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write Vector and Parallel trash #205

merged 12 commits into from
Nov 21, 2023
40 changes: 39 additions & 1 deletion EuclideanGeometry/Foundation/Axiom/Basic/Vector.lean
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@@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
import Mathlib.Analysis.InnerProductSpace.Basic
import Mathlib.Analysis.SpecialFunctions.Complex.Arg
import Mathlib.Analysis.SpecialFunctions.Trigonometric.Complex
import Mathlib.Analysis.Complex.Arg
import Mathlib.Data.Real.Sign
# Standard Vector Space
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -72,6 +73,13 @@ theorem Vec.norm_smul_eq_mul_norm {x : ℝ} (x_nonneg : 0 ≤ x) (u : Vec) : Vec
simp only [Complex.real_smul, map_mul, Complex.abs_ofReal, mul_eq_mul_right_iff, abs_eq_self, map_eq_zero]

theorem neg_Vec_norm_eq_Vec_norm (z : Vec) : Vec.norm (-z) = Vec.norm z := by
have h : Complex.abs (-z) = Complex.abs (z) := by
simp only [map_neg_eq_map]
unfold Vec.norm
rw [h]

-- norm is nonnegetive
theorem Vec.norm_nonnegative (u : Vec) : 0 ≤ Vec.norm u := Real.sqrt_nonneg _

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -102,6 +110,10 @@ theorem fst_of_mul_eq_fst_mul_fst (z w : Vec_nd) : (z * w).1 = z.1 * w.1 := by r
theorem norm_of_Vec_nd_eq_norm_of_Vec_nd_fst (z : Vec_nd) : Vec_nd.norm z = Vec.norm z := rfl

theorem neg_Vec_nd_norm_eq_Vec_nd_norm (x : Vec_nd) : (-x).norm = x.norm := by
simp only [ne_eq, fst_neg_Vec_nd_is_neg_fst_Vec_nd, norm_of_Vec_nd_eq_norm_of_Vec_nd_fst, neg_Vec_norm_eq_Vec_norm]

class Dir where
toVec : Vec
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -454,6 +466,27 @@ theorem mk_angle_neg_pi_div_two_eq_neg_I' : mk_angle ((-π) / 2) = -I := by

end Make_angle_theorems

-- Here is a small section which would not be used later. We just compare our definitions to the standard sameRay definitions.
section sameRay_theorems

theorem sameRay_iff_eq (a b : Dir) : SameRay ℝ a.1 b.1 ↔ a = b := by
rw [Complex.sameRay_iff]
· simp only [tovec_ne_zero, false_or]
intro h
let g := congrArg (fun z => mk_angle z) h
simp only [mk_angle_arg_toComplex_of_Dir_eq_self] at g
exact g
· tauto

theorem sameRay_Vec_nd_toDir (z : Vec_nd) : SameRay ℝ z.1 z.toDir.1 := by
rw [Complex.sameRay_iff_arg_div_eq_zero, Vec_nd.self_eq_norm_smul_todir z, Complex.real_smul, ← mul_div, div_self (tovec_ne_zero (Vec_nd.toDir z)), mul_one, norm_of_Vec_nd_eq_norm_of_Vec_nd_fst]
exact Complex.arg_ofReal_of_nonneg (Vec.norm_nonnegative z)

theorem toDir_eq_toDir_of_sameRay (z₁ z₂ : Vec_nd) : SameRay ℝ z₁.1 z₂.1 → z₁.toDir = z₂.toDir := fun h => (sameRay_iff_eq z₁.toDir z₂.toDir).1 (SameRay.symm (SameRay.trans (SameRay.symm (SameRay.trans h (sameRay_Vec_nd_toDir z₂) (by simp only [ne_eq, ne_zero_of_Vec_nd, false_or, IsEmpty.forall_iff]))) (sameRay_Vec_nd_toDir z₁) (by simp only [ne_eq, ne_zero_of_Vec_nd, false_or, IsEmpty.forall_iff])))

end sameRay_theorems

instance : SMul Dir Vec where
smul := fun d v => d.1 * v

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -863,7 +896,12 @@ theorem det_eq_zero_iff_eq_smul (u v : Vec) (hu : u ≠ 0) : det u v = 0 ↔ (
rcases e

