No description provided (generated by Openapi Generator
This C# SDK is automatically generated by the OpenAPI Generator project using the published RingCentral.Engage openapi-spec
- API version: 1.0
- SDK version: 1.0.5
- Build package: org.openapitools.codegen.languages.CSharpNetCoreClientCodegen
- RestSharp - 106.10.1 or later
- Json.NET - 12.0.1 or later
- JsonSubTypes - 1.5.2 or later
- CompareNETObjects - 4.57.0 or later
- System.ComponentModel.Annotations - 4.5.0 or later
The DLLs included in the package may not be the latest version. We recommend using NuGet to obtain the latest version of the packages:
Install-Package RestSharp
Install-Package Newtonsoft.Json
Install-Package JsonSubTypes
Install-Package System.ComponentModel.Annotations
Install-Package CompareNETObjects
NOTE: RestSharp versions greater than 105.1.0 have a bug which causes file uploads to fail. See RestSharp#742
Run the following command to generate the DLL
- [Mac/Linux]
- [Windows]
Then include the DLL (under the bin
folder) in the C# project, and use the namespaces:
using RingCentral.EngageDigital.Api;
using RingCentral.EngageDigital.Client;
using RingCentral.EngageDigital.Model;
A .nuspec
is included with the project. You can follow the Nuget quickstart to create and publish packages.
This .nuspec
uses placeholders from the .csproj
, so build the .csproj
nuget pack -Build -OutputDirectory out RingCentral.EngageDigital.csproj
Then, publish to a local feed or other host and consume the new package via Nuget as usual.
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Diagnostics;
using RingCentral.EngageDigital.Api;
using RingCentral.EngageDigital.Client;
using RingCentral.EngageDigital.Model;
namespace Example
public class Example
public static void Main()
Configuration config = new Configuration();
config.BasePath = "";
var apiInstance = new AgentStatusApi(config);
var agentId = agentId_example; // string |
var status = status_example; // string | A hash of channel_id => availability (must contain all channels). (optional)
var customStatusId = customStatusId_example; // string | id of presence status (optional) (optional)
// Changing an agent's status
AgentStatus result = apiInstance.ChangeAgentStatus(agentId, status, customStatusId);
catch (ApiException e)
Debug.Print("Exception when calling AgentStatusApi.ChangeAgentStatus: " + e.Message );
Debug.Print("Status Code: "+ e.ErrorCode);
All URIs are relative to
Class | Method | HTTP request | Description |
AgentStatusApi | ChangeAgentStatus | PUT /status/{agentId} | Changing an agent's status |
AgentStatusApi | GetAgentStatus | GET /status/{agentId} | Get a connected agent status |
AgentStatusApi | GetAllAgentStatus | GET /status | Get all connected agents status |
AttachmentsApi | CreateAttachment | POST /attachments | Creating an attachment |
AttachmentsApi | GetAllAttachments | GET /attachments | Getting all attachments |
AttachmentsApi | GetAttachment | GET /attachments/{attachmentId} | Getting an attachment from its id |
CategoriesApi | CreateCategory | POST /categories | Creating a category |
CategoriesApi | DeleteCategory | DELETE /categories/{categoryId} | Deleting a category |
CategoriesApi | GetAllCategories | GET /categories | Getting all categories |
CategoriesApi | GetCategory | GET /categories/{categoryId} | Getting a category from its id |
CategoriesApi | UpdateCategory | PUT /categories/{categoryId} | Updating a category |
ChannelsApi | GetAllChannels | GET /channels | Getting all channels |
ChannelsApi | GetChannel | GET /channels/{channelId} | Getting a channel from its id |
ChannelsApi | UpdateChannel | PUT /channels/{channelId} | Updating a channel |
