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Merge pull request #273 from Noaillesss/master
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jjdishere authored Jan 12, 2024
2 parents 6feafda + 0c35b96 commit 88ad733
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Showing 10 changed files with 639 additions and 193 deletions.
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@@ -1,4 +1,5 @@
import EuclideanGeometry.Foundation.Axiom.Basic.Angle.FromMathlib
import Mathlib.Data.Int.Parity

# Theorems that should exist in Mathlib
Expand All @@ -7,6 +8,7 @@ Maybe we can create some PRs to mathlib in the future.

open Real Classical
attribute [ext] Complex.ext

### More theorems about trigonometric functions in Mathlib
Expand Down
6 changes: 3 additions & 3 deletions EuclideanGeometry/Foundation/Axiom/Basic/Vector.lean
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Expand Up @@ -184,7 +184,7 @@ lemma toComplex_inv (z : 𝕜) : ↑(z⁻¹) = (z : ℂ)⁻¹ := by ext <;> simp

@[simp, norm_cast]
lemma abs_toComplex (z : 𝕜) : Complex.abs (z : ℂ) = ‖z‖ := by
rw [← pow_left_inj (map_nonneg _ _) (norm_nonneg _) zero_lt_two,
rw [← pow_left_inj (map_nonneg _ _) (norm_nonneg _) two_ne_zero,
Complex.sq_abs, Complex.normSq_apply, norm_sq_eq_def]

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -400,7 +400,7 @@ instance innerProductSpace' : InnerProductSpace ℝ Vec where
norm_sq_eq_inner v := by simp [norm_sq]
conj_symm v₁ v₂ := by simp [Complex.conj_ofReal, mul_comm]
add_left v₁ v₂ v₃ := by dsimp; ring
smul_left v₁ v₂ z := by dsimp; ring
smul_left v₁ v₂ z := by dsimp; simp; ring

lemma real_inner_apply (v₁ v₂ : Vec) :
⟪v₁, v₂⟫_ℝ = v₁.fst * v₂.fst + v₁.snd * v₂.snd :=
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -694,7 +694,7 @@ lemma cdiv_eq_cdiv_iff_cdiv_eq_cdiv {v₁ v₂ v₃ v₄ : Vec} (hv₂ : v₂

lemma abs_inner (v₁ v₂ : Vec) : Complex.abs ⟪v₁, v₂⟫_ℂ = ‖v₁‖ * ‖v₂‖ := by
rw [← pow_left_inj (by simp) (by positivity) zero_lt_two]
rw [← pow_left_inj (by simp) (by positivity) two_ne_zero]
rw [Complex.abs_apply, sq_sqrt (Complex.normSq_nonneg _)]
dsimp [inner, det]
rw [mul_pow, norm_sq, norm_sq]
Expand Down
86 changes: 76 additions & 10 deletions EuclideanGeometry/Foundation/Axiom/Circle/Basic.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -64,7 +64,7 @@ protected def IsOn (p : P) (ω : Circle P) : Prop := dist ω.center p = ω.radiu

protected def IsInt (p : P) (ω : Circle P) : Prop := dist ω.center p < ω.radius

def IsOutside (p : P) (ω : Circle P) : Prop := ω.radius < dist ω.center p
protected def IsOutside (p : P) (ω : Circle P) : Prop := ω.radius < dist ω.center p

protected def carrier (ω : Circle P) : Set P := { p : P | Circle.IsOn p ω }

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -96,10 +96,8 @@ instance pt_liesout_ne_center {p : P} {ω : Circle P} (h : p LiesOut ω) : PtNe

instance pt_lieson_ne_center {p : P} {ω : Circle P} (h : p LiesOn ω) : PtNe p ω.center := ⟨by
rw [dist_comm]
have : dist ω.center p = ω.radius := h
have : ω.radius > 0 := ω.rad_pos
rw [dist_comm, h]
exact ω.rad_pos

-- this instance does not work due to ω cannot be infered from A B, this should made in tactic ptne in the future
Expand All @@ -110,6 +108,21 @@ instance pt_liesout_ne_pt_lieson {A B : P} {ω : Circle P} (h₁ : A LiesOut ω)
rw [hgt, heq]

instance pt_liesint_ne_pt_lieson {A B : P} {ω : Circle P} (h₁ : A LiesInt ω) (h₂ : B LiesOn ω) : PtNe A B := ⟨by
have hgt : dist ω.center A < ω.radius := h₁
have heq : dist ω.center B = ω.radius := h₂
contrapose! hgt
rw [hgt, heq]

instance pt_liesout_ne_pt_liesint {A B : P} {ω : Circle P} (h₁ : A LiesOut ω) (h₂ : B LiesInt ω) : PtNe A B := ⟨by
have hgt : dist ω.center A > ω.radius := h₁
have hlt : dist ω.center B < ω.radius := h₂
contrapose! hgt
rw [hgt]