theorem det_eq_zero_of_toProj_eq (u v : Vec_nd) (toprojeq : Vec_nd.toProj u = v.toProj) : det u v = 0 := ((det_eq_zero_iff_eq_smul u.1 v.1 u.2).2) (smul_of_eq_toproj u v toprojeq)
-- det theorems for Vec_nd
theorem det_eq_zero_of_toProj_eq (u v : Vec_nd) (toprojeq : u.toProj = v.toProj) : det u v = 0 := ((det_eq_zero_iff_eq_smul u.1 v.1 u.2).2) (smul_of_eq_toproj u v toprojeq)

theorem toProj_eq_of_det_eq_zero (u v : Vec_nd) (det_eq_zero : det u v = 0) : u.toProj = v.toProj := (Vec_nd.eq_toproj_iff u v).mpr ((det_eq_zero_iff_eq_smul u.1 v.1 u.2).1 det_eq_zero)

theorem det_eq_zero_iff_toProj_eq (u v : Vec_nd) : det u v = 0 ↔ u.toProj = v.toProj := ⟨fun z => ((Vec_nd.eq_toproj_iff u v).mpr ((det_eq_zero_iff_eq_smul u.1 v.1 u.2).1 z)), fun z => (((det_eq_zero_iff_eq_smul u.1 v.1 u.2).2) (smul_of_eq_toproj u v z))⟩

theorem det'_ne_zero_of_not_colinear {u v : Vec} (hu : u ≠ 0) (h' : ¬(∃ (t : ℝ), v = t • u)) : det' u v ≠ 0 := by
unfold det'
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10 changes: 9 additions & 1 deletion EuclideanGeometry/Foundation/Axiom/Linear/Parallel_trash.lean
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Expand Up @@ -5,6 +5,14 @@ namespace EuclidGeom

variable {P : Type _} [EuclideanPlane P]

theorem Seg_nd.not_para_rev_of_not_para (seg_nd seg_nd' : Seg_nd P) : (¬ seg_nd ∥ seg_nd') → (¬ seg_nd ∥ seg_nd'.reverse) := sorry
-- Later we need a version of this theorem in class DirFig
theorem Seg_nd.para_self_rev (seg_nd : Seg_nd P) : seg_nd ∥ seg_nd.reverse := Eq.symm (toproj_of_rev_eq_toproj)
-- The followings are corollaries:

theorem Seg_nd.para_rev_of_para (seg_nd seg_nd' : Seg_nd P) : (seg_nd ∥ seg_nd') ↔ (seg_nd ∥ seg_nd'.reverse) := ⟨fun z => Eq.trans z (Seg_nd.para_self_rev seg_nd'), fun z => Eq.trans z (Eq.symm (Seg_nd.para_self_rev seg_nd'))⟩

theorem Seg_nd.not_para_rev_of_not_para (seg_nd seg_nd' : Seg_nd P) : (¬ seg_nd ∥ seg_nd') → (¬ seg_nd ∥ seg_nd'.reverse) := by
let g := (Seg_nd.para_rev_of_para seg_nd seg_nd').2

end EuclidGeom
8 changes: 7 additions & 1 deletion EuclideanGeometry/Foundation/Axiom/Position/Angle.lean
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Expand Up @@ -98,7 +98,13 @@ instance : IntFig Angle where

end Angle

theorem eq_end_ray_of_eq_value_eq_start_ray {ang₁ ang₂ : Angle P} (h : ang₁.start_ray = ang₂.start_ray) (v : ang₁.value = ang₂.value) : ang₁.end_ray = ang₂.end_ray := sorry
theorem eq_end_ray_of_eq_value_eq_start_ray {ang₁ ang₂ : Angle P} (h : ang₁.start_ray = ang₂.start_ray) (v : ang₁.value = ang₂.value) : ang₁.end_ray = ang₂.end_ray := by
ext : 1
rw [← ang₁.source_eq_source, ← ang₂.source_eq_source, (congrArg (fun z => z.source)) h]
let g := (congrArg (fun z => Dir.mk_angle z)) v
unfold Angle.value Dir.angle at g
simp only [Dir.mk_angle_arg_toComplex_of_Dir_eq_self, (congrArg (fun z => z.toDir)) h, eq_mul_inv_iff_mul_eq, mul_assoc, inv_mul_self, mul_one] at g
exact g

theorem eq_of_eq_value_eq_start_ray {ang₁ ang₂ : Angle P} (h : ang₁.start_ray = ang₂.start_ray) (v : ang₁.value = ang₂.value) : ang₁ = ang₂ := Angle.ext ang₁ ang₂ h (eq_end_ray_of_eq_value_eq_start_ray h v)

