Professor: Dr. Boshi Yang
Names: Josh Norman and Delaney Higgins
Requirements: Python 2.7.1, Kivy and Pulp
# Install PuLP
pip install pulp
# Install of Kivy (Mac OS)
python -m pip install kivy
python -m pip install ffpyplayer
The set up calls for 729 parameters or 9^3. Where there are 9 values, 9 rows, 9 columns Therefore the problem is taken into three dimension trucating the problem into 9 different board which only one "value" can exist within. Therefore will create a linear program using only Binary constraints. These values with represent a value hit(1) or miss(0).
- The sum from v =[1,9] of (Xvrc)= 1 for r,c exist within [1,9]
- The sum from r =[1,9] of (Xvrc)= 1 for v,c exist within [1,9]
- The sum from c =[1,9] of (Xvrc)= 1 for v,r exist within [1,9]
- The sum from r=[3p-2,3p] of the sum from c=[3q-2,3q] of (Xvrc)= 1 for v exist within [1,9] and p,q exist within [1,3]
Only requires PuLp Library
Create a .txt file to resemble the 9x9 sudoku board you wish to solve
Update the main function within to use the text file you just created
Lanuch your terminal and locate this directory
Run using the following command
Requires both Kivy and PuLp
Start Application
- Run using the following command
- Board Input
- Clicks the boxes you wish to insert a number into
- Or load a text file by typing in the file name and pressing import
- Solve
- Click the solve button for a solution using the lienar program formulation
- If you want to test another board please press "Clear"