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jlmelville committed Nov 28, 2023
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# See function man page for help

# Non-numeric columns are ignored, so in a lot of cases you can pass a data
# frame directly to umap
iris_umap <- umap(iris, n_neighbors = 50, learning_rate = 0.5, init = "random")

# Load mnist from somewhere, e.g.
# devtools::install_github("jlmelville/snedata")
# mnist <- snedata::download_mnist()
mnist_umap <- umap(mnist, n_neighbors = 15, min_dist = 0.001, verbose = TRUE)

# For high dimensional datasets (> 100-1000 columns) using PCA to reduce
# dimensionality is highly recommended to avoid the nearest neighbor search
# taking a long time. Keeping only 50 dimensions can speed up calculations
# without affecting the visualization much
mnist_umap <- umap(mnist, pca = 50)

# Use a specific number of threads
mnist_umap <- umap(mnist, n_neighbors = 15, min_dist = 0.001, verbose = TRUE, n_threads = 8)

# Use a different metric
mnist_umap_cosine <- umap(mnist, n_neighbors = 15, metric = "cosine", min_dist = 0.001, verbose = TRUE, n_threads = 8)

# If you are only interested in visualization, `fast_sgd = TRUE` gives a much faster optimization
mnist_umap_fast_sgd <- umap(mnist, n_neighbors = 15, metric = "cosine", min_dist = 0.001, verbose = TRUE, fast_sgd = TRUE)

# Supervised dimension reduction
mnist_umap_s <- umap(mnist, n_neighbors = 15, min_dist = 0.001, verbose = TRUE, n_threads = 8,
y = mnist$Label, target_weight = 0.5)

# Add new points to an existing embedding
mnist_train <- head(mnist, 60000)
mnist_test <- tail(mnist, 10000)

# You must set ret_model = TRUE to return extra data we need
# coordinates are in mnist_train_umap$embedding
mnist_train_umap <- umap(mnist_train, verbose = TRUE, ret_model = TRUE)
mnist_test_umap <- umap_transform(mnist_test, mnist_train_umap, verbose = TRUE)

# Save the nearest neighbor data
mnist_nn <- umap(mnist, ret_nn = TRUE)
# coordinates are now in mnist_nn$embedding

# Re-use the nearest neighor data and save a lot of time
mnist_nn_spca <- umap(mnist, nn_method = mnist_nn$nn, init = "spca")

# No problem to have ret_nn = TRUE and ret_model = TRUE at the same time
# Or just use the ret_extra parameter:
mnist_nn_and_model <- umap(mnist, ret_extra = c("model", "nn"))

# You can also get to the input fuzzy graph as a sparse matrix via "fgraph"
mnist_with_fgraph <- umap(mnist, ret_extra = c("fgraph"))
# equivalent for lvish is to use "P" (input probability matrix):
mnist_with_P <- lvish(mnist, ret_extra = c("P"))

# Calculate Petal and Sepal neighbors separately (uses intersection of the resulting sets):
iris_umap <- umap(iris, metric = list("euclidean" = c("Sepal.Length", "Sepal.Width"),
"euclidean" = c("Petal.Length", "Petal.Width")))
# Can also use individual factor columns
iris_umap <- umap(iris, metric = list("euclidean" = c("Sepal.Length", "Sepal.Width"),
"euclidean" = c("Petal.Length", "Petal.Width"),
"categorical" = "Species"))

# Batch mode allows for multiple threads while being reproducible
# (at the cost of needing more epochs for larger datasets)
`uwot` is the a package for implementing the UMAP dimensionality reduction
method. For more information on UMAP, see the
[original paper]( and the
[Python package](

We'll use the `iris` dataset in these examples. It's not the ideal dataset
because it's not terribly large nor high-dimensional (with only 4 numeric
columns), but you'll get the general idea.