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47 changes: 14 additions & 33 deletions EuclideanGeometry/Foundation/Axiom/Position/Orientation.lean
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Expand Up @@ -20,41 +20,24 @@ def wedge (A B C : P) : ℝ := det (VEC A B) (VEC A C)
def oarea (A B C : P) : ℝ := wedge A B C / 2

theorem wedge213 (A B C : P) : wedge B A C = - wedge A B C := by
dsimp only [wedge]
have h1 : VEC B A = (-1 : ℝ) • VEC A B := by
dsimp only [Vec.mk_pt_pt]
rw [h1, det_smul_left_eq_mul_det, det_eq_neg_det, det_eq_neg_det (VEC A B) _]
have h2 : VEC B C = VEC A C - VEC A B := by
dsimp only [Vec.mk_pt_pt]
exact Eq.symm (vsub_sub_vsub_cancel_right C B A)
rw [h2, det_sub_eq_det]
unfold wedge
rw [← neg_vec A B, ← neg_one_smul ℝ, det_smul_left_eq_mul_det, det_eq_neg_det, det_eq_neg_det (VEC A B) _, neg_one_mul, neg_neg, neg_neg, ← vec_sub_vec A B C, det_sub_eq_det]

theorem wedge132 (A B C : P) : wedge A C B = - wedge A B C := by
dsimp only [wedge]
apply det_symm

theorem wedge312 (A B C : P) : wedge C A B = wedge A B C := by
rw [wedge213, wedge132]
rw [wedge213, wedge132, neg_neg]

theorem wedge231 (A B C : P) : wedge B C A = wedge A B C := by rw [wedge312, wedge312]

theorem wedge321 (A B C : P) : wedge C B A = - wedge A B C := by rw [wedge213, wedge231]

theorem wedge_eq_sine_mul_length_mul_length (A B C : P) (aneb : B ≠ A) (anec : C ≠ A) : wedge A B C = (Real.sin (Angle.mk_pt_pt_pt B A C aneb anec).value * (SEG A B).length *(SEG A C).length) := by
dsimp only [wedge]
have vecabnd : VEC A B ≠ 0 := by
exact (ne_iff_vec_ne_zero A B).mp aneb
have vecacnd : VEC A C ≠ 0 := by
exact (ne_iff_vec_ne_zero A C).mp anec
have h0 : (Angle.mk_pt_pt_pt B A C aneb anec).value = Vec_nd.angle ⟨VEC A B , vecabnd⟩ ⟨VEC A C, vecacnd⟩ := by
dsimp only [Angle.mk_pt_pt_pt,Vec_nd.angle,angle_value_eq_dir_angle]
theorem wedge_eq_sine_mul_length_mul_length (A B C : P) (bnea : B ≠ A) (cnea : C ≠ A) : wedge A B C = (Real.sin (Angle.mk_pt_pt_pt B A C bnea cnea).value * (SEG A B).length *(SEG A C).length) := by
unfold wedge
have h0 : (Angle.mk_pt_pt_pt B A C bnea cnea).value = Vec_nd.angle (VEC_nd A B bnea) (VEC_nd A C cnea) := rfl
rw [h0]
apply det_eq_sin_mul_norm_mul_norm ⟨VEC A B , vecabnd⟩ ⟨VEC A C, vecacnd⟩
apply det_eq_sin_mul_norm_mul_norm (VEC_nd A B bnea) (VEC_nd A C cnea)

theorem colinear_iff_wedge_eq_zero (A B C : P) : (colinear A B C) ↔ (wedge A B C = 0) := by
dsimp only [wedge]
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -129,15 +112,13 @@ theorem odist'_eq_sine_mul_length (A : P) (ray : Ray P) (h : A ≠ ray.source) :
rw [mul_comm]

