To setup the project in your own environment, please follow the following steps:
- Please clone the repo to a directory of your choice that you have read/write access to on your computer.
- Please ensure that package.json, .eslintrc.json, and snowpack.config.js were also cloned to your new repo as well.
- Please make sure you have npm installed in your environment.
- Please go into the cloned repo in your command terminal and run 'npm install'.
- After the installation finishes, please try running 'npm run start'. If the website shows up correctly, your environment should be correctly set up.
- If you would like, please also try running 'npm run lint' and 'npm run format' to make sure those scripts also work.
- Please go to the master branch.
- Please confirm that it works locally by running 'npm run start'
- Please confirm that the build version is working by running the following
- If on Windows, run:
- 'Set-ExecutionPolicy -ExecutionPolicy RemoteSigned -Scope Process'
- then
- 'serve -s build'
- If on Mac:
- run 'serve -s build'
- contact us with any issues
- If on Windows, run:
- If the build version works, then please run 'npm run deploy'
- Finally, please confirm after 10 or so minutes that the live site (here) has updated successfully and is working as intended.