Go here for the 'amend' workflow.
Go here for squashing lots of commits into 1 commit.
Combine multiple existing commits into a single one. Squashing commits is the preferred way to merge a feature branch back into a long-running branch like "main".
$ git rebase -i HEAD~3
If you mark one or more lines as "squash", they will be combined with the one above (but commit messages are kept, instead use "fixup").
After entering a commit message for the new, combining commit, the Interactive Rebase is completed.
now push to the remote, with force, since we rewrote history:
$ git push --force-with-lease
Learning rebase and squash and stash. Here I add a merge conflict.
Let’s say a feature branch is started. (git config --global pull.rebase)Let’s say a feature branch is started. (git config --global pull.rebase)
git checkout main && git pull origin main
git rebase -i main
the WIP commit is fine, I change pick into fixup, :wq and rebase is ‘done’
git checkout main && git pull origin main now push to the remote, with force, since we rewrote history:
git push --force-with-lease
squash commits before rebasing on develop.
now push to the remote, with force, since we rewrote history:
git push --force-with-lease
So many merge conflicts!
New: line: what are my GIT credentials? (Use Personal Access Token only)