theorem interior_of_circle_iff_inside_not_on_circle (p : P) (ω : Circle P) : p LiesInt ω ↔ (p LiesIn ω) ∧ (¬ p LiesOn ω) := by
show dist ω.center p < ω.radius ↔ (dist ω.center p ≤ ω.radius) ∧ (¬ dist ω.center p = ω.radius)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -159,8 +172,7 @@ lemma pts_lieson_circle_vec_eq {A B : P} {ω : Circle P} [hne : PtNe B A] (hl₁
rw [← Seg.length_eq_dist, ← Seg.length_eq_dist, ← Seg.length_eq_dist]
apply Pythagoras_of_perp_foot
apply Line.snd_pt_lies_on_mk_pt_pt
have : PtNe A (perp_foot ω.center (LIN A B))
· apply
haveI : PtNe A (perp_foot ω.center (LIN A B)) := ⟨by
intro heq
have : (dist ω.center B) ^ 2 = ω.radius ^ 2 := by rw [hl₂]
have : (dist ω.center B) ^ 2 > ω.radius ^ 2 := by
Expand All @@ -170,7 +182,7 @@ lemma pts_lieson_circle_vec_eq {A B : P} {ω : Circle P} [hne : PtNe B A] (hl₁
_ = ω.radius ^ 2 + (dist B A) ^ 2 := by rw [hl₁]
_ > ω.radius ^ 2 := by
apply distinct_pts_same_dist_vec_eq
· have : (perp_foot ω.center (LIN A B)) LiesOn (LIN A B) := perp_foot_lies_on_line _ _
have : colinear A B (perp_foot ω.center (LIN A B)) := Line.pt_pt_linear this
Expand All @@ -184,6 +196,18 @@ lemma pts_lieson_circle_vec_eq {A B : P} {ω : Circle P} [hne : PtNe B A] (hl₁
_ = (dist A (perp_foot ω.center (LIN A B))) ^ 2 := by rw [← htri₁]; ring
_ = (dist (perp_foot ω.center (LIN A B)) A) ^ 2 := by rw [dist_comm]

theorem pts_lieson_circle_perpfoot_eq_midpoint {A B : P} {ω : Circle P} [hne : PtNe B A] (hl₁ : A LiesOn ω) (hl₂ : B LiesOn ω) : perp_foot ω.center (LIN A B) = (SEG A B).midpoint := by
have eq₁ : VEC A (perp_foot ω.center (LIN A B)) = (1 / 2 : ℝ) • (VEC A B) := by
_ = (1 / 2 : ℝ) • (VEC A (perp_foot ω.center (LIN A B)) + VEC (perp_foot ω.center (LIN A B)) B) := by rw [vec_add_vec]
_ = (1 / 2 : ℝ) • ((2 : ℝ) • VEC A (perp_foot ω.center (LIN A B))) := by rw [← (pts_lieson_circle_vec_eq hl₁ hl₂), two_smul]
_ = VEC A (perp_foot ω.center (LIN A B)) := by simp
have eq₂ : VEC A (SEG A B).midpoint = (1 / 2 : ℝ) • (VEC A B) := Seg.vec_source_midpt
apply (eq_iff_vec_eq_zero _ _).mpr
_ = VEC A (perp_foot ω.center (LIN A B)) - VEC A (SEG A B).midpoint := by rw [vec_sub_vec]
_ = 0 := by rw [eq₁, eq₂]; simp

theorem three_pts_lieson_circle_not_colinear {A B C : P} {ω : Circle P} [hne₁ : PtNe B A] [hne₂ : PtNe C B] [hne₃ : PtNe A C] (hl₁ : A LiesOn ω) (hl₂ : B LiesOn ω) (hl₃ : C LiesOn ω) : ¬ (colinear A B C) := by
intro h
Expand All @@ -204,6 +228,48 @@ end Circle

end colinear

-- ray with circle
-- line with circle
section antipode

namespace Circle

def antipode (A : P) (ω : Circle P) : P := VEC A ω.center +ᵥ ω.center

theorem antipode_lieson_circle {A : P} {ω : Circle P} {ha : A LiesOn ω} : (antipode A ω) LiesOn ω := by
show dist ω.center (antipode A ω) = ω.radius
rw [NormedAddTorsor.dist_eq_norm', antipode, vsub_vadd_eq_vsub_sub]
show ‖ω.center -ᵥ A‖ = ω.radius
rw [← NormedAddTorsor.dist_eq_norm', ha]

theorem antipode_symm {A B : P} {ω : Circle P} {ha : A LiesOn ω} (h : antipode A ω = B) : antipode B ω = A := by
show VEC B ω.center +ᵥ ω.center = A
apply (eq_vadd_iff_vsub_eq _ _ _).mpr
show VEC ω.center A = VEC B ω.center
have : VEC ω.center B = VEC A ω.center := by
show B -ᵥ ω.center = VEC A ω.center
apply (eq_vadd_iff_vsub_eq _ _ _).mp h.symm
rw [← neg_vec, ← this, neg_vec]

theorem antipode_distinct {A : P} {ω : Circle P} {ha : A LiesOn ω} : antipode A ω ≠ A := by
intro eq
have : VEC ω.center A = VEC A ω.center := by
show A -ᵥ ω.center = VEC A ω.center
apply (eq_vadd_iff_vsub_eq _ _ _).mp eq.symm
have neq : A ≠ ω.center := (pt_lieson_ne_center ha).out
contrapose! neq
apply (eq_iff_vec_eq_zero _ _).mpr
have : 2 • (VEC ω.center A) = 0 := by
rw [two_smul]
nth_rw 1 [this]
rw [vec_add_vec]
apply (two_nsmul_eq_zero ℝ _).mp this

end Circle

end antipode

end EuclidGeom

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