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John Mazouri edited this page Oct 28, 2017 · 1 revision

Welcome to the SharpPad wiki! Here's a few snippets to start you out.

Dumping an Object

using SharpPad;

class Foo
    public string Name {get; set;}
    public decimal Money {get; set;}
    public DateTime Date {get; set;}

var foo = new Foo
    Name = "John",
    Money = 12345.66m,
    Date = DateTime.Now

await foo.Dump();
await foo.Dump("My Bank Account"); //with a title

Dumping a Tuple

using SharpPad;

static (string name, decimal money, string more) DummyTuple()
    return ("John", 1234.56m, "Asdf");

await Output.DumpTuple(DummyTuple);

Setting the output port

using SharpPad;

//Set this before dumping anything
Output.Port = 5555;
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