This library is a reference implementation of Dragonbox in C++.
Dragonbox is a float-to-string conversion algorithm based on a beautiful algorithm Schubfach, developed by Raffaello Giulietti in 2017-2018. Dragonbox is further inspired by Grisu and Grisu-Exact.
Dragonbox generates a pair of integers from a floating-point number: the decimal significand and the decimal exponent of the input floating-point number. These integers can then be used for string generation of decimal representation of the input floating-point number, the procedure commonly called ftoa
or dtoa
The algorithm guarantees three things:
It has the roundtrip guarantee; that is, a correct parser interprets the generated output string as the original input floating-point number. (See here for some explanation on this.)
The output is of the shortest length; that is, no other output strings that are interpreted as the input number can contain less number of significand digits than the output of Dragonbox.
The output is correctly rounded: the number generated by Dragonbox is the closest to the actual value of the input number among possible outputs of minimum number of digits.
The core idea of Schubfach, which Dragonbox is based on, is a continuous analogue of discrete pigeonhole principle. The name Schubfach is coming from the German name of the pigeonhole principle, Schubfachprinzip, meaning "drawer principle". Since another name of the pigeonhole principle is Dirichlet's box principle, I decided to call my algorithm "Dragonbox" to honor its origins: Schubfach (box) and Grisu (dragon).
Although Dragonbox is intended for float-to-string conversion routines, the actual string generation is not officially a part of the algorithm. Dragonbox just outputs two integers (the decimal significand/exponent) that can be consumed by a string generation procedure. The header file include/dragonbox/dragonbox.h
includes everything needed for this (it is header-only). Nevertheless, a string generation procedure is included in the library. There are two additional files needed for that: include/dragonbox/dragonbox_to_chars.h
and source/dragonbox_to_chars.cpp
. Since there are only three files, it should be not difficult to set up this library manually if you want, but you can also use it via CMake as explained below. If you are not familiar with CMake, I recommend you to have a look at this wonderful introduction.
The following will create platform-specific build files on your directory:
git clone
cd dragonbox
mkdir build
cd build
cmake ..
If you only want dragonbox.h
but not dragonbox_to_chars.h
, you can do the following to install dragonbox.h
into your system:
cmake --install .
If you want the string generation part as well, build the generated files using platform-specific build tools (make
or Visual Studio for example) and then perform
cmake --install .
on the build
The easiest way to include Dragonbox in a CMake project is to do the following:
target_link_libraries(my_target dragonbox::dragonbox) # or dragonbox::dragonbox_to_chars
Or, if you already have installed Dragonbox in your system, you can include it with:
target_link_libraries(my_target dragonbox::dragonbox) # or dragonbox::dragonbox_to_chars
The library requires C++11 or higher. Since C++20, every function provided is constexpr
(Simple string generation from float/double
#include "dragonbox/dragonbox_to_chars.h"
constexpr int buffer_length = 1 + // for '\0'
double x = 1.234; // Also works for float
char buffer[buffer_length];
// Null-terminate the buffer and return the pointer to the null character
// Hence, the length of the string is (end_ptr - buffer)
// buffer is now { '1', '.', '2', '3', '4', 'E', '0', '\0', (garbages) }
char* end_ptr = jkj::dragonbox::to_chars(x, buffer);
// Does not null-terminate the buffer; returns the next-to-end pointer
// buffer is now { '1', '.', '2', '3', '4', 'E', '0', (garbages) }
// you can wrap the buffer with things like std::string_view
end_ptr = jkj::dragonbox::to_chars_n(x, buffer);
(Direct use of jkj::dragonbox::to_decimal
#include "dragonbox/dragonbox.h"
double x = 1.234; // Also works for float
// Here, x should be a nonzero finite number!
// The return value v is a struct with three members:
// significand : decimal significand (1234 in this case);
// it is of type std::uint64_t for double, std::uint32_t for float
// exponent : decimal exponent (-3 in this case); it is of type int
// is_negative : as the name suggests; it is of type bool
auto v = jkj::dragonbox::to_decimal(x);
By default, jkj::dragonbox::to_decimal
returns a struct with three members (significand
, exponent
, and is_negative
). But the return type and the return value can change if you specify policy parameters. See below.
