR: 5
Icons: M P
Total count: 3
Find all Greyjoy characters with an intrigue icon, grouped by STR:
$ thronescli -f gj --icon i --group str
[ 1 STR ]
Lordsport Shipwright: House Greyjoy. Character. 2 Cost. 1 STR. I.
The Reader's Septon: House Greyjoy. Character. 2 Cost. 1 STR. I P.
Harlaw Scout: House Greyjoy. Character. 2 Cost. 1 STR. M I.
[ 2 STR ]
Alannys Greyjoy: Unique. House Greyjoy. Character. 3 Cost. 2 STR. I P.
Priest of the Drowned God: House Greyjoy. Character. 3 Cost. 2 STR. I P.
Esgred: Unique. House Greyjoy. Character. 5 Cost. 2 STR. M I P.
Wex Pyke: Unique. House Greyjoy. Character. 2 Cost. 2 STR. M I.
Drowned God Fanatic: Loyal. House Greyjoy. Character. 3 Cost. 2 STR. M I.
Maester Murenmure: Unique. House Greyjoy. Character. 3 Cost. 2 STR. I P.
Old Grey Gull: Unique. Loyal. House Greyjoy. Character. 3 Cost. 2 STR. I P.
Drowned God Fanatic: Loyal. House Greyjoy. Character. 3 Cost. 2 STR. M I.
Cragorn: Unique. House Greyjoy. Character. 2 Cost. 2 STR. I.
[ 3 STR ]
Drowned God's Apostle: House Greyjoy. Character. 4 Cost. 3 STR. I P.
Aeron Damphair: Unique. Loyal. House Greyjoy. Character. 5 Cost. 3 STR. I P.
Hotho Humpback: Unique. House Greyjoy. Character. 4 Cost. 3 STR. I P.
Left-Hand Lucas Codd: Unique. House Greyjoy. Character. 4 Cost. 3 STR. M I.
Ralf Kenning: Unique. Loyal. House Greyjoy. Character. 4 Cost. 3 STR. M I.
[ 4 STR ]
The Reader: Unique. Loyal. House Greyjoy. Character. 5 Cost. 4 STR. I P.
Aeron Damphair: Unique. House Greyjoy. Character. 6 Cost. 4 STR. I P.
Tarle the Thrice-Drowned: Unique. Loyal. House Greyjoy. Character. 5 Cost. 4 STR. I P.
Euron Crow's Eye: Unique. Loyal. House Greyjoy. Character. 6 Cost. 4 STR. M I P.
Alannys Greyjoy: Unique. Loyal. House Greyjoy. Character. 5 Cost. 4 STR. I P.
King's Landing Proselyte: House Greyjoy. Character. 4 Cost. 4 STR. I P.
Euron Crow's Eye: Unique. Loyal. House Greyjoy. Character. 6 Cost. 4 STR. M I P.
Dagmer Cleftjaw: Unique. House Greyjoy. Character. 5 Cost. 4 STR. M I.
[ 5 STR ]
Asha Greyjoy: Unique. Loyal. House Greyjoy. Character. 7 Cost. 5 STR. M I P.
Tarle the Thrice-Drowned: Unique. Loyal. House Greyjoy. Character. 6 Cost. 5 STR. I P.
[ 6 STR ]
Euron Crow's Eye: Unique. Loyal. House Greyjoy. Character. 7 Cost. 6 STR. M I P.
Total count: 28
Find all non-limited income providing cards:
$ thronescli --text "\+\d+ Income" --text "!Limited" --regex
Littlefinger: Unique. Neutral. Character. 5 Cost. 4 STR. I P.
Tywin Lannister: Unique. Loyal. House Lannister. Character. 7 Cost. 6 STR. M I P.
Paxter Redwyne: Unique. Loyal. House Tyrell. Character. 4 Cost. 3 STR. I.
Master of Coin: Neutral. Title.
The God's Eye: Unique. Neutral. Location. 3 Cost.
Shield of Lannisport: Unique. Loyal. House Lannister. Attachment. 3 Cost.
Mace Tyrell: Unique. Loyal. House Tyrell. Character. 6 Cost. 4 STR. I P.
Northern Armory: Loyal. House Stark. Location. 2 Cost.
Stormlands Fiefdom: Loyal. House Baratheon. Location. 2 Cost.
Tycho Nestoris: Unique. Neutral. Character. 6 Cost. 3 STR. P.
Miner's Pick: Loyal. The Night's Watch. Attachment. 1 Cost.
Gold Mine: Loyal. House Lannister. Location. 2 Cost.
Summer Sea Port: Loyal. House Martell. Location. 2 Cost.
Tithe Collector: House Lannister. Character. 3 Cost. 3 STR. I.
Meereenese Market: Loyal. House Targaryen. Location. 2 Cost.
Refurbished Hulk: Loyal. House Greyjoy. Location. 2 Cost.
Arbor Marketplace: Loyal. House Tyrell. Location. 2 Cost.
Knights of the Hollow Hill: Neutral. Agenda.
The Red Keep: Unique. House Lannister. Location. 4 Cost.
The Red Keep: Unique. House Lannister. Location. 4 Cost.
Ser Harys Swyft: Unique. House Lannister. Character. 4 Cost. 4 STR. P.
Fair Isle: Unique. Loyal. House Lannister. Location. 3 Cost.
The Green Fork: Unique. Neutral. Location. 2 Cost.
Garth Greenhand: Unique. Loyal. House Tyrell. Attachment. 3 Cost.
Total count: 24
Find the best faction for using Street of Silk:
$ thronescli --trait ally --trait companion --or trait --count faction
[ Faction counts ]
House Targaryen: 29
Neutral: 27
House Lannister: 22
House Martell: 16
House Baratheon: 14
The Night's Watch: 14
House Stark: 14
House Tyrell: 12
House Greyjoy: 11
Total count: 159
Find all 1 cost characters and get a breakdown of their trait and icon spread.
$ thronescli --cost 1 -t char --count icon --count trait
[ Icons counts ]
Power: 13
Intrigue: 7
Military: 3
[ Traits counts ]
Ally: 13
Steward: 4
Merchant: 3
Raven: 2
Lord: 2
Mercenary: 2
Companion: 2
Builder: 1
Maester: 1
Fool: 1
House Frey: 1
House Arryn: 1
Recruit: 1
Total count: 24
- All card data is copyright by Fantasy Flight Games.
- All card data is provided by thronesdb.com.
- Thrones CLI is written by Petter Nyström.