A log filter for a legacy application.
To make the file easier to follow, I will divide it into five sections. Each section will cover how the solution itself was implemented, but also things that could be improved. These four sections are:
- Python Application
- Helm Chart
- Bootstrap script
- Github Pipeline
In order to launch this project, you will need the following:
- Helm 3+
- Minikube 1.28+
- Kubernetes 1.18+
If you want to extend the capabilities of what you can do, and introduce a development experience to it, you will also need:
- Docker 20+
- Python 3.10+
The app itself can be defined as a simple log filter engine that can be used to filter the log lines of a certain set
of files based on a set of markers previously defined. I tried to abstract as much as possible the engine implementation,
which means that it can be used for any log file pattern, as well as any marker.
The logFilter class
itself it's independent of the rest of the logic, and I tried to treat it almost as the business
logic of a company, which should be as independent as possible.
The way the logFilter
works is by first finding all the log files that match a given pattern. After, it reads
the lines from each file and filters them based on the provided markers. The filtered lines are then written to
standard output.
Both the patterns, markers and log messages can be centrally changed in the contants
class located under
. The app itself has only one file named app.py
and, for the sake of simplicity, both the
logFile engine and the main entry point of the application were defined there.
There are a few things that could be improved in the code out of the box. First, the code could be made more efficient
by using a more efficient module to find the log files, such as the glob
Secondly, the constants could be passed as parameters on the logFilterEngine constructor (init()
), which would
decouple the engine from the constants file and make the logFilterEngine completely independent and used in any context.
Third, the code could have some error handling improvement, which would make it much more predictable and robust.
I added some unit tests that I considered to be critical to validate the logic of the logFilterEngine class. However, they could be expanded to cover less critical logic as well.
To run the tests, just execute on the root of the repo:
python3 -m unittest tests/app_test.py -v
To run the code locally, just run:
python3 app.py
Note: Be sure to have Python 1.10 or higher
The app also performs some other checks, such as:
- Not log files found: If no file pattern is find on the provided path, a log message is provided and the app exits
- Wrong file permissions: If the log file pattern is met on the provided path, but the file can't be reached (e.g. no read permissions), a log message is provided and the app exits
- Invalid log level: If the log level is different from 0, 1 or 2 the app will provide a log message and the app will exit.
The Dockerfile
starts by creating a single-layer image that contains the source code for the log filter engine. I used
this layer to avoid having to copy the source code to the final image every time the image had to be built (something
I believe I mentioned during our technical interview).
The Dockerfile then creates a second image based on the python:3.10-alpine
image that runs the log filter engine,
through a non-root user called logfilter. I used the alpine image to try to reduce the image size as much as possible.
to 1 to ensure that output from the log filter engine is not buffered. This will force
python to use unbuffered output, allowing the logs to be printed immediately. Not doing this would probably result on
not having any logs being printed by the logFilter container at all.
I didn't include any architectural logic inside the image since the only possible place where a multi-architectural logic could be needed is on the python image, which supports both arch's as per here.
At the moment, I am only allowing the user to specify which markers will be used through the log_level
variable. However, this could be expanded (by also implementing the parameterized solution mentioned above) by giving
the user the ability to pass arguments and specify other options.
First we should pull the image:
docker pull joaoss35/logfilter:v1.3
Then execute it by running:
docker run --rm --name logfilter --env LOG_LEVEL=-0 -v /var/log/app/app.log:/var/log/app/app.log joaoss35/logfilter:v1.3
Note: Be sure to have a valid /var/log/app/app.log file locally if you wish to mount to the volume as above.
The helm chart is very simply templated and easily configurable. All the relevant information can be changed directly
from the values
file without any actual k8s manifest manipulation itself.
I opted to use the sidecar approach, making both containers share the same volume inside the pod. This was
accomplished by simply define an empty volume and mount a /var/log/app
path on both containers.
Something that could be improved right out of the box is adding resource definition, to limit the amount the resources that the pod could consume. Another improvement could be pushing the helm chart to a registry and make it live there. This would enable users to install the chart from anywhere, without having to necessarily fetch and reference the chart source code for the installation. Other possible improvement could be the introduction of an HPA(horizontal pod autoscaler), which would scale the pod based on resource metrics. Finally, in the case that the logs would be meaningfully for the company, the volume attached could be persisted somewhere (e.g. EBS on AWS). This would prevent the content to be lost everytime the pod dies.
On the root of the repo, run:
helm upgrade -i our-app charts/logfilter -f charts/logfilter/values.yaml -n logfilter-demo
Note: Be sure to have a valid Kubernetes 1.18+ environment setup and a namespace named logfilter-demo
In order to bootstrap this solution, I built a simple bash
script that will start all of this. The script will check
if the dependencies are met (needed binaries are installed), start a local kubernetes environment with minikube through
the docker driver, create the necessary namespace and install the helm chart.
This is the only component that I feel that could have some serious refactoring and improved error handling. Also, instead of just validating if the dependencies are met, it could install them based on the OS and arch of the host machine.
On the root of the repo, run the following to give execution permissions to the script:
chmod +x bootstrap.sh
Finally, from the root of the repo, run it:
I felt the necessity to build this pipeline, not just to have a centralised way of building my image with multi-architectural support (because that would be unattainable from just my machine), but also to give more visibility to the tests. Even though the images are always being built, the push is only performed when a release is published.
The pipeline could be seperated into different pipelines, each one with its own responsibility, i.e., we should
separate the tests from the image build.
We could also introduce more flexibility when it comes to when the pipeline is triggered since, at the moment, triggers
are only happening for the master branch, as well as for created releases. If I was a developer and wanted to run this
for a specific environment (e.g. development), I wouldn't have any trigger. Or even if the branch where I am merging to
is not master
(e.g. merging from branch-a
to branch-b
), the pipeline won't be triggered which could be improved.