Synchronized view of two maps. Tested with Leaflet 1.0.3, 1.1.0, 1.2.0 and 1.5.1.
More information in original blog post by @turban
Using npm for browserify npm install leaflet.sync
(and require('leaflet.sync')
), or just download L.Map.Sync.js
and add a script tag for it in you html.
With two map objects, mapA
and mapB
, call mapA.sync(mapB)
to sync interactions on mapA
with mapB
In order to make the other direction work, you should make another call: mapB.sync(mapA)
When in need to unsync maps simply call mapA.unsync(mapB)
to release sync interactions on mapB
and mapB.unsync(mapA)
to release mapA
Just make more calls to map.sync()
, with different map objects. Interaction will be synced to all of them. If you want the actions to be synced vice-versa, you should synchronize all directions.
// synchronize three maps
You can synchronize not only the centers, but other points, using the option offsetFn
The parameters send to the function are (center, zoom, referenceMap, targetMap)
, and it must return the equivalent center to produce your offset. That means, the center to pass to setView.
In most cases, you can use the factory L.Sync.offsetHelper
, that accepts two arrays of two elements each (ratioRef, ratioTgt)
. The meaning of this array is the relative position -relative to the top left corner and the whole size- in the map container of the point to synchronize. The first value in the array is for the x axis, where 0 is the left side and 1 the right side. The second value in the array is for the y axis, where 0 is the top side, and 1 the bottom side. So [0, 0]
is the top left corner, [0, 1]
is the bottom left corner, [0.5, 1]
is the middle of the bottom side, [0.5, 0.5]
is the center of the container, [0.75, 0.25]
is the center of the top right quadrant, and [2, 0]
is a point out of the container, one 'width' far to the right, in the top line.
[0,0]------[0.5,0]------[1,0] ... [2,0]
| |
| |
For instance mapB.sync(mapC, {offsetFn: L.Sync.offsetHelper([0, 1], [1, 1])});
will sync the bottom left corner [0, 1]
in the reference map (mapB) with the bottom right corner [1, 1]
in the target map (mapC).
As well mapB.sync(mapA, {offsetFn: L.Sync.offsetHelper([0, 0], [1, 0.5])});
will sync the top left corner [0 ,0]
in mapB with the center of the right side [1, 0.5]
in mapA.
If you want the actions to be synced vice-versa, you should use symmetric values (as reference and target are swapped); for instance:
// place B below A, and show a continuous map
mapA.sync(mapB, {offsetFn: L.Sync.offsetHelper([0, 1], [0, 0])});
mapB.sync(mapA, {offsetFn: L.Sync.offsetHelper([0, 0], [0, 1])});
The default behaviour is to synchronize the centers, the corresponding offset points are [0.5, 0.5], [0.5, 0.5]
Have a look at the file examples/multiple_offset.html to see how to sync multiple maps with offsets.
If you need a different behaviour not supported by L.Sync.offsetHelper
, create your own function. For instance, if you have a banner on the left side of mapA 100px width that you want to exclude, you can create something like this:
mapA.sync(mapB, {offsetFn: function (center, zoom, refMap, tgtMap) {
var pt = refMap.project(center, zoom).add([100, 0]);
return refMap.unproject(pt, zoom);
Another example for offsetFn
is this function, that will sync all the maps as if they were continuous, like in examples/select_syncs.html
function offsetGlobal (center, zoom, refMap, tgtMap) {
var refC = refMap.getContainer();
var tgtC = tgtMap.getContainer();
var pt = refMap.project(center, zoom)
.subtract([refC.offsetLeft, refC.offsetTop])
.add([tgtC.offsetLeft, tgtC.offsetTop])
return refMap.unproject(pt, zoom);
Replays all interaction on mapA
on mapB
to keep their views synchronized. Initially synchronizes the view of mapA
to mapB
Optional options
noInitialSync: true, // disables initial synchronization of the maps.
syncCursor: true, // add a circle marker on the synced map
offsetFn: function (center, zoom, refMap, tgtMap) { return center; } // function to compute an offset for the center
Removes synchronization.
Returns true if the map is synchronized with any other map. When otherMap
is present, returns true if the map is synchronized exactly with this otherMap
- Dragging is not propagated more than one level (In a
situation, dragging ona
will not result in change onc
Install dependencies and run tests:
npm install && npm test
or load test/index.html
in your browser after installing the dependencies by running npm install