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Security: jlmucb/certifier-framework-for-confidential-computing


Security Policy

Security-critical bug reporting policy

For "security-critical" bugs we have a dedicated bug-reporting process that is distinct from the main project's Github issue tracker. Here, we define a bug as "security critical" if:

  1. The bug can be used to disclose confidential data by a principal in a computation with another principal, where both principals belong to a security domain in a secure-enclave whose trust policy is managed by a Certifier Service instance.

  2. This flow of information is not explicitly allowed by the global policy of a particular security-domain, or could be used to undermine any computation independent of the particular global policy in force.

  3. Is not explicitly outside of the Certifier Framework's threat-model.

If you believe that you have found a bug in the Certifier Frameworks' code-base that satisfies all of the conditions above, then please report the issue discreetly and directly to the Certifier Framework's development team, using the dedicated e-mail alias:

Once reported, a member of the development team will engage with you to further understand the bug and work on developing a fix for the issue.

Supported Versions

The Certifier Framework is in late-stage Beta development phase. No major releases are supported, yet.

Reporting a Vulnerability

During the beta, please report vulnerabilities through this feedback process.

There aren’t any published security advisories