The purpose of this repo is to store and publicly display my exploratory work in reinforcement learning
install ubuntu 18.04 lts as an operating system :
update ubuntu and install proper nvidia drivers using apt-get:
install docker and if needed nvidia packages so you may access gpu resources:
build a new image using the dockerfile in this repo:
download the docker file and run this changing the user name and path to match your own set up:
sudo docker build -f /home/james/docker_aigym/DockerFile /home/james/docker_aigym -t james_n_aigym:0.1
/home/james/docker_aigym/DockerFile is where the docker file is
/home/james/docker_aigym is the context
-t james_n_aigym:0.1 specifies the name you will use to run the image later thus:
docker run james_n_aigym:0.1
- ideally use something like this to run
docker run -p 8888:8888 -it --gpus all -v <local directory to mount>:/tf/mystuff/ james_n_aigym:0.1