CommunitiesApi | GetAllCommunities | GET /communities | Getting all communities |
CommunitiesApi | GetCommunity | GET /communities/{communityId} | Getting a community from its id |
ContentsApi | CategorizeContent | PUT /contents/{contentId}/update_categories | Categorizing a content |
ContentsApi | CreateContent | POST /contents | Creating a content |
ContentsApi | GetAllContents | GET /contents | Contents |
ContentsApi | GetContent | GET /contents/{contentId} | Getting a content from its id |
ContentsApi | IgnoreContent | PUT /contents/{contentId}/ignore | Ignoring a content |
CustomFieldsApi | CreateCustomField | POST /custom_fields | Creating a custom field |
CustomFieldsApi | DeleteCustomField | DELETE /custom_fields/{customFieldId} | Deleting a custom field |
CustomFieldsApi | GetAllCustomFields | GET /custom_fields | Getting all custom fields |
CustomFieldsApi | GetCustomField | GET /custom_fields/{customFieldId} | Getting a custom field from its id |
CustomFieldsApi | UpdateCustomField | PUT /custom_fields/{customFieldId} | Updating a custom field |
EventsApi | GetAllEvents | GET /events | Getting all events |
EventsApi | GetEvent | GET /events/{eventId} | Getting an event from its id |
FoldersApi | CreateFolder | POST /folders | Creating a folder |
FoldersApi | DeleteFolder | DELETE /folders/{folderId} | Deleting a folder |
FoldersApi | GetAllFolders | GET /folders | Getting all folders |
FoldersApi | GetFolder | GET /folders/{folderId} | Getting a folder from its id |
FoldersApi | UpdateFolder | PUT /folders/{folderId} | Updating a folder |
IdentitiesApi | GetAllIdentities | GET /identities | Getting all identities |
IdentitiesApi | GetIdentity | GET /identities/{identityId} | Getting an identity from its id |
IdentityGroupsApi | GetAllIdentityGroups | GET /identity_groups | Getting all identity groups |
IdentityGroupsApi | GetIdentityGroup | GET /identity_groups/{identityGroupId} | Getting an identity group from its id |
IdentityGroupsApi | UpdateIdentityGroup | PUT /identity_groups/{identityGroupId} | Updating an identity group |
InterventionCommentsApi | CreateInterventionComment | POST /intervention_comments | Creating an intervention comment |
InterventionCommentsApi | DeleteInterventionComment | DELETE /intervention_comments/{interventionCommentId} | Deleting an intervention comment |
InterventionCommentsApi | GetAllInterventionComments | GET /intervention_comments | Getting all intervention comments |
InterventionCommentsApi | GetInterventionComment | GET /intervention_comments/{interventionCommentId} | Getting an intervention comment from its id |
InterventionsApi | CancelIntervention | DELETE /interventions/{interventionId}/cancel | Cancelling an intervention |
InterventionsApi | CategorizeIntervention | PUT /interventions/{interventionId}/update_categories | Categorizing an intervention |
InterventionsApi | CloseIntervention | PUT /interventions/{interventionId}/close | Closing an intervention |
InterventionsApi | CreateIntervention | POST /interventions | Creating an intervention |
InterventionsApi | GetAllInterventions | GET /interventions | Getting all interventions |
InterventionsApi | GetIntervention | GET /interventions/{interventionId} | Getting an intervention from its id |
InterventionsApi | ReassignIntervention | PUT /interventions/{interventionId}/reassign | Reassigning an intervention |
LocalesApi | GetAllLocales | GET /locales | Getting all locales |
PresenceStatusApi | CreatePresenceStatus | POST /presence_status | Creating a presence status |
PresenceStatusApi | DeletePresenceStatus | DELETE /presence_status/{presenceStatusId} | Deleting a presence status |
