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kfc2333 committed Sep 23, 2023
1 parent 97437fe commit 9d60254
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Showing 2 changed files with 148 additions and 22 deletions.
60 changes: 50 additions & 10 deletions EuclideanGeometry/Foundation/Axiom/Basic/Plane.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -47,35 +47,75 @@ instance : AddTorsor (Vec) P := by infer_instance

/- vector $AB +$ point $A =$ point $B$ -/
theorem start_vadd_vec_eq_end (A B : P) : (VEC A B) +ᵥ A = B := sorry
theorem start_vadd_vec_eq_end (A B : P) : (VEC A B) +ᵥ A = B := by
rw [Vec.mk_pt_pt]
exact vsub_vadd B A

theorem vadd_eq_self_iff_vec_eq_zero {A : P} {v : Vec} : v +ᵥ A = A ↔ v = 0 := sorry
theorem vadd_eq_self_iff_vec_eq_zero {A : P} {v : Vec} : v +ᵥ A = A ↔ v = 0 := by
intro h
have k : v +ᵥ A -ᵥ A = A-ᵥ A := by
rw [h]
have u : v +ᵥ A -ᵥ A = v := by
rw [u] at k
simp at k
exact k
intro h

theorem vec_same_eq_zero (A : P) : VEC A A = 0 := sorry
theorem vec_same_eq_zero (A : P) : VEC A A = 0 := by
rw [Vec.mk_pt_pt]

theorem neg_vec (A B : P) : - VEC A B = VEC B A := sorry
theorem neg_vec (A B : P) : - VEC A B = VEC B A := by
rw [Vec.mk_pt_pt]
rw [Vec.mk_pt_pt]

theorem eq_iff_vec_eq_zero (A B : P) : B = A ↔ VEC A B = 0 := sorry
theorem eq_iff_vec_eq_zero (A B : P) : B = A ↔ VEC A B = 0 := by
rw [Vec.mk_pt_pt]
exact Iff.symm vsub_eq_zero_iff_eq

theorem ne_iff_vec_ne_zero (A B : P) : B ≠ A ↔ (VEC A B) ≠ 0 := sorry
theorem ne_iff_vec_ne_zero (A B : P) : B ≠ A ↔ (VEC A B) ≠ 0 := by
apply Iff.not
exact eq_iff_vec_eq_zero A B

theorem vec_add_vec (A B C : P) : VEC A B + VEC B C = VEC A C := sorry
theorem vec_add_vec (A B C : P) : VEC A B + VEC B C = VEC A C := by
rw [add_comm]
repeat rw [Vec.mk_pt_pt]
rw [vsub_add_vsub_cancel]

theorem vec_of_pt_vadd_pt_eq_vec (A : P) (v : Vec) : (VEC A (v +ᵥ A)) = v := sorry
theorem vec_of_pt_vadd_pt_eq_vec (A : P) (v : Vec) : (VEC A (v +ᵥ A)) = v := by
rw [Vec.mk_pt_pt]
exact vadd_vsub v A

theorem vec_sub_vec (O A B: P) : VEC O B - VEC O A = VEC A B := sorry
theorem vec_sub_vec (O A B: P) : VEC O B - VEC O A = VEC A B := by
repeat rw [Vec.mk_pt_pt]

theorem pt_eq_pt_of_eq_smul_smul {O A B : P} {v : Vec} {tA tB : ℝ} (h : tA = tB) (ha : VEC O A = tA • v) (hb : VEC O B = tB • v) : A = B := by
have hc : VEC A B = VEC O B - VEC O A := Eq.symm (vec_sub_vec O A B)
rw [ha, hb, ← sub_smul, Iff.mpr sub_eq_zero (Eq.symm h), zero_smul] at hc
exact Eq.symm ((eq_iff_vec_eq_zero A B).2 hc)

theorem eq_of_smul_Vec_nd_eq_smul_Vec_nd {v : Vec_nd} {tA tB : ℝ} (e : tA • v.1 = tB • v.1) : tA = tB := by
have h : (tA - tB) • v.1 = 0 := by
rw [sub_smul]
rw [e]
rw [smul_eq_zero] at h
rcases h with x | y
have: v.10 := by
apply v.2

end EuclidGeom
110 changes: 98 additions & 12 deletions EuclideanGeometry/Foundation/Axiom/Linear/Ray.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -207,11 +207,24 @@ def Seg.length : ℝ := norm (l.toVec)
theorem length_nonneg : 0 ≤ l.length := by exact @norm_nonneg _ _ _

-- A generalized directed segment is nontrivial if and only if its length is positive.
theorem length_pos_iff_nd : 0 < l.length ↔ (l.is_nd) := by sorry

theorem length_ne_zero_iff_nd : 0 ≠ l.length ↔ (l.is_nd) := by sorry

theorem length_pos (l : Seg_nd P): 0 < l.1.length := by sorry
theorem length_pos_iff_nd : 0 < l.length ↔ (l.is_nd) := by
rw [Seg.length]
rw [Seg.is_nd]
rw [norm_pos_iff]
apply Iff.not
rw [toVec_eq_zero_of_deg]

theorem length_ne_zero_iff_nd : 0 ≠ l.length ↔ (l.is_nd) := by
rw [Seg.length]
rw [Seg.is_nd]
apply Iff.not
rw [toVec_eq_zero_of_deg]
rw [eq_comm]
exact norm_eq_zero

theorem length_pos (l : Seg_nd P): 0 < l.1.length := by
rw [length_pos_iff_nd]
simp only [l.2, not_false_eq_true]

theorem length_sq_eq_inner_toVec_toVec : l.length ^ 2 = inner l.toVec l.toVec := by
have w : l.length = Real.sqrt (inner l.toVec l.toVec) := by
Expand All @@ -230,7 +243,29 @@ theorem triv_iff_length_eq_zero : ( = l.source) ↔ l.length = 0 := by
exact Iff.trans (toVec_eq_zero_of_deg _) (@norm_eq_zero _ _).symm

