Pytorch code of paper "Region Proposal Network Based Small-Footprint Keyword Spotting"
Please cite the work below if you want to use the code or want to do research related to our work
author={Hou, Jingyong and Shi, Yangyang and Ostendorf, Mari and Hwang, Mei-Yuh
and Xie, Lei },
journal={IEEE Signal Processing Letters},
title={Region Proposal Network Based Small-Footprint Keyword Spotting},
I will release a new version of RPN KWS with an Online Hard Example Mining (OHEM) algorithm, which will improve our system.
Selected two utterances which contains predefined keyword. The red box is the ground-truth start-end area of keyword from forced-alignment, the blue box is the best anchor selected according to the classification score, the green box is the proposed region proposal corresponding to the best anchor.
You should know basic knowledge of Kaldi before looking at the run script. I use Kaldi to extract Fbank features and do a global CMVN using the statictics from all training set. You should add,, steps and utils to your working dir before you run the script.