It is pretty useful to versioning that the package management system like apt
or yum
But we have to manage ourselves about executables in GitHub Releases.
cd /tmp
tar xzf nimjson_linux.tar.gz
mkdir -p ~/bin
install -m 0755 ./nimjson_linux/bin/nimjson ~/bin/
We have to run those commands if we want to upgrade one.
I want to resolve this problem.
can upgrade your executables that installed with relma
At first, you have to run relma init
to create configuration file.
Next, executables in GitHub Releases will be installed when you run relma init <release_url>
At default, symbolic links will be created in $HOME/relma/bin
The entities will be stored in $HOME/relma/releases/<owner/repo>
relma init
relma install
has informations of installed releases.
And you can install releases with releases.json
relma install -f releases.json
Please you run below if you want to upgrade all releases.
relma update
relma upgrade --yes
Please you run below if you want to upgrade specific releases.
relma upgrade --yes <owner/repo>
# ex:
# relma upgrade --yes jiro4989/nimjson
is the release name in relma
Please run below if you want to check those.
relma list
Please you run below if you want to uninstall specific releases.
relma uninstall <owner/repo>
# ex:
# relma uninstall jiro4989/nimjson
You can install relma
if you have Go compiler.
But relma --version
always prints dev
Run below:
go install
Or, you can download and install from GitHub Releases.