PresenceStatusApi | GetAllPresenceStatus | GET /presence_status | Getting all presence statuses |
PresenceStatusApi | GetPresenceStatus | GET /presence_status/{presenceStatusId} | Getting a presence status from its id |
PresenceStatusApi | UpdatePresenceStatus | PUT /presence_status/{presenceStatusId} | Updating a presence status |
ReplyAssistantEntriesApi | CreateReplyAssistantEntry | POST /reply_assistant/entries | Creating an entry |
ReplyAssistantEntriesApi | DeleteReplyAssistantEntry | DELETE /reply_assistant/entries/{replyAssistantEntryId} | Deleting a reply assistant entry |
ReplyAssistantEntriesApi | GetAllReplyAssistantEntries | GET /reply_assistant/entries | Getting all reply assistant entries |
ReplyAssistantEntriesApi | GetReplyAssistantEntry | GET /reply_assistant/entries/{replyAssistantEntryId} | Getting a reply assistant entry from its id |
ReplyAssistantEntriesApi | UpdateReplyAssistantEntry | PUT /reply_assistant/entries/{replyAssistantEntryId} | Updating a reply assistant entry |
ReplyAssistantGroupsApi | CreateReplyAssistantGroup | POST /reply_assistant/groups | Creating a reply assistant group |
ReplyAssistantGroupsApi | DeleteReplyAssistantGroup | DELETE /reply_assistant/groups/{replyAssistantGroupId} | Deleting a reply assistant group |
ReplyAssistantGroupsApi | GetAllReplyAssistantGroups | GET /reply_assistant/groups | Getting all reply assistant groups |
ReplyAssistantGroupsApi | GetReplyAssistantGroup | GET /reply_assistant/groups/{replyAssistantGroupId} | Getting a reply assistant group from its id |
ReplyAssistantGroupsApi | UpdateReplyAssistantGroup | PUT /reply_assistant/groups/{replyAssistantGroupId} | Updating a reply assistant group |
ReplyAssistantVersionsApi | CreateReplyAssistantVersion | POST /reply_assistant/versions | Creating a reply assistant version |
ReplyAssistantVersionsApi | DeleteReplyAssistantVersion | DELETE /reply_assistant/versions/{replyAssistantVersionId} | Deleting a reply assistant version |
ReplyAssistantVersionsApi | GetAllReplyAssistantVersions | GET /reply_assistant/versions | Getting all reply assistant versions |
ReplyAssistantVersionsApi | GetReplyAssistantVersion | GET /reply_assistant/versions/{replyAssistantVersionId} | Getting a reply assistant version from its id |
ReplyAssistantVersionsApi | UpdateReplyAssistantVersion | PUT /reply_assistant/versions/{replyAssistantVersionId} | Updating a reply assistant version |
RolesApi | CreateRole | POST /roles | Creating a role |
RolesApi | GetAllRoles | GET /roles | Getting all roles |
RolesApi | GetRole | GET /roles/{roleId} | Getting a role from its id |
RolesApi | UpdateRole | PUT /roles/{roleId} | Updating a role |
SettingsApi | GetAllSettings | GET /settings | Getting all settings |
SettingsApi | UpdateSettings | PUT /settings | Updating settings |
SourcesApi | GetAllSources | GET /content_sources | Getting all sources |
SourcesApi | GetSource | GET /content_sources/{sourceId} | Getting a source from its id |
SourcesApi | UpdateSource | PUT /content_sources/{sourceId} | Updating a source |
TagsApi | CreateTag | POST /tags | Creating a tag |
TagsApi | DeleteTag | DELETE /tags/{tagId} | Deleting a tag |
TagsApi | GetAllTags | GET /tags | Getting all tags |
TagsApi | GetTag | GET /tags/{tagId} | Getting a tag from its id |
TagsApi | UpdateTag | PUT /tags/{tagId} | Updating a tag |
TasksApi | GetAllTasks | GET /tasks | Getting all tasks |
TasksApi | GetTask | GET /tasks/{taskId} | Getting a task from its id |
TasksApi | MoveTask | DELETE /tasks/{taskId}/move | Move a task to another queue |
TasksApi | TransferTask | PUT /tasks/{taskId}/transfer | Transferring a task |
TeamsApi | CreateTeam | POST /teams | Creating a team |
