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Implementation of a patch-level and pixel-level clustering pretext task for self-supervised learning on radiology datasets (BraTS, LiTS, LUNA).

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Self-Supervised Learning for Radiology

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Thesis Description

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"Self-supervised Learning for Radiology", Ioanna Gogou, University of Amsterdam, 2024

Deep neural networks have the potential to revolutionize diagnosis in radiology by enabling faster and more precise interpretation of medical images. Despite the success of supervised learning to train these models, its dependency on large annotated datasets presents a major limitation due to the difficulty in acquiring and labeling medical images. This has led to a growing interest in self-supervised learning, which alleviates this issue by generating an artificial supervisory signal from the data itself. This thesis explores the potential of self-supervised learning for segmenting 3D radiology scans. Inspired by previous spatially dense self-supervised methods that showed great success with 2D natural images, we propose patch-level and pixel-level volumetric clustering as a novel pretext task for representation learning on 3D medical data without labels. We evaluated this approach on brain tumor and liver segmentation under limited annotation conditions. Our findings indicate that, while it did not surpass other state-of-the-art self-supervised methods on average, it demonstrated promising results in certain tasks. Moreover, it enhanced segmentation accuracy compared to purely supervised learning and yielded anatomically meaningful representations. However, challenges such as noisy cluster assignments and foreground-background imbalance were observed, suggesting the need for further refinement.


├── BraTS18/
│   ├── HGG/
│   │   └── Brats18_X_X_X/
│   │       ├── Brats18_X_X_X_flair.nii.gz 
│   │       ├── Brats18_X_X_X_t1.nii.gz 
│   │       ├── Brats18_X_X_X_t1ce.nii.gz 
│   │       └── Brats18_X_X_X_seg.nii.gz 
│   └── LGG/
│       └── ...
├── LiTS17/
|   ├── train/
|   │   ├── ct/
|   │   │   ├── volume-0.nii
|   │   │   ├── ...
|   │   │   ├── volume-27.nii
|   │   │   ├── volume-48.nii
|   │   │   ├── ...
|   │   │   └── volume-130.nii
|   │   └── seg/
|   │       ├── segmentation-0.nii
|   │       ├── ...
|   │       ├── segmentation-27.nii
|   │       ├── segmentation-48.nii
|   │       ├── ...
|   │       └── segmentation-130.nii
|   └── val/
|       ├── ct/
|       │   ├── volume-28.nii
|       │   ├── ...
|       │   └── volume-47.nii
|       └── seg/
|           ├── segmentation-28.nii
|           ├── ...
|           └── segmentation-47.nii
└── LUNA16/
    ├── subset0/
    │   ├── X.X.X.X.X.X.X.X.X.X.X.X.X.raw
    │   └── X.X.X.X.X.X.X.X.X.X.X.X.X.mhd
    ├── ...
    └── subset9/
        └── ...

Learning Tasks

  • Pretext Tasks:
    (Performed using datasets BraTS, LiTS, LUNA)
    • None (downstream task training from scratch)
    • Patch-level Clustering (ours)
    • Pixel-level Clustering (ours)
    • PCRLv2
    • ModelsGenesis
  • Downstream Tasks:
    • Brain Tumor Segmentation (BraTS)
    • Liver Segmentation (LiTS)


Patch-level Clustering


Pixel-level Clustering



img img


  1. Clone repository to preferred path e.g. /path/to/radioSSL
  2. Go to repository directory: cd /path/to/radioSSL
  3. Install conda environment: conda env create -f environment.yml

Pipeline Execution

Pretext Task (Pretraining)