theorem wedge_eq_odist'_mul_length (A B C : P) (aneb : B ≠ A) : (wedge A B C) = ((odist' C (RAY A B aneb)) * (SEG A B).length) := by
theorem wedge_eq_odist'_mul_length (A B C : P) (bnea : B ≠ A) : (wedge A B C) = ((odist' C (RAY A B bnea)) * (SEG A B).length) := by
by_cases p : C ≠ A
rw [wedge_eq_sine_mul_length_mul_length A B C aneb p,odist'_eq_sine_mul_length C (RAY A B aneb),mul_assoc (Real.sin ((Angle.mk_ray_pt (RAY A B aneb) C p).value)) ((SEG (RAY A B aneb).source C).length) ((SEG A B).length),mul_comm ((SEG (RAY A B aneb).source C).length) ((SEG A B).length),←mul_assoc (Real.sin ((Angle.mk_ray_pt (RAY A B aneb) C p).value)) ((SEG A B).length) ((SEG (RAY A B aneb).source C).length)]
rw [wedge_eq_sine_mul_length_mul_length A B C bnea p,odist'_eq_sine_mul_length C (RAY A B bnea),mul_assoc (Real.sin ((Angle.mk_ray_pt (RAY A B bnea) C p).value)) ((SEG (RAY A B bnea).source C).length) ((SEG A B).length),mul_comm ((SEG (RAY A B bnea).source C).length) ((SEG A B).length),←mul_assoc (Real.sin ((Angle.mk_ray_pt (RAY A B bnea) C p).value)) ((SEG A B).length) ((SEG (RAY A B bnea).source C).length)]
simp at p
have vecac0 : VEC A C = 0 := (eq_iff_vec_eq_zero A C).mp p
have vecrayc0 : VEC (RAY A B aneb).source C = 0 := (eq_iff_vec_eq_zero A C).mp p
dsimp only [wedge,odist',det]
field_simp [vecac0,vecrayc0]
have vecrayc0 : VEC (RAY A B bnea).source C = 0 := (eq_iff_vec_eq_zero A C).mp (not_not.1 p)
dsimp only [wedge, odist', det]
field_simp [(eq_iff_vec_eq_zero A C).mp (not_not.1 p), vecrayc0]

theorem odist'_eq_odist'_of_to_dirline_eq_to_dirline (A : P) (ray ray' : Ray P) (h : same_dir_line ray ray') : odist' A ray = odist' A ray' := by
have h₁ : ray.2.1 =ray'.2.1 := by
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -224,11 +205,11 @@ end point_toray

section oriented_area

theorem oarea_eq_length_mul_odist_div_2 (A B C : P) (aneb : B ≠ A) : (oarea A B C) = ((odist C ( A B aneb)) * (SEG A B).length) / 2:= sorry
theorem oarea_eq_length_mul_odist_div_2 (A B C : P) (bnea : B ≠ A) : (oarea A B C) = ((odist C ( A B bnea)) * (SEG A B).length) / 2:= sorry

theorem oarea_eq_oarea_iff_odist_eq_odist_of_ne (A B C D : P) (bnea : B ≠ A) : (odist C ( A B bnea) = odist D ( A B bnea)) ↔ oarea A B C = oarea A B D := sorry

theorem oarea_eq_sine_mul_length_mul_length_div_2 (A B C : P) (aneb : B ≠ A) (anec : C ≠ A) : oarea A B C = (Real.sin (Angle.mk_pt_pt_pt B A C aneb anec).value * (SEG A B).length *(SEG A C).length) / 2 := sorry
theorem oarea_eq_sine_mul_length_mul_length_div_2 (A B C : P) (bnea : B ≠ A) (cnea : C ≠ A) : oarea A B C = (Real.sin (Angle.mk_pt_pt_pt B A C bnea cnea).value * (SEG A B).length *(SEG A C).length) / 2 := sorry

theorem oarea_eq_zero_of_colinear (A B C : P) : oarea A B C = 0 ↔ colinear A B C := sorry

