Python package to publish RuuviTag data to cloud services.
- RuuviTag Sensor by ttu used to poll RuuviTag data
- Azure IoT SDKs for Python used to publish RuuviTag data to Azure
- Python (>=3.10)
- Poetry (>=1.5.1)
- Azure IoT Central application with a RuuviGate device
Install locally build version
> poetry build
> pip install ./dist/ruuvigate-<version>-py3-none-any.whl
Install from GitHub releases
> pip install<version>/ruuvigate-<version>-py3-none-any.whl
Examples of configuration files:
> python3 -m ruuvigate -r /path/to/ruuvitags.yml --mode stdout --interval 5 --loglevel INFO --simulate
> python3 -m ruuvigate -r /path/to/ruuvitags.yml -c /path/to/azure.yml --interval 5 --loglevel INFO --simulate
> python3 -m ruuvigate -r /path/to/ruuvitags.yml -c /path/to/azure.yml --interval 5 --loglevel INFO
> poetry install
> poetry run python -m ruuvigate -r /path/to/ruuvitags.yml --mode stdout --interval 5 --loglevel INFO --simulate
> poetry run pytest
Check typing
> poetry run mypy .
Check formatting
> poetry run yapf --diff --recursive .
Apply formatting
> poetry run yapf -i --recursive .