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jjdishere authored Jan 12, 2024
2 parents 9ad02a6 + f1476ec commit 8f27c10
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133 changes: 133 additions & 0 deletions EuclideanGeometry/Example/Congruence_Exercise_ygr/Problem_1.lean
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@@ -0,0 +1,133 @@
import EuclideanGeometry.Foundation.Index

noncomputable section

namespace EuclidGeom

namespace Congruence_Exercise_ygr

namespace Problem_1
$C, D$ lies in segment $BF$, $AB \parallel DE$, $AB = DF$, $BC = DE$.
Prove that $∠ BAC = ∠ EFD$.
structure Setting1 (Plane : Type _) [EuclideanPlane Plane] where
-- $C, D$ lies in segment $BF$, they lies on the same line $l$.
B : Plane
C : Plane
D : Plane
F : Plane
B_ne_F : PtNe B F
C_int : C LiesInt (SEG_nd B F)
D_int : D LiesInt (SEG_nd B F)
-- $A, E$ do not lie on $l$.
A : Plane
E : Plane
ABC_nd : ¬colinear A B C
EDF_nd : ¬colinear E D F
-- need A and E be at the same side of l!!
A_side : IsOnLeftSide A (SEG_nd B F)
E_side : IsOnLeftSide E (SEG_nd B F)
-- $AB = DF$
h₁ : (SEG A B).length = (SEG D F).length
-- $BC = DE$
h₂ : (SEG B C).length = (SEG D E).length
attribute [instance] Setting1.B_ne_F
lemma hnd₁ {Plane : Type _} [EuclideanPlane Plane] {e : Setting1 Plane}: ¬ colinear e.B e.A e.C := by
exact e.ABC_nd
lemma hnd₂ {Plane : Type _} [EuclideanPlane Plane] {e : Setting1 Plane}: ¬ colinear e.D e.F e.E := by
exact e.EDF_nd
instance A_ne_B {Plane : Type _} [EuclideanPlane Plane] {e : Setting1 Plane}: PtNe e.A e.B := ⟨(ne_of_not_colinear hnd₁).2.2
instance D_ne_E {Plane : Type _} [EuclideanPlane Plane] {e : Setting1 Plane}: PtNe e.D e.E := ⟨(ne_of_not_colinear hnd₂).2.1
instance A_ne_C {Plane : Type _} [EuclideanPlane Plane] {e : Setting1 Plane}: PtNe e.A e.C := ⟨(ne_of_not_colinear hnd₁).1.symm⟩
instance E_ne_F {Plane : Type _} [EuclideanPlane Plane] {e : Setting1 Plane}: PtNe e.E e.F := ⟨(ne_of_not_colinear hnd₂).1
instance D_ne_F {Plane : Type _} [EuclideanPlane Plane] {e : Setting1 Plane}: PtNe e.D e.F := ⟨(ne_of_not_colinear hnd₂).2.2.symm⟩
instance B_ne_C {Plane : Type _} [EuclideanPlane Plane] {e : Setting1 Plane}: PtNe e.B e.C := ⟨(ne_of_not_colinear hnd₁).2.1
instance D_ne_B {Plane : Type _} [EuclideanPlane Plane] {e : Setting1 Plane}: PtNe e.D e.B := ⟨(ne_vertex_of_lies_int_seg_nd e.D_int).1

structure Setting2 (Plane : Type _) [EuclideanPlane Plane] extends Setting1 Plane where
-- $AB ∥ DE$
hpr : (SEG_nd B A) ∥ (SEG_nd D E)