Expand Down
51 changes: 44 additions & 7 deletions EuclideanGeometry/Foundation/Axiom/Triangle/Basic.lean
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Expand Up @@ -81,8 +81,10 @@ variable {P : Type u} [EuclideanPlane P]

namespace Triangle

-- When we have DirFig, rewrite this definition.
protected def IsInt (A : P) (tr : Triangle P) : Prop := by
by_cases colinear tr.1 tr.2 tr.3
-- why not using ¬ tr.is_nd?
· exact False
· let tr_nd : Triangle_nd P := ⟨tr, h⟩
exact (if tr_nd.is_cclock then A LiesOnLeft Seg_nd.toRay ⟨tr.edge₁, tr_nd.nontriv₁⟩ ∧ A LiesOnLeft Seg_nd.toRay ⟨tr.edge₂, tr_nd.nontriv₂⟩ ∧ A LiesOnLeft Seg_nd.toRay ⟨tr.edge₃, tr_nd.nontriv₃⟩ else A LiesOnRight Seg_nd.toRay ⟨tr.edge₁, tr_nd.nontriv₁⟩ ∧ A LiesOnRight Seg_nd.toRay ⟨tr.edge₂, tr_nd.nontriv₂⟩ ∧ A LiesOnRight Seg_nd.toRay ⟨tr.edge₃, tr_nd.nontriv₃⟩)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -182,13 +184,48 @@ theorem angle_sum_eq_pi_of_cclock (cclock : tr_nd.is_cclock): tr_nd.angle₁.val

theorem angle_sum_eq_neg_pi_of_clock (clock : ¬ tr_nd.is_cclock): tr_nd.angle₁.value + tr_nd.angle₂.value + tr_nd.angle₃.value = - π := sorry
theorem triangle_ineq : tr.edge₁.length + tr.edge₂.length ≥ tr.edge₃.length := sorry

theorem triangle_ineq' (nontriv : tr.is_nd) : tr.edge₁.length + tr.edge₂.length > tr.edge₃.length := sorry

theorem trivial_of_edge_sum_eq_edge : tr.edge₁.length + tr.edge₂.length = tr.edge₃.length → ¬ tr.is_nd := sorry

theorem nontrivial_of_edge_sum_ne_edge : tr.edge₁.length + tr.edge₂.length ≠ tr.edge₃.length → tr.is_nd := sorry -- should this theorem stated as ≠, or as > ???
theorem triangle_ineq : tr.edge₁.length + tr.edge₂.length ≥ tr.edge₃.length := by
have l₃ : tr.edge₃.length = norm (VEC tr.point₁ tr.point₂) := rfl
rw [l₃, ← neg_vec point₂ _, norm_neg, ← vec_add_vec point₂ point₃ point₁]
exact norm_add_le _ _

theorem trivial_of_edge_sum_eq_edge : tr.edge₁.length + tr.edge₂.length = tr.edge₃.length → ¬ tr.is_nd := by
let A := tr.point₁
let B := tr.point₂
let C := tr.point₃
have l₃ : tr.edge₃.length = norm (VEC A B) := rfl
rw [l₃, ← neg_vec B _, norm_neg, ← vec_add_vec B C A]
intro eq
unfold is_nd
let g := Complex.sameRay_iff.2 ((Complex.abs_add_eq_iff).1 eq.symm)
by_cases h₁ : VEC B C = 0
· simp only [(eq_iff_vec_eq_zero B C).2 h₁, not_not]
apply flip_colinear_fst_trd
exact triv_colinear _ _
· by_cases h₂ : VEC C A = 0
· simp only [(eq_iff_vec_eq_zero C A).2 h₂, not_not]
apply flip_colinear_snd_trd
exact triv_colinear _ _
· rcases SameRay.exists_pos g h₁ h₂ with ⟨_, ⟨_, ⟨_, ⟨_, g⟩⟩⟩⟩
rw [← neg_vec C B, ← neg_one_smul ℝ, ← mul_smul, mul_neg_one, ← eq_inv_smul_iff₀ (by linarith), ← mul_smul] at g
exact not_not.2 (perm_colinear_snd_trd_fst (colinear_of_vec_eq_smul_vec g))

theorem triangle_ineq' (nontriv : tr.is_nd) : tr.edge₁.length + tr.edge₂.length > tr.edge₃.length := by
have ne : tr.edge₁.length + tr.edge₂.length ≠ tr.edge₃.length := by
by_contra h
let g := trivial_of_edge_sum_eq_edge tr h
by_contra h
let g := eq_of_le_of_not_lt (triangle_ineq tr) h

