PHP Script that downloads tellow Score list and uploads it to fritzbox phonebooks
Anleitung zur Installation und Nutzung gibt's hier:
- Clone Repository to a location of your choise
git clone –-recursive
- Copy configuration file
cp config.example.php config.php
- Adjust configuration to fit your needs
- Configure an cronjob or something similar to run the PHP Script periodically.
(crontab -l ; echo "0 0 */10 * * php /opt/fritzbox-tellows-import/tellows-import.php >/dev/null 2>&1 ") | crontab -
The whole work is licensed under a Creative Commons cc-by-sa license ( You are free to use and modify it, even for commercial use. If you redistribute it, you have to ensure my name is kept in the code and you use the same conditions.