Important. jkj::dragonbox::to_decimal
is designed to work only with finite nonzero inputs. The behavior of it when given with infinities/NaN's/+0
is undefined. jkj::dragonbox::to_chars
and jkj::dragonbox::to_chars_n
work fine for any inputs.
Those who want to port the algorithm into other languages or re-implement it from scratch are recommended to look at the simpler implementation first rather than the main implementation, since the main implementation is riddled with template indirections obscuring the core logic of the algorithm. The simpler implementation offers less flexibility and somewhat slower performance, but is much more straightforward so it should be easier to understand.
Dragonbox provides several policies that the user can select. Most of the time the default policies will be sufficient, but for some situation this customizability might be useful. There are currently five different kinds of policies that you can specify: sign policy, trailing zero policy, decimal-to-binary (parsing) rounding policy, binary-to-decimal (formatting) rounding policy, and cache policy. Those policies live in the namespace jkj::dragonbox::policy
. You can provide the policies as additional parameters to jkj::dragonbox::to_decimal
or jkj::dragonbox::to_chars
or jkj::dragonbox::to_chars_n
. Here is an example usage:
#include "dragonbox/dragonbox.h"
auto v = jkj::dragonbox::to_decimal(x,
In this example, the ignore
sign policy and the compact
cache policy are specified. The return value will not include the member is_negative
, and jkj::dragonbox::to_decimal
will internally use the compressed cache for the computation, rather than the full cache. There is no particular order for policy parameters; you can give them in any order. Default policies will be chosen if you do not explicitly specify any. In the above example, for instance, nearest_to_even
decimal-to-binary rounding mode policy is chosen, which is the default decimal-to-binary rounding mode policy. If you provide two or more policies of the same kind, or if you provide an invalid policy parameter, then the compliation will fail.
Policy parameters (e.g., jkj::dragonbox::policy::sign::ignore
in the above example) are of different types, so different combinations of policies generally result in separate template instantiations, which might cause binary bloat. (However, it is only the combination that matters; giving the same parameter combination in a different order will usually not generate a separate binary.)
Determines whether or not jkj::dragonbox::to_decimal
will extract and return the sign of the input parameter.
: There is nois_negative
member in the returned struct and the sign of the input is not returned. A string generation routine might anyway need to deal with the sign by itself, so often this member will not be needed. In that case, omittingis_negative
member can reduce some overhead.jkj::dragonbox::to_chars
use this policy internally. In the implementation ofjkj::dragonbox::to_decimal
, the sign of the input is relevant only for deciding the rounding interval under certain rounding mode policies. Under the default rounding mode policies, the sign is completely ignored.jkj::dragonbox::policy::sign::return_sign
: This is the default policy. The sign of the input will be written in theis_negative
member of the returned struct.
You cannot specify sign policy to jkj::dragonbox::to_chars
Determines what jkj::dragonbox::to_decimal
will do with possible trailing decimal zeros.
: Do not care about trailing zeros; the output significand may contain trailing zeros. Since trailing zero removal is a relatively heavy operation involving lots of divisions, and a string generation routine will need to perform divisions anyway, it would be possible to get a better overall performance by omitting trailing zero removal fromjkj::dragonbox::to_decimal
and taking care of that in other places.jkj::dragonbox::policy::trailing_zero::remove
: This is the default policy. Remove all trailing zeros in the output.jkj::dragonbox::to_chars
use this policy internally for IEEE-754 binary32 format (akafloat
: The output significand may contain trailing zeros, but such possibility will be reported in the additional membermay_have_trailing_zeros
of the returned struct. This member will be set totrue
if there might be trailing zeros, and it will be set tofalse
if there should be no trailing zero. By how the algorithm works, it is guaranteed that whenever there might be trailing zeros, the maximum number of trailing zeros is 7 for binary32 and 15 for binary64.