-- Prove that $∠ BAC = ∠ EFD$.
theorem Result {Plane : Type _} [EuclideanPlane Plane] {e : Setting2 Plane} : ∠ e.B e.A e.C = ∠ e.E e.F e.D := by
$\angle ABC$ and $\angle EDF$ are corresponding angles,thus equal.
In $\triangle BAC \congr_a \triangle DFE$.
$\cdot CB = ED$
$\cdot \angle ABC = -\angle FDE$
$\cdot BA = DF$
We have $\triangle BAC \congr_a \triangle DFE$.
Thus $\angle CAB = -\angle EFD$
By anti-symm we proven.
-- $CB = BC = DE = ED$.
have e₂ : (SEG e.C e.B).length = (SEG e.E e.D).length := by
simp only [length_of_rev_eq_length', e.h₂, length_of_rev_eq_length']
--$\angle ABC$ = -$\angle FDE$
have a₁ : ∠ e.A e.B e.C = -∠ e.F e.D e.E := by
-- $\angle ABC$ and $\angle EDF$ are corresponding angles.
have hCrsp : IsCorrespondingAng (ANG e.A e.B e.C) (ANG e.E e.D e.F) := by
--same Dir for start ray and same DirLine for end ray
· show (RAY e.B e.A).toDir = (RAY e.D e.E).toDir
--by $A,E$ are on the same side of line $B F$ and $AB \parallel DE$
apply eq_toDir_of_parallel_and_same_side
·exact e.hpr
·show IsOnSameSide e.A e.E (SEG_nd e.B e.D)
have hA : odist e.A (SEG_nd e.B e.D) > 0 := by
odist e.A (SEG_nd e.B e.D) = odist e.A (SEG_nd e.B e.D).toDirLine := by rfl
_=odist e.A (SEG_nd e.B e.F).toDirLine := by
have : (SEG_nd e.B e.D).toDirLine = (SEG_nd e.B e.F).toDirLine := by
apply eq_toDirLine_of_source_to_pt_lies_int (e.D_int)
_=odist e.A (SEG_nd e.B e.F) := by rfl
_>0 := by exact e.A_side
have hE : odist e.E (SEG_nd e.B e.D) > 0 := by
odist e.E (SEG_nd e.B e.D) = odist e.E (SEG_nd e.B e.D).toDirLine := by rfl
_=odist e.E (SEG_nd e.B e.F).toDirLine := by
have : (SEG_nd e.B e.D).toDirLine = (SEG_nd e.B e.F).toDirLine := by
apply eq_toDirLine_of_source_to_pt_lies_int (e.D_int)
_=odist e.E (SEG_nd e.B e.F) := by rfl
_>0 := by exact e.E_side
have hA' : e.A LiesOnLeft (SEG_nd e.B e.D) := by exact hA
have hE' : e.E LiesOnLeft (SEG_nd e.B e.D) := by exact hE
unfold IsOnSameSide
unfold IsOnSameSide'
show e.A LiesOnLeft (SEG_nd e.B e.D) ∧ e.E LiesOnLeft (SEG_nd e.B e.D) ∨ e.A LiesOnRight (SEG_nd e.B e.D) ∧ e.E LiesOnRight (SEG_nd e.B e.D)
simp only [hA', hE', and_self, true_or]
·exact D_ne_B.out.symm
· show (RAY e.B e.C).toDirLine = (RAY e.D e.F).toDirLine
_=(SEG_nd e.B e.F).toDirLine := by
apply eq_toDirLine_of_source_to_pt_lies_int (e.C_int)
_=(SEG_nd e.D e.F).toDirLine := by
apply eq_toDirLine_of_pt_lies_int_to_target (e.D_int)
-- Then $∠ ABC = ∠ EDF = -∠ FDE$.
_ = ∠ e.E e.D e.F := eq_value_of_iscorrespondingang hCrsp --corresponding angle
_ = _ := by apply neg_value_of_rev_ang --anti-symm
--$BA = DF$
have e₃ : (SEG e.B e.A).length = (SEG e.D e.F).length := by
rw [length_of_rev_eq_length']
exact e.h₁
-- We have $\triangle BAC \congr_a \triangle DFE$.
have h : (TRI_nd e.B e.A e.C hnd₁) ≅ₐ (TRI_nd e.D e.F e.E hnd₂) := by
apply TriangleND.acongr_of_SAS
· exact e₂
· exact a₁
· exact e₃
_ = - ∠ e.C e.A e.B := by apply neg_value_of_rev_ang
_ = ∠ e.E e.F e.D := by
have : ∠ e.C e.A e.B = - ∠ e.E e.F e.D := h.angle₂
rw [this, neg_neg]
end Problem_1
end Congruence_Exercise_ygr
70 changes: 70 additions & 0 deletions EuclideanGeometry/Example/Congruence_Exercise_ygr/Problem_2.lean
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@@ -0,0 +1,70 @@
import EuclideanGeometry.Foundation.Index

