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Majick Tek edited this page Jul 26, 2017 · 11 revisions

APK Manager for Mac OS X

version: 3.0b
Fri. May 11, 2012

CC (by-nc-sa) Jocelyn Mallon, 2011-2012

Original windows version (C) 2010 by Daneshm90
Adapted from Linux version, by farmatito 2010

Basic Information:

Starting with version 3.0a, this script is setup by default to be run from the finder by double-clicking the "" icon. This is a wrapper application written in apple-script, that will prompt the user for the apkmanager folder on first run, and should prompt for it again if the folder is moved and the script errors.

Another new "feature" with v3.0, is the ability to use Homebrew and git to handle the installation of all required programs to function, and also enable automatic updates!

Please see the following pages for information, installation instructions, troubleshooting, changelog, etc.

  1. Basic Installation information
  2. Basic tips and tricks, etc.
  3. About/semi-FAQ
  4. Other Notes, etc.
  5. Advanced/Nerd information
  6. Source/info
  7. APK Manager Changelog
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