Spring Boot Web Application that allows users to upload file to an S3 bucket. Made by Julian Saturno and Trevian Joubert 2024
This repository contains resources and Java files for building a spring boot application that uploads an file to a public S3 bucket.
You must have an AWS account and Java 17 SDK.
Description of all the Java Classes used in this project.
Entry point of Spring Boot application to bootstrap and configure for launch.
Model for the Spring Boot application. Contains the input values obtained from the startup template.
Takes inputs from the /received endpoint (bucket name, file, and file name) to upload the file into requested Amazon S3 Bucket. This class assumes the bucket exists in the us-east-1 region.
Functions as controller for the Spring Boot application by handling the HTTP requests and returns each template view.
Description of all the HTML files included in this project.
The introductory page when interacting with the Spring Boot application. The page allows for input of the file to upload, the file name, and the Amazon S3 bucket name.
The redirecting page after the submit button is clicked. Functions as the acknowledgement that the file is uploaded to the bucket.
Description of the Cloud Technologies used to deploy the Spring Boot applicaiton.
Used to deploy the application so it is available from a public URL.
Used to upload the file to the provided bucket name.