Ottoman is a ODM built for Couchbase and Node.js. It is designed to remove all of the boilerplate neccessary to build Node.js apps with Couchbase.
Source -
Couchbase Node.js Community -
Ottoman is not yet published to npm, to install the in development version directly from GitHub, run:
npm install git+
Building and interacting with models using ottoman is very simple:
var User = Ottoman.model('User', {
'username': 'string',
'name': 'string',
'email': 'string'
}, {
bucket: new couchbase.Connection({})
var test = new User();
test.username = 'brett19'; = 'Brett Lawson'; = '';, function(err) {
if (err) throw err;
MyModel.findById(test._id, function(err, obj) {
if (err) throw err;
// Brett Lawson
As ottoman is currently in rapid active development, documentation for it is not yet available. A good source of information in the interim should be the test cases which are available in the /test/ directory.
The source code is available at Once you have cloned the repository, you may contribute changes by submitting a GitHub Pull Request.
To execute our test suite, run npm test
from your checked out root directory.
Copyright 2013 Couchbase Inc.
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0.