Cloud agnostic tech stack for starting an MLOps platform (Level 1)
"We'll build a pipeline - after we deploy the model."
Model drift will hit when it's least convenient for you
To run: Make sure docker is running and you have Docker Compose installed.
Clone the project
git clone
Change directories into the repo
cd ml-ops
Run database migrations and create the first Airflow user account.
docker-compose up airflow-init
Build our images and launch with docker compose
docker-compose pull && docker-compose up
Open a browser and log in to MinIO
user: minioadmin
password : minioadmin
Create a bucket called
Open a browser and log in to Grafana
user: admin
password : admin
Both Promethus and InfluxDB data sources have already been provisioned along with an MLOps Demo Dashboard and a Notification Channel.
Start the
script which sends a POST request every 0.1 seconds -
Open a browser and turn on the Airflow DAG used to retrain our ML model
user: airflow
password : airflow
- Lower the alarm threshold to see the Airflow DAG pipeline get triggered
Check MLFlow after the Airflow DAG has run to see the model artifacts stored using MinIO as the object storage layer.
(Optional) Send a POST request to our model service API endpoint
curl -v -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X POST -d '{ "median_income_in_block": 8.3252, "median_house_age_in_block": 41, "average_rooms": 6, "average_bedrooms": 1, "population_per_block": 322, "average_house_occupancy": 2.55, "block_latitude": 37.88, "block_longitude": -122.23 }' http://localhost/model/predict
(Optional) If you are so bold, you can also simluate production traffic using locust, but keep in mind you have a lot of services running on your local machine, you would never deploy a production ML API on your local machine to handle production traffic.
- nginx: Load Balancer
- python-model-service1: FastAPI Machine Learning API 1
- python-model-service2: FastAPI Machine Learning API 2
- postgresql: RDBMS
- rabbitmq: Message Queue
- rabbitmq workers: Workers listening to RabbitMQ
- locust: Load testing and simulate production traffic
- prometheus: Metrics scraping
- minio: Object storage
- mlflow: Machine Learning Experiment Management
- influxdb: Time Series Database
- chronograf: Admin & WebUI for InxfluxDB
- grafana: Performance Monitoring
- redis: Cache
- airflow: Workflow Orchestrator
- bridge server: Receives webhook from Grafana and translates to Airflow REST API
Warning: scripts in /docker-entrypoint-initdb.d are only run if you start the container with a data directory that is empty; any pre-existing database will be left untouched on container startup.
Thanks goes to these incredible people: