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Merge pull request #298 from Noaillesss/master
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jjdishere authored Jan 19, 2024
2 parents 8210126 + 97b7259 commit 2e748e0
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Showing 11 changed files with 990 additions and 412 deletions.
29 changes: 29 additions & 0 deletions EuclideanGeometry/Foundation/Axiom/Basic/Plane_trash.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
import EuclideanGeometry.Foundation.Axiom.Basic.Plane

noncomputable section
namespace EuclidGeom

variable {P : Type _} [EuclideanPlane P]

/- point reflection -/
def pt_flip (A O : P) : P := (VEC A O) +ᵥ O

theorem pt_flip_symm {A B O : P} (h : B = pt_flip A O) : A = pt_flip B O := by
rw [h]
unfold pt_flip Vec.mkPtPt
rw [vsub_vadd_eq_vsub_sub]

theorem pt_flip_vec_eq {A B O : P} (h : B = pt_flip A O) : VEC A O = VEC O B := by
rw [h, pt_flip, Vec.mkPtPt, Vec.mkPtPt]

theorem pt_flip_vec_eq_half_vec {A B O : P} (h : B = pt_flip A O) : VEC A O = (1 / 2 : ℝ) • (VEC A B) := by
_ = (1 / 2 : ℝ) • (VEC A O + VEC O B) := by rw [vec_add_vec]
_ = VEC A O := by
rw [← pt_flip_vec_eq h, ← two_smul ℝ, smul_smul]

end EuclidGeom
318 changes: 281 additions & 37 deletions EuclideanGeometry/Foundation/Axiom/Circle/Basic.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,8 +1,8 @@
import EuclideanGeometry.Foundation.Axiom.Position.Orientation
import EuclideanGeometry.Foundation.Axiom.Triangle.Basic
import EuclideanGeometry.Foundation.Axiom.Triangle.Trigonometric
import EuclideanGeometry.Foundation.Axiom.Linear.Line_trash
import EuclideanGeometry.Foundation.Axiom.Linear.Perpendicular
import EuclideanGeometry.Foundation.Axiom.Linear.Ray_trash
import EuclideanGeometry.Foundation.Axiom.Basic.Plane_trash
import EuclideanGeometry.Foundation.Axiom.Position.Orientation_trash

noncomputable section
namespace EuclidGeom
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -123,11 +123,15 @@ instance pt_liesout_ne_pt_liesint {A B : P} {ω : Circle P} (h₁ : A LiesOut ω

theorem interior_of_circle_iff_inside_not_on_circle (p : P) (ω : Circle P) : p LiesInt ω ↔ (p LiesIn ω) ∧ (¬ p LiesOn ω) := by
theorem liesint_iff_liesin_and_not_lieson (p : P) (ω : Circle P) : p LiesInt ω ↔ (p LiesIn ω) ∧ (¬ p LiesOn ω) := by
show dist ω.center p < ω.radius ↔ (dist ω.center p ≤ ω.radius) ∧ (¬ dist ω.center p = ω.radius)
exact lt_iff_le_and_ne

theorem liesin_iff_liesint_or_lieson (A : P) (ω : Circle P) : A LiesIn ω ↔ (A LiesInt ω) ∨ (A LiesOn ω) := by
show dist ω.center A ≤ ω.radius ↔ (dist ω.center A < ω.radius) ∨ (dist ω.center A = ω.radius)
exact le_iff_lt_or_eq

theorem mk_pt_pt_lieson {O A : P} [PtNe O A] : A LiesOn (CIR O A) := rfl

theorem mk_pt_pt_diam_fst_lieson {A B : P} [_h : PtNe A B] : A LiesOn (mk_pt_pt_diam A B) := by
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -225,46 +229,286 @@ end Circle

end Collinear

section antipode

namespace Circle

def antipode (A : P) (ω : Circle P) : P := VEC A ω.center +ᵥ ω.center

theorem antipode_lieson_circle {A : P} {ω : Circle P} {ha : A LiesOn ω} : (antipode A ω) LiesOn ω := by
show dist ω.center (antipode A ω) = ω.radius
rw [NormedAddTorsor.dist_eq_norm', antipode, vsub_vadd_eq_vsub_sub]
simp only [vsub_self, zero_sub, norm_neg]
show ‖ω.center -ᵥ A‖ = ω.radius
rw [← NormedAddTorsor.dist_eq_norm', ha]

theorem antipode_symm {A B : P} {ω : Circle P} {ha : A LiesOn ω} (h : antipode A ω = B) : antipode B ω = A := by
show VEC B ω.center +ᵥ ω.center = A
apply (eq_vadd_iff_vsub_eq _ _ _).mpr
show VEC ω.center A = VEC B ω.center
have : VEC ω.center B = VEC A ω.center := by
show B -ᵥ ω.center = VEC A ω.center
apply (eq_vadd_iff_vsub_eq _ _ _).mp h.symm
rw [← neg_vec, ← this, neg_vec]

