This is a very basic parameterized install of JBoss Data Grid.
You can either download the image from a docker registry or build it yourself.
- run
These builds are not performed by the Docker Trusted Build service because it contains JBoss proprietary code, but this method can be used if using a Private Docker Registry.
docker pull deloitte-irsm/rhjdg:$VERSION
Starting Jboss Data Grid Server in Standalone mode
docker run -it --rm --name jboss-jdg -p 8080:8080 -p 9990:9990 deloitte-irsm/rhjdg:7.3.5
Or you can run docker-compose to avoid typing a long docker-run command.
docker-compose up --build
Please refer the docker run command options for the --env-file
flag where you can specify all required environment
variables in a single file. This will save you from writing a potentially long docker run command.
Below is the complete list of available options that can be used to customize your installation.
- MODE: You can either run in
mode (single server),DOMAIN_MASTER
(clustered - is required for any slaves to be started), orDOMAIN_SLAVE
(clustered - needs to be linked to the DOMAIN_MASTER). The default isSTANDALONE
. - JDG_ADMIN_USERNAME: The username for accessing the admin console. By default this is
. Note that users can be changed/added, but currently this doesn't allow for removal without destroying the container. - JDG_ADMIN_PASSWORD: The username password for accessing the admin console. By default this is
. Note that users can be changed/added, but currently this doesn't allow for removal without destroying the container. - JDG_USERNAME: The username for accessing the REST API. By default this is
. Note that users can be changed/added, but currently this doesn't allow for removal without destroying the container. - JDG_PASSWORD: The username password for accessing the REST API. By default this is
. Note that users can be changed/added, but currently this doesn't allow for removal without destroying the container. - JDG_CACHE_NAMES: Array of cache store names. The cache store names for storing cache. By default is (
). Note that caches can be changed/added. - JDG_DISK_PERSISTENCE: If persistence is needed or not. By default this is
- JDG_PERSISTENCE_PATH: The path to store the persistance file containing all cache data. By default this is
- JDG_SERVER_NAME: The name for this server so HotRod connector can be configured. By default this is
#Accessing the Admin Console
#Adding key entries POST: http://localhost:8080/rest/${Cache-name}/${key} Body: ${value} Basic Authentication: user:user pass:user123! Ex. http://localhost:8080/rest/default/key4Test
#Retreiving cache entries GET: http://localhost:8080/rest/${Cache-name}/${key} Basic Authentication: user:user pass:user123! Ex. http://localhost:8080/rest/default/key1Test http://localhost:8080/rest/default/key2Test http://localhost:8080/rest/default/key3Test
#Other operations
#Adding users inside container execute /bin/
Default Management user: user:admin pass:admin123!
Default Rest user: user:user pass:user123!
#Adding Cache Stores that persists to disk May use the Management Console on port 9990 or modify the .../configuration/standalone.xml file. Notice there is a local-cache 'default_cache'. Same way others could be added.
<cache-container name="local" default-cache="default" statistics="true">
<local-cache name="default"/>
<local-cache name="namedCache"/>
<local-cache name="default_cache">
<file-store path="/files/" fetch-state="true"/>
<role name="user" permissions="READ WRITE "/>