You can start using CircularStack by grabbing the latest NuGet packages.
Having a fixed capacity means CircularStack will rotate items in the stack based on that capacity and how old they are, in fact dropping older items when full.
Other than having a fixed capacity, CircularStack behaves just as a normal Stack (LIFO) in what concerns to Push/Pop/Peek methods.
CircularStack can be used without specifying a type to contain, in which case it will be a CircularStack<object>
CircularStack is not thread safe so if you need to synchronize over multiple threads, you should use the CircularStack.SyncRoot
//Initialized without capacity (10 by default)
var stack = new CircularStack<MyType>();
//Initialized with a capacity specified
var stack = new CircularStack<MyType>(200);
//Initialized with a collection specified
//Items will be pushed in the order they are found so Peek() will yield "b"
//Stack capacity will be the same as the number of items
var items = new List<string> { "a", "b" };
var stack = new CircularStack<string>(items);
//Initialized with a collection and capacity
var items = new List<string> { "a", "b" };
var stack = new CircularStack<string>(items, 4);
//Push an item into the stack
//When full the oldest item in the stack will be removed
public void Push(T item);
//Retrieve and remove last pushed item
public T Pop();
//Retrieve last pushed Item without removal
public T Peek();
public int Capacity;
public int Count;
public bool IsFull;
public bool IsEmpty;
CircularStack is licensed under the MIT license, so you can comfortably use it in commercial applications.
CircularStack uses GitHubFlow for development and integration related work. Feel free to open up a feature branch and submit a pull request.