theorem antipode_distinct {A : P} {ω : Circle P} {ha : A LiesOn ω} : antipode A ω ≠ A := by
intro eq
have : VEC ω.center A = VEC A ω.center := by
show A -ᵥ ω.center = VEC A ω.center
apply (eq_vadd_iff_vsub_eq _ _ _).mp eq.symm
have neq : A ≠ ω.center := (pt_lieson_ne_center ha).out
contrapose! neq
apply (eq_iff_vec_eq_zero _ _).mpr
have : 2 • (VEC ω.center A) = 0 := by
rw [two_smul]
nth_rw 1 [this]
rw [vec_add_vec]
apply (two_nsmul_eq_zero ℝ _).mp this
def IsAntipode {A B : P} (ω : Circle P) (_ha : A LiesOn ω) (_hb : B LiesOn ω) : Prop := B = pt_flip A ω.center

theorem antipode_symm {A B : P} {ω : Circle P} (ha : A LiesOn ω) (hb : B LiesOn ω) : IsAntipode ω ha hb ↔ IsAntipode ω hb ha := by
unfold IsAntipode
· apply pt_flip_symm
apply pt_flip_symm

theorem antipode_center_is_midpoint {A B : P} {ω : Circle P} (ha : A LiesOn ω) (hb : B LiesOn ω) (h : IsAntipode ω ha hb) : ω.center = (SEG A B).midpoint := pt_flip_center_is_midpoint h

theorem antipode_iff_collinear (A B : P) {ω : Circle P} [h : PtNe B A] (ha : A LiesOn ω) (hb : B LiesOn ω) : IsAntipode ω ha hb ↔ Collinear A ω.center B := by
· intro hh
apply pt_flip_collinear hh
intro hcl
haveI : PtNe A ω.center := pt_lieson_ne_center ha
have hl : B LiesOn LIN ω.center A := Line.pt_pt_maximal (Collinear.perm₂₁₃ hcl)
have heq : VEC A ω.center = VEC ω.center B := by
apply vec_eq_dist_eq_of_lies_on_line_pt_pt_of_ptNe hl
rw [ha, hb]
unfold IsAntipode pt_flip
rw [heq, eq_vadd_iff_vsub_eq]

theorem mk_pt_pt_diam_isantipode {A B : P} [h : PtNe A B] : IsAntipode (mk_pt_pt_diam A B) mk_pt_pt_diam_fst_lieson mk_pt_pt_diam_snd_lieson := by
have hc : Collinear A (SEG A B).midpoint B := by
apply Collinear.perm₁₃₂
apply Line.pt_pt_linear
show (SEG A B).midpoint LiesOn (SEG_nd A B).toLine
apply SegND.lies_on_toLine_of_lie_on
apply Seg.midpt_lies_on
exact (antipode_iff_collinear _ _ mk_pt_pt_diam_fst_lieson mk_pt_pt_diam_snd_lieson).mpr hc

end Circle

end antipode

section arc

variable (ω : Circle P)

structure Arc (P : Type _) [EuclideanPlane P] (ω : Circle P) where
source : P
target : P
ison : (source LiesOn ω) ∧ (target LiesOn ω)
endpts_ne : PtNe target source

namespace Arc

attribute [instance] Arc.endpts_ne

protected def mk_pt_pt_circle {ω : Circle P} {A B : P} [h : PtNe B A] (ha : A LiesOn ω) (hb : B LiesOn ω) : Arc P ω where
source := A
target := B
ison := ⟨ha, hb⟩
endpts_ne := h

end Arc

scoped notation "ARC" => Arc.mk_pt_pt_circle

namespace Arc

protected def IsOn {ω : Circle P} (p : P) (β : Arc P ω) : Prop := (p LiesOn ω) ∧ (¬ p LiesOnLeft (DLIN β.source β.target))

protected def ne_endpts {ω : Circle P} (p : P) (β : Arc P ω) : Prop := (p ≠ β.source) ∧ (p ≠ β.target)

instance pt_ne_source {ω : Circle P} {p : P} {β : Arc P ω} (h : β.ne_endpts p) : PtNe β.source p := ⟨h.1.symm⟩

instance pt_ne_target {ω : Circle P} {p : P} {β : Arc P ω} (h : β.ne_endpts p) : PtNe β.target p := ⟨h.2.symm⟩

protected def IsInt {ω : Circle P} (p : P) (β : Arc P ω) : Prop := (Arc.IsOn p β) ∧ (β.ne_endpts p)