The default output dimensionality of UMAP is into two-dimensions, so it's
amenable for visualization, but you can set a larger value with `n_components`.
In this vignette we'll stick with two dimensions. We will need a function to
make plotting easier:

```{r plot function}
kabsch <- function(pm, qm) {
pm_dims <- dim(pm)
if (!all(dim(qm) == pm_dims)) {
stop(call. = TRUE, "Point sets must have the same dimensions")
# The rotation matrix will have (ncol - 1) leading ones in the diagonal
diag_ones <- rep(1, pm_dims[2] - 1)
# center the points
pm <- scale(pm, center = TRUE, scale = FALSE)
qm <- scale(qm, center = TRUE, scale = FALSE)
am <- crossprod(pm, qm)
svd_res <- svd(am)
# use the sign of the determinant to ensure a right-hand coordinate system
d <- determinant(tcrossprod(svd_res$v, svd_res$u))$sign
dm <- diag(c(diag_ones, d))
# rotation matrix
um <- svd_res$v %*% tcrossprod(dm, svd_res$u)
# Rotate and then translate to the original centroid location of qm
sweep(t(tcrossprod(um, pm)), 2, -attr(qm, "scaled:center"))
iris_pca2 <- prcomp(iris[, 1:4])$x[, 1:2]
plot_umap <- function(coords, col = iris$Species, pca = iris_pca2) {
plot(kabsch(coords, pca), col = col, xlab = "", ylab = "")

Most of this code is just the
[kabsch algorithm](
to align two point sets, which I am going to use to align the results of UMAP
over the first two principal components. This is to keep the relative
orientation of the output the same across different plots which makes it a bit
easier to see the differences between them. UMAP is a stochastic algorithm
so the output will be different each time you run it and small changes to the
parameters can affect the *absolute* values of the coordinates, although the
interpoint differences are usually similar. There's no need to go to such
trouble in most circumstances: the output of `umap` is a perfectly useful
2D matrix of coordinates you can pass into a plotting function with no further
processing required.

## Basic UMAP

The defaults of the `umap` function should work for most datasets. No scaling
of the input data is done, but non-numeric columns are ignored:

```{r basic UMAP}
iris_umap <- umap(iris)

### Parameters

`uwot` has accumulated many parameters over time, but most of the time there
are only a handful you need worry about. The most important ones are:

#### `min_dist`

This is a mainly aesthetic parameter, which defines how close points can get in
the output space. A smaller value tends to make any clusters in the output more
compact. You should experiment with values between 0 and 1, although don't
choose exactly zero. The default is 0.01, which seems like it's a bit small for
`iris`. Let's crank up `min_dist` to `0.3`:

```{r min_dist 0.5}
iris_umap_md05 <- umap(iris, min_dist = 0.3)

This has made the clusters bigger and closer together, so we'll use
`min_dist = 0.3` for the other examples with `iris`.

#### `n_neighbors`

This defines the number of items in the dataset that define the neighborhood
around each point. Set it too low and you will get a more fragmented layout.
Set it too high and you will get something that will miss a lot of local

Here's a result with 5 neighbors:

```{r 5 neighbors}
iris_umap_nbrs5 <- umap(iris, n_neighbors = 5, min_dist = 0.3)

It's not hugely different from the default of 15 neighbors, but the clusters
are a bit more broken up.

There should be a more pronounced difference going the other way and looking at
100 neighbors:

```{r 100 neighbors}
iris_umap_nbrs100 <- umap(iris, n_neighbors = 100, min_dist = 0.3)

Here there is a much more uniform appearance to the results. It's always worth
trying a few different values of `n_neighbors`, especially larger values,
although larger values of `n_neighbors` will lead to longer run times. Sometimes
small clusters that you think are meaningful may in fact be artifacts of setting
`n_neighbors` too small, so starting with a larger value and looking at the
effect of reducing `n_neighbors` can help you avoid over interpreting results.

#### `init`

The default initialization of UMAP is to use spectral initialization, which acts
upon the (symmetrized) k-nearest neighbor graph that is in determined by your
choice of `n_neighbors`. This is usually a good choice, but it involves a very
sparse matrix, which can sometimes be a bit *too* sparse, which leads to numerical
difficulties which manifest as slow run times or even hanging calculations. If
your dataset causes these issues, you can either try increasing `n_neighbors`
but I have seen cases where that would be inconvenient in terms of CPU and RAM
usage. An alternative is to use the first two principal components of the data,
which at least uses the data you provide to give a solid global picture of the
data that UMAP can refine. It's not appropriate for every dataset, but in most
cases, it's a perfectly good alternative.

The only gotcha with it is that depending on the scaling of your data, the
initial coordinates can have large inter-point distances. UMAP will not optimize
that well, so such an output should be scaled to a small standard deviation.
If you set `init = "spca"`, it will do all that for you, although to be more
aligned with the UMAP coordinate initialization, I recommend you also set
`init_sdev = "range"` as well. `init_sdev` can also take a numerical value
for the standard deviation. Values from `1e-4` to `10` are reasonable, but I
recommend you stick to the default of `"range"`.