/- The following two theorems are totally wrong:

theorem nontrivial_of_edge_sum_ne_edge : tr.edge₁.length + tr.edge₂.length ≠ tr.edge₃.length → tr.is_nd := by

theorem nontrivial_of_edge_sum_gt_edge : tr.edge₁.length + tr.edge₂.length > tr.edge₃.length → tr.is_nd := sorry

So funny. Can you get it? -/

theorem edge_sum_eq_edge_iff_colinear : colinear tr.1 tr.2 tr.3 ↔ (tr.edge₁.length + tr.edge₂.length = tr.edge₃.length) ∨ (tr.edge₂.length + tr.edge₃.length = tr.edge₁.length) ∨ (tr.edge₃.length + tr.edge₁.length = tr.edge₂.length) := sorry
/- area ≥ 0, nontrivial → >0, =0 → trivial -/
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18 changes: 10 additions & 8 deletions EuclideanGeometry/Foundation/Axiom/Triangle/Basic_ex.lean
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Expand Up @@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ def perm_vertices : (Triangle P) where
-- We decide not to define reverse permutation of triangles, just do composition twice.

-- Permuting three times returns to the original triangle.
theorem eq_self_of_perm_vertices_three_times : tr.perm_vertices.perm_vertices.perm_vertices = tr := by sorry
theorem eq_self_of_perm_vertices_three_times : tr.perm_vertices.perm_vertices.perm_vertices = tr := rfl

-- flip vertices for triangles means to flip the second and the third vertices.

Expand All @@ -24,14 +24,16 @@ def flip_vertices : (Triangle P) where
point₂ := tr.point₃
point₃ := tr.point₂

theorem eq_self_of_flip_vertices_twice : tr.flip_vertices.flip_vertices = tr := by sorry
theorem eq_self_of_flip_vertices_twice : tr.flip_vertices.flip_vertices = tr := rfl

-- Not sure this is the best theorem to p
theorem eq_flip_of_perm_twice_of_perm_flip_vertices : tr.flip_vertices.perm_vertices.perm_vertices = tr.perm_vertices.flip_vertices := by sorry
theorem eq_flip_of_perm_twice_of_perm_flip_vertices : tr.flip_vertices.perm_vertices.perm_vertices = tr.perm_vertices.flip_vertices := rfl

theorem is_inside_of_is_inside_perm_vertices (tr : Triangle P) (p : P) (inside : p LiesInt tr) : p LiesInt tr.perm_vertices := by sorry
theorem is_inside_of_is_inside_perm_vertices (tr : Triangle P) (p : P) (inside : p LiesInt tr) : p LiesInt tr.perm_vertices := by

theorem is_inside_of_is_inside_flip_vertices (tr : Triangle P) (p : P) (inside : p LiesInt tr) : p LiesInt tr.flip_vertices := by sorry
theorem is_inside_of_is_inside_flip_vertices (tr : Triangle P) (p : P) (inside : p LiesInt tr) : p LiesInt tr.flip_vertices := by

end Triangle

Expand All @@ -41,12 +43,12 @@ def perm_vertices : (Triangle_nd P) := ⟨tr_nd.1.perm_vertices, flip_colinear_s

def flip_vertices : (Triangle_nd P) := ⟨tr_nd.1.flip_vertices, tr_nd.2⟩

theorem eq_self_of_perm_vertices_three_times : tr_nd.perm_vertices.perm_vertices.perm_vertices = tr_nd := by sorry
theorem eq_self_of_perm_vertices_three_times : tr_nd.perm_vertices.perm_vertices.perm_vertices = tr_nd := rfl
--exact tr_nd.1.eq_self_of_perm_vertices_three_times

theorem eq_self_of_flip_vertices_twice : tr_nd.flip_vertices.flip_vertices = tr_nd := by sorry
theorem eq_self_of_flip_vertices_twice : tr_nd.flip_vertices.flip_vertices = tr_nd := rfl

theorem eq_flip_of_perm_twice_of_perm_flip_vertices : tr_nd.flip_vertices.perm_vertices.perm_vertices = tr_nd.perm_vertices.flip_vertices := by sorry
theorem eq_flip_of_perm_twice_of_perm_flip_vertices : tr_nd.flip_vertices.perm_vertices.perm_vertices = tr_nd.perm_vertices.flip_vertices := rfl