You cannot specify trailing zero policy to jkj::dragonbox::to_chars
Dragonbox provides a roundtrip guarantee. This means that if we convert the output of Dragonbox back to IEEE-754 binary floating-point format, the result should be equal to the original input to Dragonbox. However, converting the decimal output of Dragonbox back into binary floating-point number requires a rounding, so in order to ensure the roundtrip guarantee, Dragonbox must assume which kind of rounding will be performed for the inverse, decimal-to-binary conversion.
: This is the default policy. Use round-to-nearest, tie-to-even rounding mode. -
: Use round-to-nearest, tie-to-odd rounding mode. -
: Use round-to-nearest, tie-toward-plus-infinity rounding mode. -
: Use round-to-nearest, tie-toward-minus-infinity rounding mode. -
: Use round-to-nearest, tie-toward-zero rounding mode. This will produce the fastest code among all round-to-nearest rounding modes. -
: Use round-to-nearest, tie-away-from-zero rounding mode. -
: Use round-to-nearest, tie-to-even rounding mode, but there will be completely independent code paths for even inputs and odd inputs. This will produce a bigger binary, but might run faster thanjkj::dragonbox::policy::decimal_to_binary_rounding::nearest_to_even
for some situation. -
: Use round-to-nearest, tie-to-odd rounding mode, but there will be completely independent code paths for even inputs and odd inputs. This will produce a bigger binary, but might run faster thanjkj::dragonbox::policy::decimal_to_binary_rounding::nearest_to_odd
for some situation. -
: Use round-to-nearest, tie-toward-plus-infinity rounding mode, but there will be completely independent code paths for positive inputs and negative inputs. This will produce a bigger binary, but might run faster thanjkj::dragonbox::policy::decimal_to_binary_rounding::nearest_toward_plus_infinity
for some situation. -
: Use round-to-nearest, tie-toward-plus-infinity rounding mode, but there will be completely independent code paths for positive inputs and negative inputs. This will produce a bigger binary, but might run faster thanjkj::dragonbox::policy::decimal_to_binary_rounding::nearest_toward_minus_infinity
for some situation. -
: Use round-toward-plus-infinity rounding mode. -
: Use round-toward-minus-infinity rounding mode. -
: Use round-toward-zero rounding mode. -
: Use away-from-zero rounding mode.
All of these policies can be specified also to jkj::dragonbox::to_chars
Determines what jkj::dragonbox::to_decimal
will do when rounding tie occurs while obtaining the decimal significand. This policy will be completely ignored if the specified binary-to-decimal rounding policy is not one of the round-to-nearest policies (because for other policies rounding tie simply doesn't exist).
: Do not care about correct rounding at all and just find any shortest output with the correct roundtrip. It will produce a faster code, but the performance difference will not be big.jkj::dragonbox::policy::binary_to_decimal_rounding::to_even
: This is the default policy. Choose the even number when rounding tie occurs.jkj::dragonbox::policy::binary_to_decimal_rounding::to_odd
: Choose the odd number when rounding tie occurs.jkj::dragonbox::policy::binary_to_decimal_rounding::away_from_zero
: Choose the number with the bigger absolute value when rounding tie occurs.jkj::dragonbox::policy::binary_to_decimal_rounding::toward_zero
: Choose the number with the smaller absolute value when rounding tie occurs.
All of these policies can be specified also to jkj::dragonbox::to_chars
Choose between the full cache table and the compressed one. Using the compressed cache will result in about 20% slower code, but it can significantly reduce the amount of required static data. It currently has no effect for binary32 (float
) inputs. For binary64 (double
) inputs, jkj::dragonbox::cache_policy::full
will cause jkj::dragonbox::to_decimal
to use 619*16 = 9904
bytes of static data table, while the corresponding amount for jkj::dragonbox::cache_policy::compact
is 23*16 + 27*8 = 584
: This is the default policy. Use the full table.jkj::dragonbox::policy::cache::compact
: Use the compressed table.
