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Jen Looper edited this page Apr 8, 2021 · 2 revisions

Here are snippets you can copy and paste to grab the markdown you need in a lesson.

Images with alt tags and credit given in a blockquote:

![Browser sketchnote](/sketchnotes/browser.jpg)
> Sketchnote by [Wassim Chegham](

Each curriculum has a quiz app (Jen can deploy it for your curriculum). If the quiz has been translated (see the quiz-app folder's for instructions on deployment), add a query string -- ?loc=language-code -- at the end of the URL to redirect towards localized quiz content.

[Pre-lecture quiz](

Videos have a particular markup on GitHub:

[![Tools of the Trade](]( "Tools of the Trade")

The end of each lesson should be standard, with these four sections in place in this format.


## 🚀 Challenge

Compare some programming languages. What are some of the unique traits of JavaScript vs. Java? How about COBOL vs. Go?

## Post-Lecture Quiz
[Post-lecture quiz](

## Review & Self Study

Study a bit on the different languages available to the programmer. Try to write a line in one language, and then redo it in two others. What do you learn?

## Assignment

[Reading the Docs](

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