NodeJS ExpressJS Express-Session EJS Mongoose Mongoodb AngularJS Bootstrap
This simple app aims to provide above techonologies integration.
- NodeJS is a trend now, so I use it as server here
- ExpressJS is the most fastest way to create a node web application, that's why I choose it
- Session is really very important for any real app, this is a must
- EJS, I choose EJS this actually because of AngularJS
As most comments said, Jade is somewhat slow, especially not friendly to frontend developers. Then I was considering to use HandleBars, but it happens to use the same notation {{}} with AngularJS. Thus after serious consideration I choose EJS. - MongooDB is great and friendly to NodeJS, no reason to use others
- Mongoose is an Object Schema for operating Mongoodb in Node, that's great
- AngularJS, it is famous for the data-binding, and that's the only feature used in this project.
I didn't use the redirection and validation, since it might be a risk for a project to use customer-side redirection.
- Bootstrap, this is a CSS framework aims to provide screen sensitive for computer, pad and mobile phones. Must have
By the way, I am planning to use as less Restful services as possible in this project. It is because, restful apis is hard to manage the data security.
Setup guide:
- git clone
- cd thinkfree
- npm install
- mongod to start your mongodb
- node bin/www or npm start to run the server
- visit http://localhost:3000 the homepage
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