```{r spca init}
iris_umap_batch <- umap(iris, batch = TRUE, n_sgd_threads = 4)
# This will give the same results
iris_umap_spca <-
init = "spca",
init_sdev = "range",
min_dist = 0.3)

This doesn't have a big effect on `iris`, but it's good to know about this as
an option: and it can also smooth out the effect of changing `n_neighbors` on
the initial coordinates with the standard spectral initialization, which can
make it easier to see the effect of changing `n_neighbors` on the final result.

Some other `init` options to know about:

* `"random"`: if the worst comes to the worst, you can always fall back to
randomly assigning the initial coordinates. You really want to avoid this if you
can though, because it will take longer to optimize the coordinates to the
same quality, so you will need to increase `n_epochs` to compensate. Even if you
do that, it's *much* more likely that you will end up in a minimum that is less
desirable than one based on a good initialization. This will make interpreting
the results harder, as you are more likely to end up with different clusters
beings split or mixed with each other.
* If you have some coordinates you like from another method, you can pass them
in as a matrix. But remember will probably want to scale them with `init_sdev`

#### `dens_scale`

The `dens_scale` parameter varies from 0 to 1 and controls how much of the
relative densities of the input data is attempted to be preserved in the

```{r UMAP with density scaling}
iris_umapds <- umap(iris, min_dist = 0.3, dens_scale = 0.5)

This has shrunk the black cluster on the left of the plot (those are of species
`setosa`), which reflect that the density of the `setosa` points is less spread
out in the input data than the other two species. For more on `dens_scale`
please read its dedicated

## Embedding New Data

Once you have an embedding, you can use it to embed new data, although you need
to remember to ask for a "model" to return. Instead of just the coordinates, you
will now get back a list which contains all the extra parameters you will need
for transforming new data. The coordinates are still available in the
`$embedding` component.

Let's try building a UMAP with just the `setosa` and `versicolor` iris species:

```{r create a UMAP model}
iris_umap_batch2 <- umap(iris, batch = TRUE, n_sgd_threads = 2)
all(iris_umap_batch == iris_umap_batch2)
# Batch mode uses Adam optimizer by default. Control the parameters with the opt_args list
iris_umap_batch <- umap(iris, batch = TRUE, opt_args = list(beta1 = 0.9, beta2 = 0.999))
iris_train <- iris[iris$Species %in% c("setosa", "versicolor"),]
iris_train_umap <-
umap(iris_train, min_dist = 0.3, ret_model = TRUE)
col = iris_train$Species,
xlab = "",
ylab = "",
main = "UMAP setosa + versicolor"

Next, you can use `umap_transform` to embed the new points:

```{r embed new coordinates}
iris_test <- iris[iris$Species == "virginica",]
iris_test_umap <- umap_transform(iris_test, iris_train_umap)
rbind(iris_train_umap$embedding, iris_test_umap),
col = iris$Species,
xlab = "",
ylab = "",
main = "UMAP transform virginica"

The green points in the top-right show the embedded data. Note that the original
(black and red) clusters do not get optimized any further. While we haven't
perfectly reproduced the full UMAP, the `virginica` points are located in more
or less the right place, close to the `versicolor` items. Just like with any
machine learning method, you must be careful with how you choose your training

## Supported Distances

For small (N < 4096) and Euclidean distance, exact nearest neighbors are found
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -154,7 +321,13 @@ is the result of using the official Python UMAP implementation
(via the [reticulate]( package).
Under that is the result of using `uwot`.

![mnist-py.png](articles/img/uwot/mnist-py.png) ![mnist-r.png](articles/img/uwot/mnist-r.png)
```{r, echo=FALSE, out.width="75%", fig.cap="MNIST UMAP (Python)"}

```{r, echo=FALSE, out.width="75%", fig.cap="MNIST UMAP (R)"}

The project documentation contains some more [examples](,
and [comparison with Python](
Expand Down

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