-- If P lies on a generalized directed segment AB, then length(AB) = length(AP) + length(PB)
theorem length_eq_length_add_length (l : Seg P) (A : P) (lieson : A LiesOn l) : l.length = (SEG l.source A).length + (SEG A := sorry
theorem length_eq_length_add_length (l : Seg P) (A : P) (lieson : A LiesOn l) : l.length = (SEG l.source A).length + (SEG A := by
unfold Seg.length
rw [seg_toVec_eq_vec]
rw [seg_toVec_eq_vec]
rw [seg_toVec_eq_vec]
rcases lieson with ⟨t, ⟨a, b, c⟩ ⟩
have h: VEC l.source = VEC l.source A + VEC A := by simp
rw [c]
have s: VEC A = ( 1 - t ) • VEC l.source := by
rw [c] at h
rw [sub_smul]
rw [one_smul]
exact eq_sub_of_add_eq' (id (Eq.symm h))
rw [s]
rw [norm_smul]
rw [norm_smul]
rw [← add_mul]
rw [Real.norm_of_nonneg]
rw [Real.norm_of_nonneg]
exact b
exact a

end length

Expand All @@ -257,19 +292,70 @@ section existence

-- Archimedean property I : given a directed segment AB (with A ≠ B), then there exists a point P such that B lies on the directed segment AP and P ≠ B.

theorem Seg_nd.exist_pt_beyond_pt {P : Type _} [EuclideanPlane P] (l : Seg_nd P) : (∃ q : P, LiesInt (SEG l.1.source q)) := by sorry

theorem Seg_nd.exist_pt_beyond_pt {P : Type _} [EuclideanPlane P] (l : Seg_nd P) : (∃ q : P, LiesInt (SEG l.1.source q)) := by
let h := l.1.toVec +ᵥ
let half : ℝ := 1/2
have c: 0 ≤ half ∧ half ≤ 1 ∧ VEC l.1.source = half • VEC l.1.source h := by
rw [seg_toVec_eq_vec]
repeat rw [Vec.mk_pt_pt]
rw [vadd_vsub_assoc]
let t := -ᵥ l.1.source
have x: t = 1/2 * (t + t) := by
calc t = 1/2 * (2 * t) := by simp
_ = 1/2 * (t + t) := by rw [two_mul]
exact x
have a: LiesOn SEG l.1.source h := ⟨half, c⟩
have b: ≠ l.1.source ∧ ≠ h := by
exact l.2
have x: l.1.toVec ≠ 0 := by
rw [seg_toVec_eq_vec]
rw [Vec.mk_pt_pt]
rw [vsub_ne_zero]
exact l.2
have y: ≠ l.1.toVec +ᵥ := by
rw [ne_comm]
by_contra t
simp at t
exact x t
exact y
have k: LiesInt SEG l.1.source h := ⟨a, b⟩
use h

-- Archimedean property II: On an nontrivial directed segment, one can always find a point in its interior. `This will be moved to later disccusion about midpoint of a segment, as the midpoint is a point in the interior of a nontrivial segment`

theorem nd_of_exist_int_pt (l : Seg P) (p : P) (h : p LiesInt l) : l.is_nd := sorry
theorem nd_of_exist_int_pt (l : Seg P) (p : P) (h : p LiesInt l) : l.is_nd := by
rw [Seg.is_nd]
rcases h with ⟨⟨c, d⟩, b⟩
rcases b with ⟨p_ne_s, _⟩
rcases d with ⟨_, _, e⟩
have t: VEC Seg.source p ≠ 0 := by exact (ne_iff_vec_ne_zero Seg.source p) p_ne_s
have u: c • VEC Seg.source ≠ 0 := by
rw [← e]
exact t
have v: VEC Seg.source ≠ 0 := by
exact right_ne_zero_of_smul u
exact vsub_ne_zero v

-- If a generalized directed segment contains an interior point, then it is nontrivial
theorem nd_iff_exist_int_pt (l : Seg P) : ∃ (p : P), p LiesInt l ↔ l.is_nd := sorry
theorem nd_iff_exist_int_pt (l : Seg P) : (∃ (p : P), p LiesInt l) ↔ l.is_nd := by

intro h
rcases h with ⟨a, b⟩
exact nd_of_exist_int_pt l a b

theorem Seg_nd.exist_int_pt (l : Seg_nd P) : ∃ (p : P), p LiesInt l.1 := sorry
intro h
use l.midpoint
exact Seg_nd.midpt_lies_int ⟨l, h⟩

theorem length_pos_iff_exist_int_pt (l : Seg P) : 0 < l.length ↔ ∃ (p : P), p LiesInt l := sorry
theorem Seg_nd.exist_int_pt (l : Seg_nd P) : ∃ (p : P), p LiesInt l.1 := by
use l.1.midpoint
exact midpt_lies_int l

theorem length_pos_iff_exist_int_pt (l : Seg P) : 0 < l.length ↔ (∃ (p : P), p LiesInt l) := by
exact Iff.trans (length_pos_iff_nd _) (nd_iff_exist_int_pt _).symm
end existence

end EuclidGeom

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