This program downloads scpd videos for a given class in the order that they happened as an mp4. Each time the script is run, it will update to download all of the undownloaded videos.
This script is modified from the one by Ben Newhouse
To get it up and running...
pip install -r requirements.txt
npm install
Usage: python [yourUserName] [optional flags] cs107 cs109 ...
The way I use it is to keep a folder of videos, and once I have watched them, move them into a subfolder called watched. So it also won't redownload files that are in a subfolder called watched.
Any of the following flags (besides "--help") can be used in conjunction with listed coursenames
Give information on usage:
dDwnload all new videos from courses held in subdirectories whose names match the courses:
Download the newest lectures first:
Designate output location of videos (default is subdirectory with name course_name