noncomputable section

namespace EuclidGeom

namespace Congruence_Exercise_ygr

namespace Problem_2
Given $AB = DC$, $DB = AC$, $B,C$ is on the same side of line $AD$.
Prove that $∠B = ∠ C$.
structure Setting1 (Plane : Type _) [EuclideanPlane Plane] where
-- $AB = DC$, $DB = AC$.
A : Plane
B : Plane
C : Plane
D : Plane
h₁ : (SEG A B).length = (SEG D C).length
h₂ : (SEG D B).length = (SEG A C).length
-- nondegenerate
hnd₁ : ¬ colinear D B A
hnd₂ : ¬ colinear A C D
D_ne_A : D ≠ A :=(ne_of_not_colinear hnd₁).2.1
-- $B,C$ is on the same side of line $AD$.
B_side : IsOnRightSide B (SEG_nd A D D_ne_A)
C_side : IsOnRightSide C (SEG_nd A D D_ne_A)
lemma a_ne_b {Plane : Type _} [EuclideanPlane Plane] {e : Setting1 Plane}: e.A ≠ e.B := (ne_of_not_colinear e.hnd₁).1
lemma a_ne_c {Plane : Type _} [EuclideanPlane Plane] {e : Setting1 Plane}: e.A ≠ e.C := (ne_of_not_colinear e.hnd₂).2.2.symm
lemma b_ne_d {Plane : Type _} [EuclideanPlane Plane] {e : Setting1 Plane}: e.B ≠ e.D := (ne_of_not_colinear e.hnd₁).2.2
lemma c_ne_d {Plane : Type _} [EuclideanPlane Plane] {e : Setting1 Plane}: e.C ≠ e.D :=(ne_of_not_colinear e.hnd₂).1.symm
-- Prove that $∠B = ∠ C$.
theorem Result {Plane : Type _} [EuclideanPlane Plane] {e : Setting1 Plane}: ∠ e.A e.B e.D a_ne_b b_ne_d.symm = -∠ e.D e.C e.A c_ne_d.symm a_ne_c := by
-- Use SSS to prove that $\triangle DBA \congr \triangle ACD$ or $\triangle DBA \congr_a \triangle ACD$.
have h : (TRI_nd e.D e.B e.A e.hnd₁) ≅ₐ (TRI_nd e.A e.C e.D e.hnd₂) := by
apply TriangleND.acongr_of_SSS_of_ne_orientation
· calc
_ = (SEG e.A e.B).length := length_of_rev_eq_length'
_ = (SEG e.D e.C).length := e.h₁
_ = _ := length_of_rev_eq_length'
· exact length_of_rev_eq_length'
· exact e.h₂
· have clock : ¬ (TRI_nd e.D e.B e.A e.hnd₁).is_cclock := by
have : (IsOnLeftSide e.B (SEG_nd e.A e.D e.D_ne_A)) ↔ (TRI_nd e.D e.B e.A e.hnd₁).is_cclock := by
simp [TriangleND.iscclock_iff_liesonleft₂]
unfold IsOnLeftSide
have hb : odist e.B (SEG_nd e.A e.D e.D_ne_A) < 0 := by exact e.B_side
have cclock : (TRI_nd e.A e.C e.D e.hnd₂).is_cclock := by
have : (IsOnLeftSide e.C (SEG_nd e.D e.A e.D_ne_A.symm)) ↔ (TRI_nd e.A e.C e.D e.hnd₂).is_cclock := by
simp [TriangleND.iscclock_iff_liesonleft₂]
have rev : odist e.C (SEG_nd e.D e.A e.D_ne_A.symm) = - odist e.C (SEG_nd e.A e.D e.D_ne_A) := by
have : (SEG_nd e.D e.A e.D_ne_A.symm) = (SEG_nd e.A e.D e.D_ne_A).reverse := by rfl
simp only [this]
apply odist_reverse_eq_neg_odist (df := (SEG_nd e.A e.D e.D_ne_A))
unfold IsOnLeftSide
simp only [rev, Left.neg_pos_iff, gt_iff_lt]
exact e.C_side
simp only [clock, cclock, not_true_eq_false]
· exact h.angle₂

