Radish seeks to be an open source, full-featured Point of Sale system and inventory tracker. This is the API side of the project.
- /product is done except for search/GET and OPTIONS.
- /transactions is done
- User endpoints
- Customer endpoints
- Add productGroup to the product class to insert into DB from there.
- METHOD boilerplates
By decoupling the database/API layer from the front end, we create a system designed to extend and integrate and "play nice" with other products. The aim of this project is to offer a variety of UIs and consumers for the API to make it easy to integrate with websites and existing tools.
Key Features:
- granular permissions at the user and group level
- security for every request
- designed to manage multiple stores and parts of the supply chain
- designed to integrate with anything that can take programmatic input
- designed to manage thousands of products, users, and locations
- modular design to keep functioning even if connectivity is limited
- RESTful and built for use with tools like AJAX and cURL.
- free and open source
- PHP 5.5+
- MySQL or compatible DB
- currently testing on Apache, but hopefully server agnostic. Once complete, reports and pull requests to support other servers welcome.
What follows is my rough planning outline of what the API will look like.
Sample request and response:
GET https://example.com/api/product/sku/?2040&signature=123×tamp=1368909000
{"2040":{"category":"Infant","discountType":null,"discount":null,"manufacturer":"Rich Frog","name":"Squeak Easy - Puppy","qoh":null,"retail":6.99,"sku":"2040","taxable":false,"upc":"683981052437","wholesale":6.99}}
/transaction (discounts can be created here)
GET transaction details
POST a new transaction
GET a list of transactions of certain types
Transaction should return links to: products and customer
/user (clerks, applications)
POST a new user, requests username, password returns passphrase and user id
GET a user's details
PUT updates to a user
DELETE a user
GET users in a group
POST a new group
PUT updates to an existing group
DELETE a group
GET a list of users by matching
/customer (discounts can be created here)
POST a new customer
GET customer details
PUT updates to customer details
DELETE a customer
GET customers in a group
POST a new group
PUT updates to an existing group
DELETE a group
GET a list of customers by matching
Customer should return links to transactions
/product (discounts can be created here)
POST a new product
GET - gets data about product or products
PUT - create/modify a product
DELETE - removes a product
GET data about products most closely matching the query
Product should return links to manufacturer
/source (manufacturers and reps)
GET (links to reports)
Report should return all links
All ends have a ?show and ?hide to adjust returned fields. ?show is exclusive, ?hide is inclusive.
Rather than having an htaccess, just have index.phps and require the method file (GET, POST, etc.) Default to "not allowed"
GET - retrieve data PUT - modify/create data. Idempotent (multiple requests don't make a change) (4x0 === 4x0x0) DELETE - remove data HEAD - get metadata without fetching the body OPTIONS - what methods am I allowed to do? POST - allow the server to put the data on the server where it wants to. Not idempotent (4x2 !== 4x2x2)
Authentication: Realms allow GET on each endpoint. Use self-signed https on each domain, basic authentication. Browser clients will have to visit the site in the browser and confirm the exception before using a client. Each user needs a public + secret password. Easily differentiated ID the user - public + secret Prevent tampering - public + non-transmitted secret (diceware word phrase)