All of these policies can be specified also to jkj::dragonbox::to_chars
In my machine (Intel Core i7-7700HQ 2.80GHz, Windows 10), it defeats or is on par with other contemporary algorithms including Grisu-Exact, Ryu, and Schubfach.
The following benchmark result (performed on 03/30/2024) is obtained using Milo's dtoa benchmark framework ( The complete source code for the benchmark below is available here.
Note 1: dragonbox
is the performance of Dragonbox with the full cache table, and dragonbox_comp
is the performance of Dragonbox with the compact cache table.
Note 2: fmt
internally uses Dragonbox with an implementation almost identical to that in this repository.
There is also a benchmark done by myself (also performed on 03/30/2024):
(top: benchmark for float
data, bottom: benchmark for double
data; solid lines are the averages, dashed lines are the medians, and the shaded regions show 30%, 50%, and 70% percentiles):
Here is another performance plot with uniformly randomly generated float
(top) or double
(bottom) data:
(Note: the comparison with Schubfach is not completely fair, since the implementation I benchmarked against uses a digit generation procedure with a different set of constraints. More fair comparison is available in this repository.)
Please see this paper.
There are four subprojects contained in this repository:
: The subproject that other subprojects depend on.benchmark
: Runs benchmark.test
: Runs tests.meta
: Generates static data that the main library uses.
All subprojects including tests and benchmark are standalone, which means that you can build and run each of them independently. For example, you can do the following to run tests:
git clone
cd dragonbox
mkdir -p build/subproject/test
cd build/subproject/test
cmake ../../../subproject/test
cmake --build .
ctest .
(You might need to pass the configuration option to cmake
and ctest
if you use multi-configuration generators like Visual Studio.)
It is also possible to build all subprojects from the root directory by passing the option -DDRAGONBOX_ENABLE_SUBPROJECT=On
to cmake
git clone
cd dragonbox
mkdir build
cd build
cmake --build .
Some executable files require the correct working directory to be set. For example, the executable for benchmark
runs some MATLAB scripts provided in subproject/benchmark/matlab
directory, which will fail to execute if the working directory is not set to subproject/benchmark
. If you use the provided CMakeLists.txt
files to generate a Visual Studio solution, the debugger's working directory is automatically set to the corresponding source directory. For example, the working directory is set to subproject/benchmark
for the benchmark subproject. However, other generators of cmake are not able to set the debugger's working directory, so in that case you need to manually set the correct working directory when running the executables in order to make them work correctly.
The paper provides a mathematical proof of the correctness of the algorithm, with the aid of verification programs in test
and meta
directories. In addition to that, I did a fair amount of uniformly random tests against Ryu (which is extremely heavily tested in its own), and I also ran a joint test of Dragonbox with a binary-to-decimal floating-point conversion routine I developed, and confirmed correct roundtrip for all possible IEEE-754 binary32-encoded floating-point numbers (aka float
) with the round-to-nearest, tie-to-even rounding mode. Therefore, I am pretty confident about the correctness of both of the algorithms.
The precise meaning of roundtrip guarantee might be tricky, as it depends on the notion of "correct parsers". For example, given that significand
and exponent
are the outputs of Dragonbox with respect to an input floating-point number x
of, say, type double
, then things like x == significand * pow(10.0, exponent)
might or might not be the case, because each of the floating-point operations in the expression significand * pow(10.0, exponent)
can introduce rounding errors that can accumulate to a bigger error. What a correct parser should do is to precisely compute the floating-point number from the given expression according to the assumed rounding rule, and the result must be "correctly rounded" in the sense that only the minimum possible rounding error is allowed. Implementing a correct parser is indeed a very nontrivial job, so you may need additional libraries (like Ryu or double-conversion) if you want to check this roundtrip guarantee by yourself.
All code, except for those belong to third-party libraries (code in subproject/3rdparty
), is licensed under either of
- Apache License Version 2.0 with LLVM Exceptions (LICENSE-Apache2-LLVM or or
- Boost Software License Version 1.0 (LICENSE-Boost or