-- compatibility of permutation/flip of vertices with orientation of the triangle

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49 changes: 12 additions & 37 deletions EuclideanGeometry/Foundation/Axiom/Triangle/Trigonometric.lean
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Expand Up @@ -17,43 +17,18 @@ theorem cosine_rule (tr_nd : Triangle_nd P) : 2 * (tr_nd.edge₃.length * tr_nd.
let A := tr_nd.1.point₁
let B := tr_nd.1.point₂
let C := tr_nd.1.point₃
dsimp only [Seg.length]
have h : ¬colinear A B C := (tr_nd).2
have h0 : B ≠ A := by
intro k
rw [←k] at h
exact h (triv_colinear B C)
have h1 : C ≠ A := by
intro k
rw [←k] at h
have p : ¬colinear C C B := by
intro k
exact h (flip_colinear_snd_trd k)
exact p (triv_colinear C B)
have h2 : A ≠ C := Ne.symm h1
have h3 : 2 * (Vec.norm (⟨VEC A B,(ne_iff_vec_ne_zero A B).mp h0⟩ : Vec_nd) * Vec.norm (⟨VEC A C,(ne_iff_vec_ne_zero A C).mp h1⟩ : Vec_nd) * Real.cos (Vec_nd.angle ⟨VEC A B,(ne_iff_vec_ne_zero A B).mp h0⟩ ⟨VEC A C,(ne_iff_vec_ne_zero A C).mp h1⟩)) = Seg.length (SEG A B) ^ 2 + Seg.length (SEG A C) ^ 2 - Seg.length (SEG B C) ^ 2 := cosine_rule' A B C h0 h1
have h4 : Vec.norm (⟨VEC A C,(ne_iff_vec_ne_zero A C).mp h1⟩ : Vec_nd) = Vec.norm (⟨VEC C A,(ne_iff_vec_ne_zero C A).mp h2⟩ : Vec_nd) := by
unfold Vec.norm; simp; unfold Vec.mk_pt_pt
have l0 : A -ᵥ C = -1 * (C -ᵥ A) := by
rw [neg_one_mul]
rw [l0,map_mul Complex.abs (-1) (C -ᵥ A)]
have l1: Complex.abs (-1)=1 := by simp
rw [l1,one_mul]
have h5 : Seg.length (SEG A C)=Seg.length (SEG C A) := by
unfold Seg.length
simp; unfold Vec.mk_pt_pt
have l0 : A -ᵥ C = -1 * (C -ᵥ A) := by
rw [neg_one_mul]
rw [l0,map_mul Complex.abs (-1) (C -ᵥ A)]
have l1 : Complex.abs (-1) = 1 := by simp
rw [l1,one_mul]
rw [h4] at h3
unfold Vec.norm at h3;
rw [h5] at h3; unfold Seg.length at h3; simp at h3
exact h3
let h₃ := cosine_rule' A B C (tr_nd.nontriv₃) (Ne.symm tr_nd.nontriv₂)
have h₄ : Vec.norm (⟨VEC A C, (ne_iff_vec_ne_zero A C).mp (Ne.symm tr_nd.nontriv₂)⟩ : Vec_nd) = Vec.norm (⟨VEC C A, (ne_iff_vec_ne_zero C A).mp (tr_nd.nontriv₂)⟩ : Vec_nd) := by
simp only [ne_eq]
rw [← neg_vec A C]
simp only [neg_Vec_norm_eq_Vec_norm]
have h₅ : Seg.length (SEG A C) = Seg.length (SEG C A) := by
unfold Seg.length Seg.toVec
rw [← neg_vec (SEG A C).target (SEG A C).source]
simp only [norm_neg, Complex.norm_eq_abs]
rw [h₄, h₅] at h₃
simp only [ne_eq, Nat.cast_ofNat] at h₃
exact h₃

theorem cosine_rule'' (tr_nd : Triangle_nd P) : tr_nd.edge₁.length = (tr_nd.edge₃.length ^ 2 + tr_nd.edge₂.length ^ 2 - 2 * (tr_nd.edge₃.length * tr_nd.edge₂.length * Real.cos tr_nd.angle₁.value)) ^ (1/2) := by sorry

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