The Snow Inspector is a web-based tool for inspecting the time series of snow cover at any point on Earth. It is a Tethys App with a map and graph view. When you select the location on the map, you can display the daily time series. Value 100% means complete snow coverage. 0% means no snow and the intermediate values mean incomplete snow coverage.
No data means that the location was covered by cloud on the given day and the snow coverage is unknown.
We acknowledge the use of imagery provided by services from the NASA Global Imagery Browse Service (GIBS), operated by the NASA/GSFC/Earth Science Data and Information System (ESDIS, with funding provided by NASA/HQ. Note: The GIBS web service data uses the MODIS/Terra MOD10_L3 swath daily fractional snow cover dataset.
Mouse-over a time series data point also shows the original GIBS image and the selected pixel location.