Dotnet tool that generates RESX files based on CLDR data. The resulting files could be used in a .NET Core project to display localized names of languages or countries.
dotnet tool install -g dotnet-cldr-resx
Prerequirements: a local copy of the cldr-localenames-modern package. If you do not already have it installed, do npm i cldr-localenames-modern --save-dev
In your .NET Core project root, executing
cldr-resx --source territories -l da en fi nb sv -o .\Resources\_Countries
will generate five files
Each resource file will contain the ISO code as key, and localized name as value.
A project set up with services.AddLocalization(options => options.ResourcesPath = "Resources")
could then inject IStringLocalizer<_Countries> _countryLocalizer
into a controller.
would then return a localized name of the country specified by countryCode
dotnet tool uninstall -g dotnet-cldr-resx