protected def carrier {ω : Circle P} (β : Arc P ω) : Set P := { p : P | Arc.IsOn p β }

protected def interior {ω : Circle P} (β : Arc P ω) : Set P := { p : P | Arc.IsInt p β }

instance : Fig (Arc P ω) P where
carrier := Arc.carrier

instance : Interior (Arc P ω) P where
interior := Arc.interior

theorem center_ne_endpts {ω : Circle P} (β : Arc P ω) : β.ne_endpts ω.center := by
· intro h
have : β.source LiesOn ω := β.ison.1
rw [← h] at this
unfold lies_on Fig.carrier Circle.instFigCircle Circle.carrier Circle.IsOn at this
simp at this
have : ω.radius > 0 := ω.rad_pos
intro h
have : β.target LiesOn ω := β.ison.2
rw [← h] at this
unfold lies_on Fig.carrier Circle.instFigCircle Circle.carrier Circle.IsOn at this
simp at this
have : ω.radius > 0 := ω.rad_pos

instance source_ne_center {ω : Circle P} (β : Arc P ω) : PtNe β.source ω.center := ⟨ (center_ne_endpts β).1.symm ⟩

instance target_ne_center {ω : Circle P} (β : Arc P ω) : PtNe β.target ω.center := ⟨ (center_ne_endpts β).2.symm ⟩

protected def complement {ω : Circle P} (β : Arc P ω) : Arc P ω where
source := β.target
target := β.source
ison := β.ison
endpts_ne := β.endpts_ne.symm

lemma pt_liesint_not_lieson_dlin {ω : Circle P} {β : Arc P ω} {p : P} (h : p LiesInt β) : ¬ (p LiesOn (DLIN β.source β.target)) := by
intro hl
have hl : p LiesOn (LIN β.source β.target) := hl
have hco : Collinear β.source β.target p := Line.pt_pt_linear hl
have hco' : ¬ (Collinear β.source β.target p) := Circle.three_pts_lieson_circle_not_collinear (hne₂ := ⟨h.2.2⟩) (hne₃ := ⟨h.2.1.symm⟩) β.ison.1 β.ison.2 h.1.1

theorem pt_liesint_liesonright_dlin {ω : Circle P} {β : Arc P ω} {p : P} (h : p LiesInt β) : p LiesOnRight (DLIN β.source β.target) := by
have hnl : ¬ (p LiesOn (DLIN β.source β.target)) := pt_liesint_not_lieson_dlin h
have hnll : ¬ (p LiesOnLeft (DLIN β.source β.target)) := h.1.2
rcases DirLine.lieson_or_liesonleft_or_liesonright p (DLIN β.source β.target) with hh | (hh | hh)
· exfalso; tauto
· exfalso; tauto
exact hh

theorem pt_liesint_complementary_liesonleft_dlin {ω : Circle P} {β : Arc P ω} {p : P} (h : p LiesInt β.complement) : p LiesOnLeft (DLIN β.source β.target) := by
have hh : p LiesOnRight (DLIN β.target β.source) := by apply pt_liesint_liesonright_dlin h
apply liesonleft_iff_liesonright_reverse.mpr
rw [← DirLine.pt_pt_rev_eq_rev]
exact hh

end Arc

end arc

section chord

structure Chord (P : Type _) [EuclideanPlane P] (ω : Circle P) where
toSegND : SegND P
ison : (toSegND.source LiesOn ω) ∧ ( LiesOn ω)

instance Chord.IsND {ω : Circle P} (s : Chord P ω) : PtNe s.1.source := ⟨s.1.2.symm⟩

attribute [instance] Chord.IsND

variable (ω : Circle P)

namespace Chord

protected def mk_pt_pt_circle {ω : Circle P} {A B : P} [h : PtNe A B] (ha : A LiesOn ω) (hb : B LiesOn ω) : Chord P ω where
toSegND := SEG_nd A B h.out.symm
ison := ⟨ha, hb⟩

protected def IsOn {ω : Circle P} (A : P) (s : Chord P ω) : Prop := A LiesOn s.toSegND

protected def IsInt {ω : Circle P} (A : P) (s : Chord P ω) : Prop := A LiesInt s.toSegND

protected def carrier {ω : Circle P} (s : Chord P ω) : Set P := { p : P | Chord.IsOn p s }

protected def interior {ω : Circle P} (s : Chord P ω) : Set P := { p : P | Chord.IsInt p s }

instance : Fig (Chord P ω) P where
carrier := Chord.carrier

instance : Interior (Chord P ω) P where
interior := Chord.interior

protected def ne_endpts {ω : Circle P} (A : P) (s : Chord P ω) : Prop := (A ≠ s.1.source) ∧ (A ≠

