This repository has a package of scripts to deploy an application in AWS using Clouformation stacks. I choosed to use ansible to manage the cloudformation templates, because I think would be easyer than using awscli A Makefile is a easy and powerful tool to orchestrate this process. You can add options faster and accept external parameters
You will need for that this packages:
aws cli
pip install -r requirements.txt
packer 1.3.4, that is provided inside the root directory
The Makefile in the root of repository helps creating a vpc, autoscaling group and ssh keys. All configuration are stored in the vars directory, create a file with all configuration and the scritpt will run.
The command make deploy all environment
make -e PROJECT=<project> VERSION=<version>
It's possible to create and update the launch configuration with make deploy
make -e PROJECT=<project> VERSION=<version>