Shows in console/terminal or saves to a CSV file the current system's available cultures information.
A .NET 6 app.
If you run it from a console it will show all the information about the current supported cultures in the system:
There are more than 800 supported cultures in Windows 10, for example.
You'll get the culture name, the ISO 2 and 3 letter codes, the internal Windows name, the display name and the English name for each culture.
You can use the -o
or /o
switch and a file or path name to get the information as a CSV file. for example:
DotNetAvailableCulturesInfo.exe -o cultures-list.csv
You can then open it in Microsoft Excel, Google Sheets or any other CSV editing software.
Take into account that:
- The generated file uses UTF-8 encoding and has the UTF-8 BOM. This enables Excel to recognize the correct encoding when opening the file.
- In non-English versions of Excel the separator is not a comma (for example, in Spanish is a semicolon), so if you double-click on it, Excel won't be able to interpret it corectly. Just go to the
tab and use the button:From Text/CSV
. - The CSV file has all the headers in the first line, but Excel ignores them by default. To use them as table headers just use the
Use First Row as Headers
button in the Power Query editor, like shown here.
Google Sheet imports the CSV flawlessly.
There are 2 versions of the app in the "Releases" section of this repo:
: the minimum size version. Works in Windows, macOS and Linux. You'll need the .NET 6 runtime for it to
: where XXXX is your favorite operating system (Windows, Linux or macOS). Its a compiled version of the tool with the minimum runtime included. You can simply download it and run it, because it has everything needed in the ZIP.
Hope it helps!