theorem center_ne_endpts {ω : Circle P} (s : Chord P ω) : s.ne_endpts ω.center := by
· intro h
have : s.1.source LiesOn ω := s.2.1
rw [← h] at this
unfold lies_on Fig.carrier Circle.instFigCircle Circle.carrier Circle.IsOn at this
simp at this
have : ω.radius > 0 := ω.rad_pos
intro h
have : LiesOn ω := s.2.2
rw [← h] at this
unfold lies_on Fig.carrier Circle.instFigCircle Circle.carrier Circle.IsOn at this
simp at this
have : ω.radius > 0 := ω.rad_pos

instance source_ne_center {ω : Circle P} (s : Chord P ω) : PtNe s.1.source ω.center := ⟨ (center_ne_endpts s).1.symm ⟩

instance target_ne_center {ω : Circle P} (s : Chord P ω) : PtNe ω.center := ⟨ (center_ne_endpts s).2.symm ⟩

protected def reverse {ω : Circle P} (s : Chord P ω) : Chord P ω where
toSegND := s.1.reverse
ison := ⟨s.2.2, s.2.1

theorem pt_liesint_liesint_circle {ω : Circle P} {A : P} {s : Chord P ω} (h : A LiesInt s) : A LiesInt ω := by
have : s.1 SegInCir ω := by
unfold Circle.seg_lies_inside_circle
· apply (Circle.liesin_iff_liesint_or_lieson _ _).mpr
right; exact s.2.1
apply (Circle.liesin_iff_liesint_or_lieson _ _).mpr
right; exact s.2.2
apply Circle.pt_lies_inside_circle_of_seg_inside_circle this h

end Chord

def Arc.toChord {ω : Circle P} (β : Arc P ω) : Chord P ω where
toSegND := SEG_nd β.source β.target β.endpts_ne.out
ison := β.ison

def Chord.toArc {ω : Circle P} (s : Chord P ω) : Arc P ω where
source := s.1.source
target :=
ison := s.2
endpts_ne := ⟨s.1.2

theorem Circle.complementary_arc_toChord_eq_reverse {ω : Circle P} (β : Arc P ω) : β.complement.toChord = β.toChord.reverse := rfl

theorem Circle.reverse_chord_toArc_eq_complement {ω : Circle P} (s : Chord P ω) : s.reverse.toArc = s.toArc.complement := rfl

namespace Chord

protected def length {ω : Circle P} (s : Chord P ω) : ℝ := s.1.length

protected def IsDiameter {ω : Circle P} (s : Chord P ω) : Prop := ω.center LiesOn s

theorem diameter_iff_antipide {ω : Circle P} {s : Chord P ω} : Chord.IsDiameter s ↔ Circle.IsAntipode ω s.2.1 s.2.2 := by
haveI : PtNe s.1.source := ⟨s.1.2.symm⟩
· unfold Chord.IsDiameter
intro hl
have : Collinear s.1.source ω.center := by
apply Line.pt_pt_linear
apply SegND.lies_on_toLine_of_lie_on hl
apply (Circle.antipode_iff_collinear s.1.source s.2.1 s.2.2).mpr (Collinear.perm₁₃₂ this)
unfold Circle.IsAntipode
intro hf
have : VEC s.1.source ω.center = VEC ω.center := pt_flip_vec_eq hf
unfold Chord.IsDiameter
show ω.center LiesOn s.1
apply SegND.lies_on_iff.mpr
use (1 / 2 : ℝ)
· norm_num
· norm_num
apply pt_flip_vec_eq_half_vec hf

theorem diameter_length_eq_twice_radius {ω : Circle P} {s : Chord P ω} (h : Chord.IsDiameter s) : s.length = 2 * ω.radius := by
have : VEC s.1.source ω.center = VEC ω.center := by
apply pt_flip_vec_eq
show Circle.IsAntipode ω s.2.1 s.2.2
apply h
have : VEC s.1.source = (2 : ℝ) • (VEC s.1.source ω.center) := by
_ = VEC s.1.source ω.center + VEC ω.center := by rw [vec_add_vec]
_ = (2 : ℝ) • (VEC s.1.source ω.center) := by rw [← this, two_smul]
_ = s.1.length := rfl
_ = ‖VEC s.1.source‖ := by
show dist s.1.source = ‖VEC s.1.source‖
rw [dist_comm, NormedAddTorsor.dist_eq_norm']
_ = 2 * (dist ω.center s.1.source) := by
rw [this, NormedAddTorsor.dist_eq_norm', norm_smul]
_ = 2 * ω.radius := by rw [s.2.1]

end Chord

end chord

end EuclidGeom

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