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A sample utility for managing Mattermost users. This code is provided as a sample of how you could use Python to manage Mattermost users. Such a script could be useful for providing options via a cron job, for example. The functionality could also be combined with other code to develop more comprehensive integrations with Mattermost.


This code should not be considered production ready!

A number of options are presented in this sample code:

  • Force logout of a user
  • Disable/Enable a user
  • Change (or remove) a user's nickname
  • Add (or remove) a user to a Team
  • Add (or remove) a user to a Channel

Each of these options is actionable via command line parameters. These are split into two sections, covering the Site-specific parameters and the Task-specific parameters, as described below, and the utility is called as follows:

python [-h] [--config CONFIG] [<-d | --debug>] 
                   [--siteurl URL] [--port PORT]
                   [--scheme {http,https}] [--tokenfile TOKENFILE] 
                   <-e EMAIL | --useremail EMAIL>
                   [--forcelogout] [--disableuser] [--enableuser]
                   [--newnickname NICKNAME] [--removenickname]
                   [--teamadd TEAM] [--teamremove TEAM]
                   [--channeladd CHANNEL] [--channelremove CHANNEL]
                   [--team TEAM]

Site-Specific Arguments

These represent the Mattermost site connection arguments. These arguments must either be presented on the command line, or in a supplied config file. By default, the config file should be in the same directory as the Python code, and be called config.ini.

Argument Description
--siteurl URL Mattermost site URL. Must be present either in the config file or on the command line. Argument overrides config file entry.
--port PORT [Optional] Port on which Mattermost is listening. [Default: 443] Argument overrides config file entry.
--scheme {http,https} [Optional] The HTTP scheme to be used. [Default: https] Argument overrides config file entry.
--tokenfile TOKENFILE A text file containing a valid Mattermost Personal Access Token from an account with System Admin access.

Task-Specific Arguments

These arguments specify the specific actions to perform.


The arguments could potentially be combined to accomplish multiple tasks at once, but this should be avoided in practise, as the results may not be as you expect!

Argument Description
-e EMAIL, --username EMAIL Target user's email address. Required for all task types!
--forcelogout Forces a user to be logged out.
--disableuser Disable an existing user.
--enableuser Enable a previously disabled user.
--newnickname NICKNAME If this argument is present, the supplied user will have their nickname changed to the supplied value.
--removenickname If this argument is present, the specified user will have their nickname cleared.
--teamadd TEAM If this argument is present, the supplied user will be added to the specified team.
--teamremove TEAM If this argument is present, the supplied user will be removed from the specified team.
--channeladd CHANNEL If this argument is present, the supplied user will be added to the specified channel.
--channelremove CHANNEL If this argument is present, the supplied user will be removed from the specified channel.
--team TEAM When using either of the 'channel' functions, a team nanme is required in order to uniquely idenfity the channel.

Optional Arguments

Argument Description
--config CONFIG Path to the config file
-h, --help Display the help message and exit.
-d, --debug Run the code in debug mode for additional output for troubleshooting.

Further Information

In order to use this code, you'll need to deploy the mattermostdriver Python library. This can usually be done via:

pip install mattermostdriver

More information on this library can be found here


A sample utility for managing Mattermost users







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