TeamsApi | DeleteTeam | DELETE /teams/{teamId} | Deleting a team |
TeamsApi | GetAllTeams | GET /teams | Getting all teams |
TeamsApi | GetTeam | GET /teams/{teamId} | Getting a team from its id |
TeamsApi | UpdateTeam | PUT /teams/{teamId} | Updating a team |
ThreadsApi | ArchiveThread | PUT /content_threads/{threadId}/ignore | Archiving a thread |
ThreadsApi | CategorizeThread | PUT /content_threads/{threadId}/update_categories | Categorizing a thread |
ThreadsApi | CloseThread | PUT /content_threads/{threadId}/close | Close a thread |
ThreadsApi | GetAllThreads | GET /content_threads | Getting all threads |
ThreadsApi | GetThread | GET /content_threads/{threadId} | Getting a thread from its id |
ThreadsApi | OpenThread | GET /content_threads/{threadId}/open | Open a thread |
TimeSheetsApi | CreateTimeSheet | POST /time_sheets | Creating a time sheet |
TimeSheetsApi | DeleteTimeSheet | DELETE /time_sheets/{timeSheetId} | Deleting a time sheet |
TimeSheetsApi | GetAllTimeSheets | GET /time_sheets | Getting all time sheets |
TimeSheetsApi | GetTimeSheet | GET /time_sheets/{timeSheetId} | Getting a time sheet from its id |
TimeSheetsApi | UpdateTimeSheet | PUT /time_sheets/{timeSheetId} | Updating a time sheet |
TimezonesApi | GetAllTimezones | GET /timezones | Getting all timezones |
UsersApi | CreateUser | POST /users | Creating a user |
UsersApi | DeleteUser | DELETE /users/{userId} | Deleting a user |
UsersApi | GetAllUsers | GET /users | Getting all users |
UsersApi | GetUser | GET /users/{userId} | Getting a user from its id |
UsersApi | InviteUser | POST /users/invite | Inviting a user |
UsersApi | UpdateUser | PUT /users/{userId} | Updating a user |
WebhooksApi | CreateWebhook | POST /webhooks | Creating a webhook |
WebhooksApi | DeleteWebhook | DELETE /webhooks/{webhookId} | Deleting a webhook |
WebhooksApi | GetAllWebhooks | GET /webhooks | Getting all webhooks |
WebhooksApi | GetWebhook | GET /webhooks/{webhookId} | Getting a webhook from its id |
WebhooksApi | UpdateWebhook | PUT /webhooks/{webhookId} | Updating a webhook |
- Model.AgentCustomStatus
- Model.AgentStatus
- Model.AgentStatusChannel
- Model.Attachment
- Model.Category
- Model.Channel
- Model.Community
- Model.Content
- Model.ContentAttachment
- Model.ContentBodyFormatted
- Model.CustomField
- Model.Event
- Model.EventExtraInfo
- Model.Folder
- Model.GetAllAgentStatusResponse
- Model.GetAllAttachmentsResponse
- Model.GetAllCategoriesResponse
- Model.GetAllChannelsResponse
- Model.GetAllCommunitiesResponse
- Model.GetAllContentsResponse
- Model.GetAllCustomFieldsResponse
- Model.GetAllEventsResponse
- Model.GetAllFoldersResponse
- Model.GetAllIdentitiesResponse
- Model.GetAllIdentityGroupsResponse
- Model.GetAllInterventionCommentsResponse
- Model.GetAllInterventionsResponse
- Model.GetAllPresenceStatusResponse
- Model.GetAllReplyAssistantEntriesResponse
- Model.GetAllReplyAssistantGroupsResponse
- Model.GetAllReplyAssistantVersionsResponse
- Model.GetAllRolesResponse
- Model.GetAllSourcesResponse
- Model.GetAllTagsResponse
- Model.GetAllTasksResponse
- Model.GetAllTeamsResponse
- Model.GetAllThreadsResponse
- Model.GetAllTimeSheetsResponse
- Model.GetAllUsersResponse
- Model.GetAllWebhooksResponse
- Model.Identity
- Model.IdentityGroup
- Model.Intervention
- Model.InterventionComment
- Model.Locale
- Model.PresenceStatus
- Model.ReplyAssistantEntry
- Model.ReplyAssistantGroup
- Model.ReplyAssistantVersion
- Model.Restriction
- Model.Role
- Model.Settings
- Model.Source
- Model.Tag
- Model.Task
- Model.Team
- Model.Thread
- Model.TimeSheet
- Model.TimeSheetHoliday
- Model.Timezone
- Model.User
- Model.Webhook
- Model.WebhookAccessToken
- Type: HTTP basic authentication