collected ramblings to get a pwnagotchi working
Windows RDNIS Gadget Drivers can be found here: This was arguably one of the harder things to track down, and is an absolute must-have to connect to raspi through a Windows machine. If for whatever reason this page disappears, first check for the URL. Sometimes using a cached version of a page also works if the original page is down for maintenance.
or use the MOD device driver read more about it here: download the drivers here: apparently MIDI devices are similar enough that he drivers are compatible.
Another surprising linkage was the Bonjour print driver: while it might just be an element of wizardry, but for whatever reason, this helps, and i'm not exactly sure why using the 2 together should work but I'll sacrifice a few MB of my storage drive to the IT gods so that my code runs.
This is one that took a long while to understand. Going through the manual process of changing the IP, Subnet mask, DNS, etc from within the Network and Sharing Center is one way. But those changes seemed to only last for 1 "pluged in" session. The powershell script sticks the changes, as long as the raspi device is plugged-in, and has booted. If you prefer the manual way, use the
Use the networking script from the git repo to share internet to the pwnagotchi.
Make sure NetworkManager isn't fucking up your settings. It probably is.
Open powershell as administrator you need admin privileges
set-executionpolicy remotesigned
to allow scripts -
Set-ExecutionPolicy unrestricted
to allow scripts -
Plugin rpi with pwnagotchi sd card inserted.
CD to drive where “_connection_share.” is located
.\win_connection_share -EnableInternetConnectionSharing
.\win_connection_share -SetPwnagotchiSubnet
SSH into the pwnagotchi with default creds.
ssh pi@
password: raspberry
Head to Control Panel > Network and Sharing Center > Change adapter settings.
Give the new Ethernet connection (your Pwnagotchi) a right-click and choose Properties.
Navigate to Internet Protocol Version 4 (TCP/IPv4) > Properties.
Fill in: “Use the following IP address”:
IP Address:
Subnet Mask:
Save your changes and exit.
Launch your preferred SSH client (PuTTY) Direct your SSH connection to, the default address for your Pwnagotchi when tethered over USB.
or CMD prompt as Admin ssh pi@
Credentials: Username is 'pi', and the password, unless modified, is 'raspberry'.