Web server that works as a shared web frontend to Music Player Daemon.
Tested on Debian based Linux.
The objective of this project was just to learn.
Front end language: ES
- Redis
- Python3
Release version is not ready.
Web Server:
./bin/mserver run_server [-h bind_address] [-p bind_port]
Listen to MPD events so that UI can by synced:
./bin/mserver listen_mpd
And start celery workers
celery -A mserver.application.celery worker -l info
The abave commands will execute the mserver module from the standard PYTHONPATH.
To execute the development project you must export PYTHONPATH=/path/to/project
and run as above.
Under the web folder is the vuejs front end project. You can run it in development mode with:
npm run dev
Or compile it and serve it from backend with:
npm run build