end Problem_2
end Congruence_Exercise_ygr
87 changes: 87 additions & 0 deletions EuclideanGeometry/Example/Congruence_Exercise_ygr/Problem_3.lean
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@@ -0,0 +1,87 @@
import EuclideanGeometry.Foundation.Index

noncomputable section

namespace EuclidGeom

namespace Congruence_Exercise_ygr

namespace Problem_3

In (convex) quadrilateral $A B D C$,$AB = AC$, $BD = CD$.
Prove that $\angle A B D = -\angle A C D$
structure Setting (Plane : Type _) [EuclideanPlane Plane] where
--In (convex) quadrilateral $A B D C$,$AB = AC$, $BD = CD$.
A : Plane
B : Plane
C : Plane
D : Plane
cvx_ABDC : (QDR A B D C).IsConvex
AB_eq_AC : (SEG A B).length = (SEG A C).length
BD_eq_CD : (SEG B D).length = (SEG C D).length
--$A \ne B$ and $D \ne B$ for $\angle A B D$
A_ne_B : A ≠ B := (Quadrilateral_cvx.nd₁₂ (QDR_cvx A B D C cvx_ABDC)).symm
D_ne_B : D ≠ B := (Quadrilateral_cvx.nd₂₃ (QDR_cvx A B D C cvx_ABDC))
--$A \ne C$ and $D \ne B$ for $\angle A C D$
A_ne_C : A ≠ C := (Quadrilateral_cvx.nd₁₄ (QDR_cvx A B D C cvx_ABDC)).symm
D_ne_C : D ≠ C := (Quadrilateral_cvx.nd₃₄ (QDR_cvx A B D C cvx_ABDC)).symm
theorem Result {Plane : Type _} [EuclideanPlane Plane] (e : Setting Plane) : ∠ e.A e.B e.D (e.A_ne_B) (e.D_ne_B) = - ∠ e.A e.C e.D (e.A_ne_C) (e.D_ne_C):= by
Because $AB = AC$ ,we have $\angle A B C = -\angle A C B$.
Because $DB = DC$ ,we have $\angle D B C = -\angle D C B$
$\angle A B D = \angle A B C - \angle D B C = \angle D C B - \angle A C B = --\angle A C D$
have h₁ : ¬ colinear e.A e.B e.C := by
exact (Quadrilateral_cvx.not_colinear₁₂₄ (QDR_cvx e.A e.B e.D e.C e.cvx_ABDC))
have h₂ : ¬ colinear e.D e.B e.C := by
have h₂' : ¬ colinear e.B e.D e.C := by
exact (Quadrilateral_cvx.not_colinear₂₃₄ (QDR_cvx e.A e.B e.D e.C e.cvx_ABDC))
apply h₂'
have C_ne_B : e.C ≠ e.B := by
exact (Quadrilateral_cvx.nd₂₄ (QDR_cvx e.A e.B e.D e.C e.cvx_ABDC))
--Because $AB = AC$ ,we have $\angle A B C = -\angle A C B$.
have isoc_ABC_ang : ∠ e.C e.B e.A (C_ne_B) (e.A_ne_B) = ∠ e.A e.C e.B (e.A_ne_C) (C_ne_B.symm) := by
have isoc_ABC : (▵ e.A e.B e.C).IsIsoceles := by
unfold Triangle.IsIsoceles
