This is a WIP Android frontend for the melonDS Android port. For the Android port of the emulator, check out
Rom List | Dark Theme | Pocket Physics | Layout Editor |
- Device scanning for ROMS
- Games can boot and run
- Sound
- Input
- Mic input
- Game saves
- Save states
- Rewind
- AR cheats
- GBA ROM support
- DSi support (experimental)
- Controller support
- Customizable layouts
- Settings
- Wi-Fi
- OpenGL renderer
- Customizable button skins
- More display filters
Performance is solid on 64 bit devices with thread rendering and JIT enabled, and should run at full speed on flagship devices. Performance on older devices, specially 32 bit devices, is very poor due to the lack of JIT support.
It's possible to launch melonDS from third part frontends. For that, you simply need to call the emulation activity with the absolute path to the ROM file. The parameters are the following:
- Package name:
- Activity name:
- Parameters:
- a string with the absolute path to the NDS ROM (ZIP files are supported)
To build the project you will need Android SDK, NDK and CMake.
Clone the project, including submodules with:
git clone --recurse-submodules
Install the Android SDK, NDK and CMake
Build with:
- Unix:
./gradlew :app:assembleGitHubRelease
- Windows:
gradlew.bat :app:assembleGitHubRelease
- Unix:
The generated APK can be found at