  1. Dataset Preprocessing:
    • Example:
      (dataset: BraTS, crop size: 128x128x32, crops have max background pixels: 85%)
      python --n brats --input_rows 128 --input_cols 128 --input_deps 32 --data /projects/0/prjs0905/data/BraTS18 --save /path/to/data/BraTS18_proc_128 --bg_max 0.85
  2. K-Means Training (Only for pixel-level clustering)
    • Example:
      (dataset: preprocessed BraTS, selected gpu device: {0,1}, batch size: 2, clusters: 10, upsampler: FeatUP)
      python --n brats --data /path/to/data/BraTS18_proc_128 --gpus 0,1 --b 2 --k 10 --upsampler featup
  3. K-Means Prediction / Ground Truth Generation (Only for pixel-level clustering)
    • Example:
      (dataset: preprocessed BraTS, selected gpu devices: {0,1}, batch size: 2, clusters: 10, upsampler: FeatUP)
      python --n brats --data /projects/0/prjs0905/data/BraTS18_proc_128 --gpus 0,1 --b 2 --k 10 --upsampler featup --centroids /path/to/data/BraTS18_proc_128/kmeans_centroids_k10_featup.npy
  4. Pretext Task Training
    • Example Patch-level Clustering:
      (dataset: preprocessed BraTS, dimensions: 3D, gpu devices: {0,1}, batch size: 16, epochs: 240, learnining rate: 2e-3, clusters: 50, clustering loss: SwapCE, visualize clusters: True)
      python --data /path/to/data/BraTS18_proc_64 --model cluster_patch --n brats --d 3 --phase pretask --gpus 0,1 --b 16 --epochs 240 --lr 2e-3 --k 10 --cluster_loss swav --output /path/to/runs/pretrain --tensorboard --vis
    • Example Pixel-level Clustering:
      (dataset: preprocessed BraTS, dimensions: 3D, gpu devices: {0,1}, batch size: 8, epochs: 150, learnining rate: 4e-3, clusters: 10, clustering loss: SwapCE, upsampler: FeatUp, visualize clusters: True)
      python --data /path/to/data/BraTS18_proc_128 --model cluster --n brats --d 3 --phase pretask --gpus 0,1 --b 8 --epochs 240 --lr 4e-3 --k 10 --cluster_loss swav --upsampler featup --output /path/to/runs/pretrain --tensorboard --vis
    • Example PCRLv2:
      (dataset: preprocessed BraTS, dimensions: 3D, gpu devices: {0,1}, batch size: 16, epochs: 240, learnining rate: 2e-3)
      python --data /path/to/data/BraTS2018_proc_64 --model pcrlv2 --n brats --d 3 --gpus 0,1 --b 16 --epochs 240 --lr 2e-3 --output /path/to/runs/pretrain --tensorboard

Downstream Task (Finetuning)

  1. Downstream Task Training
    • Example:
      (dataset: BraTS, pretrained model: pixel-level clustering, dimensions: 3D, gpu devices: {0,1}, use skip connections: True, batch size: 4, epochs: 300, learnining rate: 2e-3, pretrained part: encoder, finetuning trainable part: encoder and decoder, data ratio for finetuning: 0.4)
      python --data /path/to/data/BraTS18 --model cluster --n brats --d 3 --gpus 0,1 --skip_conn --phase finetune --pretrained encoder --finetune all --ratio 0.4 --lr 1e-3 --b 4 --epochs 300 --output /path/to/runs/finetune --tensorboard --vis --weight /path/to/runs/pretrain/cluster_brats_pretrain/
  2. Downstream Task Testing
    • Example:
      (dataset: BraTS, pretrained model: pixel-level clustering, dimensions: 3D, gpu devices: {0,1}, use skip connections: True, batch size: 4)
      python --data /path/to/data/BraTS18 --model cluster --n brats --d 3 --gpus 0,1 --phase test --skip_conn --b 4 --weight /path/to/runs/finetune/brats_finetune_cluster_brats_pretrain/ --tensorboard

Model Weights

Pretrained Weights

Pretext Task / Dataset BraTS LiTS LUNA
Patch-level Clustering + + +
Pixel-level Clustering + + -

Finetuned Weights

Note: The pretrained model was finetuned by transfering only the encoder from the corresponding pretext task to the downstream task and training on 40% of the downstream dataset)

Downstream Task / Pretext Task BraTS Patch-level Clustering BraTS Pixel-level Clustering
Brain Tumor Segmentation + +
Liver Segmentation + +


We thank the authors of the following repositories, parts of which were used for this project: RL4M/PCRLv2, MrGiovanni/ModelsGenesis


Implementation of a patch-level and pixel-level clustering pretext task for self-supervised learning on radiology datasets (BraTS, LiTS, LUNA).






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