show (SEG e.C e.A).length = (SEG e.A e.B).length
(SEG e.C e.A).length = (SEG e.A e.C).length := length_of_rev_eq_length'
_= (SEG e.A e.B).length := e.AB_eq_AC.symm
apply (is_isoceles_tri_iff_ang_eq_ang_of_nd_tri (tri_nd := ⟨▵ e.A e.B e.C, h₁⟩)).mp
exact isoc_ABC
--Because $DB = DC$ ,we have $\angle D B C = -\angle D C B$
have isoc_DBC_ang : ∠ e.C e.B e.D (C_ne_B) (e.D_ne_B) = ∠ e.D e.C e.B (e.D_ne_C) (C_ne_B.symm) := by
have isoc_DBC : (▵ e.D e.B e.C).IsIsoceles := by
unfold Triangle.IsIsoceles
show (SEG e.C e.D).length = (SEG e.D e.B).length
(SEG e.C e.D).length = (SEG e.B e.D).length := e.BD_eq_CD.symm
_= (SEG e.D e.B).length := length_of_rev_eq_length'
apply (is_isoceles_tri_iff_ang_eq_ang_of_nd_tri (tri_nd := ⟨▵ e.D e.B e.C, h₂⟩)).mp
exact isoc_DBC
--$\angle A B D = \angle A B C - \angle D B C = \angle D C B - \angle A C B = --\angle A C D$
have h : ∠ e.A e.B e.D (e.A_ne_B) (e.D_ne_B) = - ∠ e.A e.C e.D (e.A_ne_C) (e.D_ne_C) := by
have triv₁ : (RAY e.B e.C C_ne_B) = (RAY e.B e.C C_ne_B) := by rfl
have triv₂ : (RAY e.C e.B C_ne_B.symm) = (RAY e.C e.B C_ne_B.symm) := by rfl
have h' : ∠ e.D e.B e.A (e.D_ne_B) (e.A_ne_B) = ∠ e.A e.C e.D (e.A_ne_C) (e.D_ne_C) := by
_=∠ e.D e.B e.C (e.D_ne_B) (C_ne_B) + ∠ e.C e.B e.A (C_ne_B) (e.A_ne_B) := by
apply Angle.ang_eq_ang_add_ang_mod_pi_of_adj_ang (ANG e.D e.B e.C (e.D_ne_B) (C_ne_B)) (ANG e.C e.B e.A (C_ne_B) (e.A_ne_B)) (triv₁)
_=-∠ e.C e.B e.D (C_ne_B) (e.D_ne_B) + ∠ e.A e.C e.B (e.A_ne_C) (C_ne_B.symm):= by
simp only [isoc_ABC_ang]
simp only [neg_value_of_rev_ang (e.D_ne_B) (C_ne_B)]
_=-∠ e.D e.C e.B (e.D_ne_C) (C_ne_B.symm) + ∠ e.A e.C e.B (e.A_ne_C) (C_ne_B.symm):= by
simp only [isoc_DBC_ang]
_=∠ e.A e.C e.B (e.A_ne_C) (C_ne_B.symm) + ∠ e.B e.C e.D (C_ne_B.symm) (e.D_ne_C) := by
simp only[neg_value_of_rev_ang (e.D_ne_C) (C_ne_B.symm)]
_=∠ e.A e.C e.D (e.A_ne_C) (e.D_ne_C) := by
apply Angle.ang_eq_ang_add_ang_mod_pi_of_adj_ang (ANG e.A e.C e.B (e.A_ne_C) (C_ne_B.symm)) (ANG e.B e.C e.D (C_ne_B.symm) (e.D_ne_C)) (triv₂)
simp only [← h']
simp only[neg_value_of_rev_ang (e.A_ne_B) (e.D_ne_B)]
exact h
end Problem_3
end Congruence_Exercise_ygr

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